Tactical Fundamentals in Soccer

1 .- Tactics: definition and classes.
The conduct of a player, a group of them and all equipment, properly planned, coordinated and adapted to the own performance to that of the opponents and external circumstances in order to successfully meet both game situations in attack and defense.

2 .- What is meant by Individual Positional Tactics?
The shares, on offense or defense, made ​​by a single player, planned and in order to resolve situations successfully the tasks set by their position in the field.
Those obligations of a player by his position within the system that locates the computer field.
3 .- Individual Situational Tactics … What can you do the player carrying the ball?
. Reception of control (control of the game or forward) Pass (Short, Medium or Long) Centers Shooting at goal (a: Short, Medium and Long Distance.) Dodge 4 .- In the Individual Tactical Situational … What can you do the partner of the player carrying the ball?. Clear Support and Support (for operating and controlling the game)
Breaking · Clear (for easy pass or forward)
Creation of open spaces. 5 .- Tactically speaking … How should the receiving player, to avoid harassment of the opponent?. Should perform the action preceded by a feint and always directing the ball where it’s most convenient for subsequent action. 6 .- Who enforces the time of the pass, direction and trajectory? • The time of the pass, the direction and trajectory, which imposes itself apart, not the pasa.Hemos to have the ground conditions: In muddy terrain, passing through the air, on wet play Always pie.Jugar companion to the side that is not the contrary, we do il go to the top of the companion, always let us pass on his good leg. · If your partner calls us to uncheck the breaking ball, practice pass meeting. 8 .- What executor require shots from close range? • To shoot, let’s do Satin, pointing to the stick and hitting with the inside of the foot. First, because when thrown, as it reaches your body down, we have gained in time and has passed the ball. The interior is striking with the are safe. Short passes must be solved directly, ie without control. · Employ the use of the tip if the contrary, blocking, we intended to gain time. 9 .- What characteristics must the dribble, to do this successfully? · · It will be in private, avoiding the contrary in order to ensure possession of the ball. · • Always be preceded by a feint, to which we have been calculated, well, the parameters of time and distance separating us from the hand to carry it out successfully. 10 .- What do you mean when you say that … Quality of the game without the ball, will depend the success of the team? Because any movement of the attacker without the ball, forcing the defender to the corresponding reaction. The more interest and more concentration has to take the defender the attacker without the ball, you may pay less attention to the development of the attack the ball around the keeper and, of course, the very coordination, defensive organization, with its grupo.El fellow player is trying to elude the vigilance of the opponent to provide gaming solutions partner and to contribute as well, the team’s success.

11 .- To make a cash uncheck … When to get open? · • The partner, owner of the ball, it: .- controlling the ball and put in a position to be played ..- be seen the movement is distinguished companion. · If the uncheck it done before time, in contrast give you the opportunity to re-mark. · If it does then the defense will take time to interceptar.El right time should be preceded by a visual contact between the fellow participants and this takes time and practice.

To make a cash uncheck … How do you get open? ·

· The ideal will do so with a surprising acceleration to take advantage in time giving us the lead. · · This acceleration must be preceded by a feint to deceive (the hint on one side and exit the contrary).·
· Before performing the above actions, we must place ourselves at the back of the hand that marks where we can not see what the easement that requires the ball (the obligation to be watching constantly).

– To make a cash uncheck … Where do you have to get open? ·

° to a place where the partner, owner of the ball, we can see and have enough to get stuck. ° ° is the space book · · about or moving away, (ie, supporting or breaking ) partner as required by council situación.Mi: · himself in midfield, the uncheck support will keep the ball and control the game. · • In the center of the field, uncheck the bands should be at or Cross diagonally to win back the opponent. · • In the end, in depth, but always bearing in mind, of course, the fight against offside.

14 .- In defense, the Individual Tactical Situational. .. What actions can be performed on the contrary that carries the ball? · ·

Timing. · · Forwarding the progress of the band. · · Blocking shots on goal. · · Lock dangerous passes. · · Entry or Tackling 15 .- In defense, the Individual Tactical Situational … What actions can be performed on the opposite mate carrying the ball? · ·
Marking (the man, or mixed areas) · · Anticipation. · · Interception (if applicable)

What gives you the basic rules entry tactics to be successful? · •

In the time that on the contrary, you just take over the ball, it separates a little from the foot to move or start dribbling. · Do not attack head on, but approaching from the side , which must be the offender’s good leg. · • To be always attentive to the ball and not fall into the deception of the fakes. · · Bluff, if possible, with feints, the offender.

Types of marking and characteristics of each. · ·

The player is responsible for pre-assigned a particular contrast. Are characteristic of the man marking: · The player does not change during the game otherwise. · • The player is obliged to follow the hand down the field. ° ° areas.
The player is assigned a zone that is responsible and fiercely brand unlike in, or enter. If this gets out of it, just be escorted to the borders of the neighboring area.
Requires good intelligence and tactical awareness, readiness and coordination.
Are fundamental: · not leave the area that you have been assigned. · • During the game, the player will have to take a number of opponents, much like visiting your area. · · Joint
It is named for a mix of the previous two and its features are: • • The player has an assigned area and, losing the ball team, deals with the mark of the opponent who is on it. · · In this Otherwise do a man marking fledged while the opposing team has the ball, leaving the area, if necessary, to follow. · · will have the obligation to return to the assigned area, forgetting the previous hand when his team recover the ball.18 .- Disadvantages of man marking. · If on the contrary knows intelligently move frequently to seize the ball and initiate the offense, the team will be messed with logical problems. · • The killing and physical condition have to be large to successfully resolve the lengthy tours that we can bring the opposite. · • The player becomes selfish and lose altruism and solidarity that requires team play, since it is responsible for an opponent and his companions others, making it difficult to mutual aid. ° ° the same reason above, it is certainly much to give effect to the anticipations for the interception.
In case you do not get the ball and your opponent leaves only. · • Also, at times, certainly going to attack if you can not go back in time and, in doing so, the contrast is lost.

Disadvantages marking the areas. · ·

a player may put some heat in your area thinking that there are colleagues on the sides and behind to fix the mess. · • Although the zones, in theory, overlap, to be areas whose boundaries are only in the imagination, including deadly corridors can be created by the indecision of there you uncheck llevas.Con simultaneously: the one you drag the edge of the area while another enters it on the opposite side, is difficult to solve .

What tactical actions can make a group attack? ·

• Changing Positions: .- .- Relay Exchanges of move-doubling · Simple (short passing) in little space. · · Wall (single and double) . · · Relay Technician. · · Splitting Force (change of position behind) · of move, in depth, two or three players. · · band game. · · game to overcome the outside game · · Attacks Against: Superiority, Equality and outnumbered. · · Go back and play zone change.

What tactical media can be used to counter the challenge of an offside? ·

• Changes in direction from side to side, made ​​by centers top and back of the LPR that comes out. To go high, they are intercepted, and coming from far away enough to take the time to get to midfield late breaking without danger of falling out of the game. · • The car pass or dribble in advance of a man behind. · · The good use of the wall. Being more effective double wall which includes a delayed pass.

Actions basic tactics to attack against outnumbered. · ·

Game safe set (set at the foot) · Avoids confrontations 1:1 · · Drag advocates on one side by the game without the ball (to create an adjacent area clear). · • Support to mate with the ball to create momentary numerical superiority with plenty of space around it. · · Right use the time factor for the rapid implementation of a possible shot at goal .

Actions basic tactics to attack from numerical equality. ·

· Mobility continued to create you space to the holder of the ball. · · uncheck successful practice of support and break to organize the attack so that the holder of the ball, keep potential back-pass and depth. · · swaps the most advanced continuous. · · Practice Dodge to face new rivals and fellow free. · · practice passes to meet (the hole) and not at the bottom: (to make good use of time) · · Overcoming quick momentary numerical superiority defenses: building walls based partner support.24 .- Actions basic tactics to attack against superior numbers. · • Preparation sure the attack. · • Ensure the back of the possessor of the ball partner (Attack Coverage) · · driving forward at an angle to balance the views. · · Practice short slant pass (of the band center) to make the break. · · Value for racing. · · Finding the shot on goal.

What actions can make a group tactics in defense? · °

Coverage and swaps with fellow . ° Coverage successive (variable). · zone defense. · Defense, male or mixed, free. · · Provocation of Offside. · Defense: Inferiority, Equality and Superiority numeral 26 .- In what situations can successfully play the offside trap? · •
The decline towards the attacking centered ball from one end, either corners or free kicks. · If you are performing intensive Pressing or presence on the ball and holder requires this to happen back to secure their possession. · • In the throw-throw when the opponent stares at the ball when striking, though, sometimes, on the contrary, anticipating this tactic, fakes the throw .

Actions basic tactics to defend against superior numbers. · ·

retardant zonal marking. With what we want: .- Restrict ..- space to gain time our goal to become partners overcome. · · Timed, Retreating, to the contrary with the ball. · · Busy, with interzonal marking, the most dangerous otherwise positionally .

Actions basic tactics to defend against numerical equality. · ·

Mark to the most advanced (the most dangerous Situational). · • Presence Intensive by the holder of the game ball to induce precipitate and, therefore, the error or stop negative.

Actions basic tactics to defend against short-handed. · ·

defense-oriented game rapid recovery of the ball.
We should therefore: Bundle the holder of the ball in a match.
Make your partner coverage making the entry. · Opportunities annul the holder of the ball game by marking a consistent men. · · Prevent opportunities pass by block, and try to intercept if it occurred.

What tactical actions can make a team when you win the ball and goes on the offensive? · ·

SAVE TIME destructively · COUNTER: (direct, direct and individual basis). · ATTACK: · ATTACK BY · Attacks COMBINED practice: · Speed ​​Rate Changes, Scope, Progress and balance · • Changing the Game Zone, play bands. (Use of open areas) · Controlling the Ball Game by Conservation. (Play time) · · quick surprise attack (With control of the game and quick progression and surprising to attract the opposite). · · Fight against each LPR, according to their position.

Types of Counterattack. · ·

Direct Counterattack Individual · direct · Counterattack Counterattack been 32 .- What situation would be conducive to implementing the counterattack developed?
The ideal situation for forcing passes instead to drive the band forward, since in that area the number of passes ( solutions) available to get the ball to clear zone is more limited. Once in that situation, the pressure canceling coverage and marking solutions aggressive opponents who may be involved, give us the chance to steal the ball and begin the counterattack that the situation requires.

What three phases Attack is made? · ·

· Breaking · definition or shot on goal34 .- What is the effect on the Main Line of Resistance (LPR) progress oblique?
The move laterally and therefore balances the visions.
Threat on one side and causes open area on the opposite side. 35 .- What offensive is the ideal start to beat a LPR ahead?
The counterattack and quick attacks.
A long ball, led by a pass intended if possible or a clear oblique and back of the LPR which requires forced it to retreat, so that we fall into retrograde view.
If the ball picks up a partner, given the length of the shooting area for goal, it will not be possible, but you can move and come to the right place, which may be the penalty area, delay. This will make the LPR who is blind to that space, be paralyzed and ready to be broken easily. If the ball picks up the companion, but instead he recovers or goes out, we have extended the LAND and got a break to organize.
36 .- What kind of progress against a LPR corresponds middle? Progress in oblique with the idea of moving it laterally and balance the views.
In the key moment, a feint surprise can give us a break, relying on the help that we give the rules from the moment a balloon man dominated and way of goal can not be fouled, on pain of expulsion . We must be careful about the offside, so that men must be more advanced on the move, getting out of the area and the immediately preceding line, practicing breaking uncheck claiming the pass game.
If progress is correct, on the contrary, through voluntary withdrawals, complete with its LPR in late position. 37 .- What treatment has a closed LPR?
shooting, since the distance is small and permits. But without haste, following what reason demands, namely:? PASSING THE BALL BACK, looking to mate that comes with all the advantages of vision, time and angle.? Blind the doorman, the density of men will not be difficult if they hide the most advanced in the gaps.? SHOOT, preferably in a dish to prevent rebounds.

attack types and characteristics of each. · ·

Attack directoPorque is the style of team play, or hit the opponent in their defensive duties, the phase progress is reduced to a long pass, in depth, looking for more advanced men, coming directly to the stage of rupture.·
· Attack combinative one in which the three phases in the attack, they completely and the player must master and make perfect use of all the principles that provides simple offensive tactics.

What circumstances have to take to implement the Direct Attack? · •

When the opponent is superior technically and knows it. · • When but do not give the above circumstances, the opponent you need to have the result against and, mentally, rightly handling thecontrolled fury. · · In these, we can add one in which, once studied the template, the coach of their poverty is perceived technical and decided to practice with his team, this form of gambling.

What is the Positional Tactics to enforced by each line, in Direct Attack? ° °

The defense should have a ball moving, powerful and accurate. Also, once made a pass, they should work to tighten the lines shrinking spaces. ° ° The tips should dominate, well, play with his back to the opposite end, with the support of the hunger of midfield. Likewise, if you can not control the long pass from his teammates, should strive for the opposite contention, that this is forced to punt, and if possible, with short punts. · • The midfield will be responsible for creating the Offensive balance, ready going after a pass from his fellow starting line to occupy rightly reject line, where you drop the ball cleared by the opposing defense and enjoy the advantages of vision and time, Instead, the main thing is already accomplished. Just need a good understanding with the tips and the man who, from behind the lines, broken by banda.La gain the ball, by men who reject line up, can and should result in similar practical situations to all types of counterattacks.

41 .- In the advance phase in the combined attack … Logical relationship with what should be happening offensive principles?

Offensive principles, called simple, which provides the tactics, namely: · Support and uncheck to provide gaming solutions in the form of permanent aid, the co-holder ball. · Creation of open spaces could be occupied by classmates or uncheck breaking developments and exploited by means of changes in direction, thereby giving rate and progression to the game. · · Mastering the relay and split, as a solution for good rational occupation of the field, which is the remedy to avoid being caught with a counter in the turnover. · · Continuous most advanced mobility, practicing the exchanges, to be concerned about the opposite and force him to divert attention of the partner owner of the ball. ° ° Finally, dominate and abuse the walls, single and double, which is the main remedy to counter any type of defense.

A combined attack well-executed … What principles should have implicit complex as a sine qua non? ·

• Management of the tempo of the game perfect. Know when to control the ball game or advance conservation of speed. Impose a rhythm game and change after timing. · · Extent of the game on the line of the ball and his art. · · Balance offensive in areas of the game, creating numerical superiority, perhaps momentary. · • Changes of play area for the correct use of cleared areas. · · numerical superiority in the area of the ball. · ° CORRECT bands play creating momentary numerical superiority by cross behind.

Team Tactical Actions in defense. · ·

Defense: the man, by area, mixed or combined. · LPR Early, Middle or delayed. · · LPR Media or delayed with intense presence on the ball holder. · · LPR or Early Media with Pressing.
(general intensive presence) . · LPR closed.
44 .- The man defense and joint defense, have to form, mandatory, free.

In order to have a good defensive work by areas, … What conditions should be? · ·

LPR there is a parallel line located on the line ready to lead the offside. ° ° in each area, players dominate the 1:1 and, together with a partner, 2:1. · · that between the lines of: Initiation, Development and Termination, ie between the LPR, the midfield and the tip is limited space necessary for the opponent can not move easily between the lines (bilge spaces). Try build a BLOQUE.46 .- Characteristics of Intensive Presence
Team LPR can place your delayed or middle zone, set up that block and act on the contrary as follows: The holder of the ball will compress time and space around the ball, pressing at least two men. In this perspective, and trying to avoid the 1:1 that usually always lose, the opponent will be forced to play fast, so most of the time, it will precipitate. You will not find much support, as their peers, have increasingly less time to desmarcarse.En a word, intense presence, we intend to recover the ball by self-induced failure otherwise.

Characteristics of pressing

Is appropriate advance our LPR and in addition to narrow spaces, causing her offside. The team, collectively, and otherwise moving on land, the holder of the ball, not pushed, but gets saucy with the coverage of one or two companions and was canceled, while all gaming solutions by marking, aggressive, all potential partners who offer apoyos.La numerical superiority is achieved by tilting the entire team towards the ball and leaving the inferiority to the opposite field.

When, in a computer, Combined Tagging is doing?

When a team, not all players make the same type of marking, we say that, collectively, make a marking COMBINED.