Textiles, Carpets, and Drawing: A Comprehensive Guide to Materials and Techniques

Textiles and Carpets. FABRICS Fabrics are the media for paintings and fundamental materials for clothing, fashion, and all types of fabrics. The fabrics are going to see mainly two things: a) Yarn: The tissue is the result of several threads we can have animal origin (wool, silk), vegetable (flax, hemp, cotton) or synthetic chemicals (rayon and polyester). Animal and plant fibers require prior preparation (up to the eighteenth century these operations were not mechanized). Yarn: conversion of fibers into yarn. Different means to do so: + Time: wrapping the fibers around a nail. + Rueca. + Spinning Wheel: It was developed in India in 500 BC, used until 200 years ago when it was replaced by machinery (still being used in rural areas). Produces a fine thread and homogeneous, because it maintains a constant speed. The wires should be placed in cattle for the weft and the warp skeins. When it is spinning, you have to dye it (before or after weaving). Animal dyes (cochineal which gives a red color) or vegetables (da indigo blue). Since the eighteenth century were used dyes or chemical dyes. B) Fabrics: telary is done in the process of placing the warp threads parallel and suspenders and do to the threads of the fabric (perpendicular) with a shuttle side and the other (always return). Combining warp and weft weave is formed. + According to material, the armature (the result) is: + taffeta (silk). + Poplin (cotton or wool) + cloth (woolen) 4.2 Tapestry: A tapestry is a fabric or tissue with characteristics that represents figures to cover walls or walls. The warp threads are usually resistant (flax, hemp) without color, the plot gives the picture (gold, silk, silver). First you make a sketch and from this board. Cartons painters (Rubens, Goya…). Important upholsterers who perform these works (for the Flemish Gobelin Pannemaker or Paris). 4.3 Carpet Carpet colored floor rooms. High strength, import the nodes that are binding to the warp and form different designs on it (the warp is hidden). Shaving is very important, the longer lose any quality (normal is 4-12 mm). In the knot machine carpets is false. Glass Enamel: coupling technique of glass powder onto metal support and then melt into the fire. Materials: iron paddle out and put the glaze, oven, scissors, pliers, molten glass, brushes, spatulas. It is used on gold, silver, iron or bronze. The support has to be very polished and the surface must be convex (but to be separated from dry support). + Cell Enamel (Cloisonne) is the most senior and make small partitions like mosaic and each is given enamel. You can sand the walls. It is also used in contemporary jewelry. + E smalto alveolar (champlevé, excavated procedure): alveoli by lowering the support surface through incisions and the recessed part is covered with enamel which excavated and filled areas are at the same height. Allows you to use transparent enamels on gold and silver funds: transparency and effectiveness of the piece unit (procedure medieval). +Limousine or Silos Enamel (Limoges, Silos): pasta opaque white, blue, red and green on the parts that emerge as leaders in relief. Front Silos. + Transparent Enamel au jour: little used because of its difficulty. Prepare a medium cutting and welding wire which is then reflected in the transparent glaze made by both sides, forming almost a small window.

Drawing: Make a script or draw is write and draw (in the ancient world, drawing the equivalent of design). Disegnare: conceptual process of shaping this image on a surface with visual forms: visual signs (drawing) or codes (writing). 1.Pergamino: cow hide, hair clean, polished and seasoned used to draw (to line covers of books). Complications arise in their jobs because of the difficulty of its preparation, it is very expensive as it could be broken because the foil was usually different thickness depending on the area. 2. Role: is a product of plant origin (composed primarily of cellulose) which is managed by macerating certain fabrics or cloth. Its origin is in China in the second century AD (year 105 CE) Cai Lun who used mulberry bark, remains and hemp fabric. In the Middle Ages the role was considered less suitable for drawing the parchment because of its technical imperfections resulting from the production process. To increase the strength of paper was coated with bone powder with gypsum plaster or animal glue, or white of China, forming a paste which is then burnished (although this element is oxidized and yellowed paper). There are several kinds of role: the most appreciated is cotton (richer in cellulose and lower in lignin), then the role of flax and hemp. manual production system: Bring water to rot, pieces of cloth with lime and go shredding. + When you have loosened the fibers are crushed with wooden hammers powered by hydropower (water wheel invented in the fourteenth century in which the rags are struck for 36 hours) or with the Hollander beater. + The Hollander beater was invented in the seventeenth century and is a cylindrical wheel with blades with a construction that was achieved faster and it is much more unified. + Rags paste was transferred to the tank + tank in it proceeded to the pigmentation (it varies between different types of paper). It used a strainer felt and other strong cloth, within which to put the pigment. The sieve was approaching or introduced in the paste, which took the color when the strainer to squeeze hard. + Paste so obtained was removed from the tank through a tray of fine wire mesh with a rigid frame + This mesh gives the paper a configuration property lines called laid paper (laid paper). Pulp tray was placed on a piece of felt (in alternation). + This builds up a stack and leads to a press where, after pressing, remove this stack, unfold the sheets of paper and hung to dry. Little by little he mechanized production. In the eighteenth century innovation with the creation of continuous paper whose main characteristic was that the fibers are adapted in a direction longitudinal. En the eighteenth century were introduced colored cloths with bleach discolored, but using chlorine adversely affected the quality of paper (chlorine degrade the materials making up the paper to rust). In the nineteenth century a new change and scarce raw materials rags. He began to use wood. It increases the lignin content (contributing to a greater acidification oxidation of paper) and lower crude fiber content. This caused problems that the more acidic and has a role, more slip ink. Currently, these problems are solved by chemical advances and the introduction of synthetic fibers (polyester).

c fibers (polyester).