
Gynecological surgery can affect :Femininity, Body image, Relationships, Sexuality, The pelvic floor muscles, Hormonal balance, Quality of life, Mobility habits. vulvar cancer ,vaginal cancer,cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and tubal, breast cancer highest 31%

PREOPERATIVEnursing care, (begins from outpatient department) information about the procedure, -preoperative preparationà operating theathre & reporting

INTRAOPERATIVEnursing care, -receive the woman to operation room and reporting, surgery, transfer to recovery room àtransfer to the wardàreporting

POSTOPERATIVEnursingcare, -ICU, basic ward,-follow-up treatment.

A hysterectomy is an operation to remove a woman’s uterus. A woman may have a hysterectomy for different reasons: Uterine fibroids that cause pain, bleeding, or other problems, Uterine prolapse, which is a sliding of the uterus from its normal position into the vaginal canal, Cancer of the uterus, cervix, or ovaries,Abnormal vaginal bleeding, Chronic pelvic pain , thickening of the uterus.

Patients are in an interview the previous day, when filled with anesthesia form. Instruct no eat, no smoking and take shower in the morning. Klexane prophylaxis, suppositories Metalax-
Laboratory tests and rtg, Written and spoken instructions, Surgery preparation; shaving in genital area, the navel purification and identification of Avopaita.

Role of nurse – The patient is given information, Treatments, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
Side effects, their prevention and treatment, Healthy lifestyles, Cancer Society, Social insur. Benefits

Side effects – -fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, urinary problems, flatulence, diarrhea.

Radiotherapy – – skin is more sensitive to hot and, Vaginal radiation therapy can cause mild bleeding (Use ovestin cream 1 month), Hair can leave from radiotherapy area

Chemo – – healthy tissue damage,Symptoms and severity vary depending on the chemotherapeutic medicinal products, the size of the dose, the patient’s general health and individual tolerability. The blood values are monitored, because the treatment will lower the number of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets, Susceptibility to infections increases leukocytes decreases, avoid places where the flu is on the move. If the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, a sign of infection. Dry mouth. Loss of hair, don’t comb or wash after treatment few days. Ice cap. The palms and soles of the feet may get redness, swelling and flaking. Nail may become discolored and the nail may come loose. Reduce sexual desire, dried out mucous membranes. Wear wigs. Weight loss; has bearing of dosage of drug. Make sure patient taken prodrugs in advance before chemo. Monitor patient when giving chemo. First aid in case of an anaphylactic reaction. During the infusion may be hypersensitivity reactions usually occur during the first 10 minutes of treatment: Redness of the face, Skin reactions
itching , Chest tightness ,Back pain, breathing Difficulties. FAMILY the most important means of survival, including spirituality, expressing feelings and hope TRUST treatments and care staff increased HOPE informational support. Psychological support, discussion and listening, individual support.

breast cancerSelf Examination, Mammography, for more than 50 years, every two years. Early onset of menstruation, Late menopause, No childbirth, High first-natal age, Prolonged treatment of menopause hormones, Overweight, Heavy use of alcohol, Hereditary predisposition. mastectomy.

Reduce nausea – – eat small meals often, eat slowly and chew food properly, Acidic foods often reduce nausea, The sense of taste and smell may change, Food Drink before a meal, rest after a meal. Diarrhea: intake of fluids, Avoiding gas-forming food, Blueberry, banana, toast, rice, etc.
Medicines. Constipation: The fibers more, Drinking, Exercise, laxatives.

PregnancySUBJECTIVE, symptoms / signs, A missed period, morning sickness, Appetite changes, special cravings (pica), Fatigue, Tight feeling, growth in your stomach, Frequent urination (hormonal)
Fetal movements, Breast enlargement, tenderness, HCG in urine or blood, Ultrasound; The earliest way to detect pregnancy, The fetal heart sounds.

It takes an average of 280 days from and 40 weeks from the last menstrual period start date. Full weeks (35 + 4) the duration of the pregnancy, a large biological variation (38-42).-Ultrasound, almost everyone, W 12. I TRIMESTERLast period – W13, II TRIMESTER W14 – W28, III TRIMESTER W29 – birth.

Symptoms – Changes in the skin; increased pigmentation (liver spots, abdominal, nipples, perineum) – steroid hormones, Stretch marks (striae gravidarum) collagen?, Early pregnancy nausea, Heartburn
Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Varicose veins, leg cramps, Swelling, Fatigue and need for sleep (I trimester), psychological factors, crying Sensitivity, Lower abdominal pain, sensation of heaviness
irregular contractions, Frequent urination.

The placenta is responsible for: carries oxygen to the fetus, act the fetal lungs and liver, filter mother’s blood stream nourishment to the fetus, act as a barrier between mother and fetus, protecting the unborn child from harmful substances.

ClinicPeriodic health checks in accordance with the recommendations -To identify possibly early term pregnancy disorders and their risk factors, early intervention and control -Identify the early special needs of families, targeted support -Strengthening health resources, -Parenting support / reinforcement, -support for partnership, -Parents promotion of sexual and reproductive health
-Multi-professional family coaching, -Home visits, -Cooperation with various actors in the municipal, specialized care, etc. -Children of families expecting their services ->guidance.

Birth risk – STRESS, sole custody, The lower socio-economic class, Depression, stress life events, EXCESSIVE UTERINE GROWTH, Multiple pregnancy, CERVICAL PROBLEMS, The previous second trimester miscarriage, Gestational diabetes (GDM), Abnormal fetal heart rate:, Abnormal fetal movement.

Birth — Mood swings are common and a surge of energy, 2-3 weeks before the onset of labour the lower uterine segment expands and allows the fetal head to sink lower engage in the pelvis, particularly in first-time mothers fundus of the uterus descends more room for the lungs breathing easier, the heart and stomach can function more easily, Under hormonal influence the symphysis pubis widens and the pelvic floor becomes more relaxed and softened. Normal, fulltime labour w. 38-42. Childbirth <h 37premature , > h 42postmature,Sign, symptoms, contractions Amnion fluid, water broke Random (casual) Factors; diarrhoea,sexual intercourse, physical stress. Contractions about 5 min at intervals and last at least2-3 hours. Ifprevious labour quickInduviduality situation, Vaginal bleeding, water broke.