Patent Registration in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide

Patent Penalties in Pakistan

The patent law in Pakistan outlines penalties for violations under the Patent Act. While infringement itself is not a criminal act, certain actions can lead to consequences. Here are some key points:

Penalties for Specific Violations

  • Secrecy Provisions: Failure to comply with secrecy directions or making patent applications in contravention can result in imprisonment or fines.
  • False Information: Providing false information in registers or documents is punishable by imprisonment
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Glossary of Land Revenue Terms in Pakistan

Glossary of Land Revenue Terms

Definitions and Explanations

Agricultural Year

The agricultural year in Pakistan begins on July 1st or another date determined by the Board of Revenue with government approval. This date is relevant for calculating land revenue arrears.

Arrears of Land Revenue

Arrears refer to land revenue payments that remain unpaid after the due date.

Assessment Circle

An assessment circle is a group of estates with similar characteristics that allow for a common set of rates to be used

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Constitutional History of Pakistan: Amendments and Failures

Fifth Amendment

Main Features and Effects on Judiciary

  • Chief Justice of Supreme Court:
    • Term of office: 5 years
    • Maximum age: 65 years
    • Pension upon retirement at age 65
    • Cannot be reappointed after serving as Chief Justice
  • Chief Justice of High Court:
    • Term of office: 4 years
    • Maximum age: 62 years
    • Pension upon retirement at age 62
    • Cannot be reappointed after serving as Chief Justice
  • Separate High Courts for Balochistan and Sindh:
    • Established separate High Courts for Balochistan
  • High Courts and Fundamental Rights:
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Untitled 4

1. Introduction:
Fundamental rights are the basic rights of the citizens. in the constitution of 1973 the list of fundamental right has been given and it has also been clarified that any law repugnant to these fundamental rights will be considered null and void. every democratic state recognizes the fundamental rights of its citizens.
2. Relevant provisions
Articles 8-28
3. Objective resolution as part of the constitution:

The principles and provisions set out in the objectives resolution , objectives Read More

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Aligarh Movement


After 1857, the Muslims emerged as a backward nation; they were illiterate and hopelessly ignorant in every walk of life. Nevertheless, they were economically, politically, socially and to be more exact religiously made the subject of ruthless punishment. In such conditions, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan came forward and tried to help the Muslims come out from such miserable conditions. He guided the Muslims towards the right path and attempted to draw out the Muslims from such

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