Technical Applications and Material Properties

Technical Applications

  • Topographical Surveying: Mapping surface features.
  • Geological Exploration: Applications in mining and the oil industry.
  • Civil Engineering: Setting out position and levels of new structures.
  • Avionics Equipment: Air traffic control, navigation, and autopilot systems.
  • Maritime Applications: Navigation and safety at sea.
  • GPS in Cars and Trucks: Highway navigation and vehicle tracking.

Connections and Movement

  1. Connecting: Joining
  2. Raise: Lift / Make something go up
  3. Transported: Carried
  4. Support: Hold something firmly
  5. Attached: Fixed
  6. Ascend: Climb up
  7. Powered: Provided with energy
  8. Controlled: Driven / Have movement directed

Energy Efficiency and Reliability

(1) Energy-efficient gearless machine. (2) Reduces power consumption. (3) Conventional geared machine dramatically (4) reduce wear and increase to further (5) enhance reliability and safety. Unlike visual inspections of (6) conventional steel ropes, Otis has created (7) superior system that (8) eliminates the need for a machine room.

Simplifying Concepts

  1. Simplifying the language: Simply / In order – words / Basically
  2. Simplifying the concept: Effectively / Essentially / Basically
  3. Focusing on technical terms: What we call / What we refer to as
  4. Illustrating with images: If you imagine / If you picture

Ecological Issues and Heat

5.a) Green refers to ecological issues. Red refers to heat (red hot means very hot). Also, a hot topic is a current important topic.

Braking Systems and Energy

5.b) In pairs, answer the following questions

  1. Why do most braking systems waste energy? Because braking systems generate kinetic energy that is dissipated like heat.
  2. What are regenerative braking systems? That recover energy generated during deceleration and store it.
  3. What characteristics are required of material? The ability to generate high levels of friction, and to resist the effects of friction and consequent heat.
  4. What is meant by heat soak, and why is it a problem in racing cars? Heat from the engine being absorbed by the chassis, which can damage sensitive parts such as electronic components and plastic parts.

Degrees of Intensity


  1. Extremely, exceptionally, tremendously
  2. Quite, fairly, pretty, relatively
  3. Not very, not particularly, not (all) that
  4. Not enough, insufficiently, not adequately
  5. Definitely not, not at all

Material Properties for Watches


  • Steel is relatively heavy and very tough. It is pretty scratch-resistant and shock resistant; therefore, suitable for watches.
  • Glass is quite heavy and is water-resistant and corrosion-resistant. Ordinary glass is very brittle and has fairly poor shock resistance and scratch resistance, although it is still suitable for watches.
  • Aluminum has good corrosion resistance. It is therefore suitable for watches.
  • Titanium is exceptionally lightweight and tough and has excellent abrasion resistance. It is also extremely corrosion-resistant and is therefore an excellent watch material.
  • Gold is extremely heavy and pretty tough, although softer grades of gold have quite poor shock resistance and scratch resistance. It is suitable for more expensive, decorative watches.

Cutting Techniques


  1. Sawing: Abrasive cutting, removing a kerf of material. Includes cutting with toothed blades and abrasive wheels.
  2. Shearing: Use of pressure on smooth-edged blades for guillotining.
  3. Drilling: Using hole-saws for cutting circumferential kerfs.
  4. Milling: Removal of surface layers with multiple cutting wheel passes.
  5. Flame-Cutting: Using oxy fuel.

Connection Types


1 connecting; joining; fixing = describes any kind of connection.

2 bolting; riveting = describes mechanical connections only.

3 bonding; gluing; welding = describes non-mechanical connections only.

Bolting and Bonding

11b…. The future? If a part is bolted on, it can obviously… two components are bonded to each other with strong adhesive, or welded together then …. tightly nuts are screwed onto/to bolts, vibration can …… Components are rarely joined to each other in ideal conditions….

Spatial Relationships


  1. Projecting above the chair was a cluster of ropes….
  2. Anchor ropes were fastened around the bumper of the car.
  3. Larry Walters had an airgun inserted in his pocket.
  4. The helium contained within the balloons …..
  5. After takeoff, the anchor ropes remained suspended beneath the chair.

Guided Vehicle Specifications

7c)..guided vehicles 108Omm (1) wide (as specified by the c|ient) We propose a standard (2) width of 1280mm for each superflat lane. At 14.5m, the (3) length of the … (4) depth has not, however, been added to the overall slab (5) thickness, which remains 2 75mm…. many of which need to be fixed at a precise (6) height above finished floor level – are unaffected.

Communication and Design Process

10a) I attach—attached—please find–we now–please note.

Types of Drawings


  1. A sketch is a rough drawing of initial ideas.
  2. A design brief is a written summary intended to specify design objectives.
  3. A working drawing is an approved drawing used for manufacturing or installation.
  4. A preliminary drawing is a detailed drawing that colleagues and consultants are invited to approve if they accept them.

Revisions and Feedback


1 accept / approve 2 amend/ revise 3 approximate/ rough 4 circulate/ issue 5 give feed back/ comment on 6 replace/ update/ supersede 7 state/ specify 8 solve/ resolve