Tech Terms: Definitions of Computer and Mobile Technology
AAC: A music file format of higher quality than MP3.
Accuracy: A GPS’s measurement of correctness; the ability to measure correctly.
Anchor: A word, phrase, or image that includes a hyperlink.
Anti-antivirus virus: A virus that attacks anti-virus software.
Avatar: An image in a computer game that represents a person.
Automation: The use of machines to perform tasks without human assistance.
Backdoor: Part of a program giving undesired access.
Bluetooth: A wireless network that connects your phone with other devices.
Blog: A website where a person writes posts.
CAD (Computer-Aided Design): The use of a computer to design products.
Call waiting: A feature of some cell phones that alerts you that someone is calling while you are on the line.
Capacity: The amount of space available to store files.
Cartography: The art (practice) of mapmaking.
CBT (Computer-Based Training): The use of a computer to train employees.
Coordinates: Groups of numbers that describe location expressed by numbers.
Customize: To change for your individual needs and purposes.
Dashboard: A display that shows recently used files and programs.
Decode: To return a file to its original format.
Dock: A device that connects an MP3 player to a computer.
DVD: A storage disc device for videos and images.
Elevation: Height above sea level.
Encoders: Devices that convert (relay) mechanical data to a network.
Ethernet network: A high-speed network that links computers together.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): A list of common questions with their answers.
Fault tolerant: The ability to continue functioning after an error.
Feed: A format that lets you easily read updated news.
Flash: A media format that can be used to add videos and other media to a website.
Forum: A website where people can discuss topics.
Gigabyte: A unit of memory or hard drive capacity.
Hacker: A person who illegally exploits hardware and software.
Handle: A name that a person creates to access an account on a computer or website.
Host: A computer system that has a computer virus attached to it.
Identity theft: Stealing another’s personal information, which is on the rise.
Integrity: The ability to perform consistently without error (or breaking).
Intruder: A person or program that accesses a computer without permission.
Keylogger: A type of trojan virus that tracks what keystrokes are entered.
Latitude: A location relative (north or south) of the Equator.
Link: A word or words on a website or document.
Lithium-ion battery: A battery (a power source) in cell phones.
Longitude: A location relative (east or west) of the Prime Meridian.
Malware: Any type of malicious software.
Media player: Used to add media format videos to a web page.
Message board: An online application that displays and organizes messages from users.
MMORPG: A type of online computer game in which many people interact with a virtual world.
MP3: The standard format for digital audio files (encoding sound files).
Multimedia: Any type of media used on a webpage, including images and videos.
Open system: A system that can use many different types of machines.
Overwriting virus: A virus that copies its code over and destroys the files of the original data.
Patch: A code to fix errors (flaws) in a computer program.
Pharming: A fake website to trick people; fools many people.
Phishing: Tricking people into giving information through email.
Piggyback: To gain unauthorized access to a computer system by using the owner’s connection.
Popup: An unwanted advertisement on a web browser.
Pretexting: Tricking people into giving personal information over the phone.
Priority inversion: A software problem that can lower production.
Processing speed: A measurement of how quickly a computer works.
Protocol: A set of rules.
Resident extension: An add-on that makes a computer virus a part of the host computer’s OS.
Scanner: A device used to capture the information stored on credit cards.
Text message: A short, written message that a person sends to and from a cell phone.
Toggle: To move (switch) from one file or setting to another.
Trojan horse: Appears to be beneficial but is actually malicious.
Video subsystem: Part of the computer that presents (creates) the visuals.
Virus: A program file that installs without permission.
Voice activation: A feature of some cell phones that dials a number by voice instead of by hand.
Voicemail: A feature that lets you listen to or leave an electronic spoken message.
Worm: A type of malicious software that replicates through emails.