Text Classification in Communication: An Overview

Text Classification in Communication

Elements of Textual Analysis

The classification of different types of textual analysis focuses on the elements involved in communication. Each text must be clear about the following:

  • The term it deals with
  • The issuer or sender
  • The recipe or method used
  • The channel of communication
  • The intentions behind the text
  • The code used (language, symbols)
  • The role of language
  • The register or level of formality
  • The genre it belongs to

These elements determine the style and structure of a text. Let’s examine different types of texts:

Scientific, Technical, and Humanistic Texts

Scientific Texts

Scientific texts build theoretical explanations of reality, particularly in the physical dimension. These include biology, geology, physics, chemistry, life sciences, mathematics, and medicine. Theoretical sciences are often born from observation.

Technical Texts

Technical texts utilize the theoretical knowledge of science in fields like engineering, mechanics, electronics, and computer science.

Humanistic Texts

Humanistic texts study the human condition beyond the physical realm. This includes geography, history, philosophy, psychology, education, social relations (politics, law, sociology), and linguistic expression.

All of these text types are specialized in certain areas of knowledge. The sender possesses thorough knowledge of the material, and the receiver is typically a specialist (or someone with general knowledge of the subject). Scientific, technical, and humanistic (CTH) texts are objective, informative, or instructional. They are usually transmitted through written channels, although oral communication can occur in conferences, television programs, and radio broadcasts. CTH texts often employ symbolic codes (numbers, formulas, chemical symbols). The language is monosemic (having a single meaning) and was created by the scientific community through specific linguistic mechanisms.

Linguistic Mechanisms for Creating Specialized Words (Terminology)

  • Usage of Roots from Classical Languages: Greek and Latin roots are used to create words in science and technology. For example: PHOTO = light (photocopy, photography, photosynthesis); Phobia = rejection (arachnophobia, claustrophobia).
  • Techniques for Differentiation (Affixes): Prefixes and suffixes are used to modify the meaning of words, such as in”stor” and”poisoning”
  • Composition Techniques: Two words can be combined to create a new one, like”dropper” Syntagmatic composition involves a group of words acting as a single meaning, such as”airlift””noble gas” and”test tube”
  • Borrowings: Words can be borrowed from other languages without adaptation (e.g.,”sit”), with orthographic adaptation (e.g.,”socce”), or translated (e.g.,”mous”).
  • Abbreviations and Acronyms: Examples include UN (United Nations Organization) and CCOO.
  • Eponyms: Names that become common nouns or trademarks, such as Kleenex, Aspirin, Molotov cocktail, Marxism, Kafkaesque, and ammonia.

Administrative and Legal Texts

: What are the rules governing relations with ciutadas and do everything through a series of documents very structure fixed q can manage a clear objective and the administrative or judicial, q we affect. Depending on the situation of the sender and receiver can be the institutions and citizens and vis eversa. / / The word mensa goals and are always displayed as a treatment protocol or treatment q q gives the receiver must follow administrative rules. / / Most of these texts through the channel Magazine / Journal writing and have a code formalitzaqt prevails, the information function and also the function q conativa looking a certain response from the receiver. / Type texts:-request,-license: to validity, – contract: agreement mong 2 parts – meeting requests. / / Legal texts: – Complaint: q is presented in writing to start a lawsuit. – Complaint: q communicate certain facts are not correct. – Judgment, or complaint: mutual denounces. Journalistic texts: are issued to the media (press, radio, TV) the sender, not an enterprise group, news agency, hired a journalist working for q ½ either a journalist collaborator named or freelance. / current topics (politics, echo. Society, culture, science, art, etc. ..). The receiver is always a large audience and intent of the texts can be exposed if objective and subjective information is related to whether a review. Depending on different genera and objectivity of information: news-and reportattge target genera-opinion (editorial article do’opinio, the letters of the director or the criticism – January interpretive (chronic interview interpretative report.) Texts literature in the world of literature in all genres (fiction, poetry, drama) texots subjective character, created by 1 author using their imagination and experience of the visa, prevails in these texts and the language poetic function with q expresats are now connutatiu q value. As the channel is usually written x = theater oral resources q uses a escroptor have to do with the rhetorical figures. All literary text either short or long always have an elaborate and complex.