Text Types: Humanistic, Advertising, Journalistic, Scientific, Legal, and Literary

Humanistic Texts

Any writing whose main objective is humankind and its activities, mental faculties, and relationships. The genre reflects on common themes. Essay: easy writing style, presents a problem, point of view, and development. The fragment is not loaded with appointments. The linguistic function of dialogue is representative. Language distinguishes the speculative doctrinal. Argumentative language. Abstract vocabulary. Ordered syntactic disposition. Simple and logical value as a preponderant verb. Habitual.

Advertising Texts

Purpose: to convince the receiver. Must be simple, clear, and of homogeneous diffusion. Channels of communication are constituted by own means. The message often consists of a single text + image (icon). Slogans are easy to remember or definitions. Domination of nominal construction. Function of the language is appealing. Predominant presence of the receiver in the message. Absolute impersonality of the sender. Very short phrases, with omission of the verb. Importance of the explanatory adjective, presence of the possessive verb used in the index, this connotation or essential future.

Journalistic Texts

Two types of text: informative and opinion. Noticia (News): The content is set at 6 Ws. Parts of the news: ante-title, title, lead, body of the news. Information should follow brevity, clarity, and objectivity. Representative function. The sole predominant modality is the narrative lexicon. We can find different ways of knowing. Noun of own particular adjectives specified verb 3rd person. Use of short paragraphs. Amplification leads to reportaje (report). Articles and reviews are distinguished in: editorial, feature articles, letters to the editor.

Scientific Texts

Existence of a standard language. Abundance parallel to the language and need for technical terms. Tendency towards universality. Monosemy. Clarity, short sentences, and frequent definitions. Functions of the parasyntax. Representative language and the metalinguistic. The interest in information prevails. Frequency of repetition of words. Concrete noun. Adjective widely used in this specificative. Verb indicative purposes. Frequency of comparison, addition of name, possible questioning to raise problems. Use of typographics. Formal or artificial language elements.

Legal and Administrative Texts

Tendency to the official, divided into 3 types: legal, procedural, precise. Tendency of administrative paragraphs. Division in the construction tends to be impersonal. The lexicon is formulary. Frequency of monosemy. Building with “k” or “k akel.” The function of language is uniquely representative. Verb uses subjunctives. Importance of expository. The modality is substantive. Predominance of the adjective is not abundant. Clarity and exhaustiveness. Tripartite division joins header, body, and foot.

Literary Texts

Cultured language. Its use form is divided into prose and verse. Reflects objective reality and imagination sensations. Function of the poetic. Predominant expressive and often profuse use. Adjective of the noun with the verb connativo value. Syntax use cannot be generalized. Repetition. It is based on the lexical-semantic level to point out the need for contextualization. Interest in phonic elements. Classical poetics distinguishes 3 genres: epic, lyric, and dramatic.