Symbols and Class Divisions in The Great Gatsby

The Eyes of God

The eyes of God represent the idea that “Somebody is always watching.” The billboard is described as a pair of eyes looking through yellow spectacles. There is no face. The eyes symbolize someone always watching, the yellow rims represent the corruption of society and characters, and the lack of a face represents the hollowness of some characters.

The Green Light

First discovered by Nick when he watches Gatsby standing on his lawn, gazing at a green light emanating from the dock. The green light symbolizes Gatsby’s hopes and dreams for the future. Gatsby associates it with Daisy.

The Valley of Ashes

It represents the moral and social decay that results from the uninhibited pursuit of wealth, as the rich indulge themselves with no regard for anything but their own pleasure. The Valley of Ashes also symbolizes the plight of the poor, like George Wilson, who live among the dirty ashes and lose their vitality as a result.

The American Dream

The American Dream is often perceived as having a family, house, and car. However, although Gatsby possessed a mansion and riches, he was never able to obtain what he desired the most: happiness. Wealth includes more than just money. Therefore, one may never be truly happy because they will always desire more. The American Dream can be a false reality.

Gatsby’s Mansion

Many think that Gatsby’s life is perfect since he hosts parties in his mansion. Although Gatsby’s house is grand, it does not provide him with the happiness he is searching for. The Gatsby mansion is impressive on the outside but empty on the inside. *Never judge a book by its cover*.

Location: West Egg vs. East Egg

  • West Egg (not as fashionable/rich): Represents new people looking to make a fortune. New money, innovative, open.
  • East Egg (rich/old money): Where Daisy & Tom reside. East Egg is secluded. Tradition, inherited money, exclusive.
  • Nick lives between two mansions.

The West Coast represents the past and tradition. The East Coast represents the future, innovation, and modernity.

Social Classes

Old Money

Old Money is best represented by Daisy and Tom Buchanan. The Buchanans manipulated and destroyed the lower classes. They inherited all of their money and did not truly work for their achievements.

New Money

New Money is best represented by Gatsby and his illegal endeavors. New Money refers to those who have made their fortune within their generation. He lied and cheated through the system, although some work was put in to help them gain their wealth.

No Money

No Money is represented by the Wilsons. They struggle to survive despite working the hardest among the classes. This class works in the labor field, working for countless hours without having disposable income. This class endures misery as they work the hardest yet are at the bottom. There is no barrier for them to break. They have no access to success and must accept that they are part of the lower class.

Those with Old Money are much more conservative, while those with New Money are much more flashy with their wealth. Those with New Money are often perceived as less educated and less elegant than those with Old Money. Those with New Money have fewer social connections as they are products of the 1920s boom, whereas those with Old Money have been around long enough to have their wealth known and respected by many.