Technology’s Impact: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Future

The Impact of Technology on Modern Life

The world of technology is making strides. Each new release of any type of technological element differs greatly from its predecessor.

In this evolution, mobile phones are the devices that have changed the most since their appearance. I still remember the movies of the 80s where you could see this type of phone that looked like real bricks, uncomfortable to carry and use, quite the opposite of what happens today.

But not only telephones, but also film players, computers, and even everyday technological elements such as washing machines or refrigerators have undergone a great transformation in recent years.

Advantages of Technology

  1. It allows communication and interaction in society.
  2. It promotes the quality of learning and the development of skills in society.
  3. It increases economic productivity in society.
  4. It allows development and teaching in education.

Disadvantages of Technology

  1. Less security for society.
  2. There is inadequate management of technological tools.
  3. There is an easy addiction for those who use it.
  4. There is environmental pollution and damage to people due to the creation of inventions in smog-producing factories.
  5. Privacy in certain cases is violated.
  6. There is the impersonation of personality, as well as delinquency.

Now that we have seen some of the impacts of technology on modern life, it is our responsibility to use technology to improve our lives, but also to make sure that we preserve our society and protect the environment. If we do not control the use of technology, it could end up harming both society and the environment.

And: y Not only… but also: no solo… sino también

Not only… but… as well: no solo… sino…también

Both… and: tanto… como No sooner… than: apenas…cuando

Otherwise: de otro modo If/whether:

Unless: a menos que Provided/providing/as long as: siempre que, mientras

In case: en caso de que Although/though/even though: aunque

Even if: incluso si Not even if: ni siquiera si Despite/in spite of: a pesar de

Regardless of: sin importar Therefore: por lo tanto Hence: de ahí

Thus: por lo tanto So: entonces Consequently: por lo tanto, en consecuencia

Moreover/furthermore/besides: además/ por otra parte/ para colmo

In addition to: además de Not only… but also: no solo…sino que también/incluso

What´s more: lo que es más Parallel that: paralelamente, junto a eso

But: pero However: sin embargo Nonetheless/nevertheless: sin embargo

Yet/even so: aun así, sin embargo Still: sin embargo Instead: en su lugar, en lugar de ello

Whereas/while: mientras que On the contrary: por lo contrario On the other hand: por otro lado In other matters: por otro lado Nor: ni Notwithstanding: a pesar de que

In conclusion: en conclusion

To sum up: para resumir

A short conversation in a shop

Can I help you? V

No thanks, I’m just looking. C

No, actually, Have you got this jumper in different colours? C

Yes we have it in blue, green and white. V

Can you bring me a blue one please? C

Right away. What size are you? V

Extra-large, Can I try it on? C

Of course, the fitting room is here. V

Excellent… I’ll take it. C

Ok… please pay at the cash desk, I’ll accompany you. V

Would you like to pay by credit card or in cash, sir? V

In cash. Sorry I only have a 100 dol note… is that okay? C

Ok, thanks very much C