Text Types and Features: A Comprehensive Guide

Text Types and Features

Scientific Texts

Purpose: To discover the causes of natural processes based on valid and demonstrable truths.


  • Scientific: Focuses on scientific concepts and theories.
  • Technical: Describes practical applications of scientific concepts.


  • Clarity in Order: Follows a logical structure (thesis-development or development-thesis).
  • Precision: Uses extensive phrases, noun and verb complementation, jargon, definitions, and enumerations.

Humanistic Texts

Focus: Study of man from a social (law, economy) and individual (philosophy, art) perspective.


  • Expository: Provides information on a topic.
  • Argumentative: Presents arguments based on reasoning to persuade the reader.


  • Deductive (theory-development)
  • Inductive (development-thesis)
  • Framed (thesis-development-thesis)
  • Parallel (Topic 1, Topic 2, Topic 3 [comparison])


  • Morphological Level: Abundance of adjectives, abstract nouns, verbs, and conjunctions.
  • Syntactic Level: Extensive nominal and verbal complementation, use of generalization mechanisms.
  • Lexical Level: Use of cultisms and social science jargon.
  • Semantic Level: Well-structured texts with an emphasis on style and rhetorical devices.

Legal and Administrative Texts

Purpose: Govern the operation of society and administration.


  • Legal: Court-based texts, including laws, sentences, appeals, and demands.
  • Legislative: Laws based on legislative bodies (parliament) and normative texts.
  • Administrative: Communications within the administration.


  • Written texts with a focus on accuracy.
  • Prescriptive texts (forced compliance) with a conative function.
  • Structured organization: applicant details, exhibition, request, signing, date, and location.
  • Frequent use of descriptive adjectives and evaluative verbs in the third person.
  • Abundance of nominal and verbal complementation.
  • Use of technicalities, Latinisms, and formal phrases.
  • Clear structuring of content with white spaces separating sections.

Literary Texts


  • Invention by the author (fiction).
  • Plurisignificative language with a poetic function.
  • Emphasis on both form and content.
  • Use of linguistic levels to enhance the artistic effect.
  • Connotative language and rhetorical devices.

Literary Devices:

  • Phonic Level: Alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme, assonance, consonance.
  • Morphosyntactic Level: Hyperbaton, anaphora, parallelism, chiasmus.
  • Semantic Level: Hyperbole, personification, epithets, metaphor, metonymy, symbol.