The Art Of War: A Management Perspective

The Art Of War

Chapter 1 – Estimate

“The art of war is of vital importance to the state, a matter of survival should not be neglected.”

“It is governed by five factors, which are: the Moral Law, Heaven, Earth, the Head, and the Method and Discipline.”

The Moral Law: The team is gaining confidence and admiration through correct attitudes. It is going to the team clearly; the objectives to be achieved, what, how, and why.

Heaven: It means the changes they face.

The Earth: The way to go, the correct choice, the decision-making.

The Head (The Boss): Means the team leader with all of their qualities and capabilities.

The Method and Discipline: A hierarchical division where all phases of the strategy will be put into practice.

All these factors mentioned above should be soaked in by the administrator, becoming a matter of survival.


In war, soldiers must be well prepared to try to win the battle, while in our personal lives, we have to be well prepared for the field of work because, without this preparation, we can be defeated by people’s ability. Thus, it is concluded that preparing for the job market requires much effort to accomplish our goals.

Chapter 2 – Management of War

“When we engage in a real war, if it costs to get the victory, the weapons of the soldiers get heavy and their enthusiasm fades.”

“Once war is declared, do not lose precious time waiting for reinforcements, nor return with the army in search of fresh supplies, but cross the enemy’s border without delay. The value of time – that is, to be slightly ahead of the opponent – is worth more than numerical superiority or the most perfect calculations in relation to supply.”

“Bring war material, but take provisions from the enemy.”

“To realize the advantage to defeat the opponent, soldiers should also be rewarded. So when you capture the enemy’s property, they should be used as prizes so that all soldiers have a strong desire to fight, each on their own.”


Planning the time spent on actions is crucial because the faster and well-planned time spent means victory. In administration, it is the same; not analyzing and planning for time spent in manufacturing a product means lost money, raw materials, and customers. The weather can be understood as the environmental factors external to the company (customers, competitors, and suppliers).

Chapter 3 – Strategies

“To fight and conquer in all your battles is not the crowning glory; the crowning glory consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. The general is the bulwark of the state: if the backbone is strong in all respects, the state is strong; if it is defective, the state will be weak.”

“…If a general disregards the principle of adaptation, they should not be placed in a position of authority. A skillful employer of men will use the wise, the brave, the greedy, and the stupid. For the prudent will be happy to apply his merits, the brave his courage in action, the covetous man is quick to take advantage, and the donkey does not fear death.”


A commander must be wise in their decisions so as not to cause misunderstandings between their subordinates and thus lose their trust; otherwise, they will act on their own and in the wrong way, thus losing the battle. Completion of a trustee company must operate with strategic insights and be well-planned with leadership roles in defining the company’s mission.

Chapter 4 – Positions & Tactics

“The guarantee against defeat implies defensive tactics; the ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive. Staying on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength.”


Looking at the terrain and the chances of victory are the weapons of those who view the field before going into battle. With this view, the prospects of winning the battle are much greater. In the field of work within an industry, analysis of resources, material, cost, and execution time are essential for efficient operation. The terrain can be compared to the market the company operates in.

Chapter 5 – Benefits

“In battle, however, there are no more than two methods of attack: the direct and the indirect; however, their combination gives rise to an endless series of maneuvers.”

“The warrior seeks smart the effect of combined energy. They take into account the talent of each and use each man according to his ability. Do not demand perfection of the untalented.”


The advantage cited in this chapter is the agility to attract the enemy to attack; it is a command strategy for victory in combat. In this strategy, it gives the advantage of always coming out ahead with innovative ideas to better meet market demand.

Chapter 6 – Strengths and Weaknesses

“Discovering the provisions of the enemy and hiding ours, we can keep our forces concentrated, while theirs may be divided. The place where we intend to fight must not be revealed so that the enemy will have to prepare against a possible attack at several different points.”


By finding the weak points, we can turn them around in our favor by not letting the enemy know them. We all have weaknesses, but we must demonstrate to win this time to work up to that point and improve if possible. In the case of a company, we should not let that disturb us. A company should always be updated, innovating its work environment and treatment with clients.

Chapter 7 – Maneuvers

“Without harmony in the State, no military expedition can be guaranteed…”

“By bringing together an army and concentrating its forces, one must blend and harmonize its various components before installing the camp.”

“We cannot participate in alliances until we are aware of the goals of our neighbors.”

“Ponder and deliberate before making a move. The one who has learned the artifice of deviation will win. This is the art of maneuvering.”

“Now the spirit of a soldier is very acute in the morning, at noon it begins to weaken, and in the evening his mind is only focused on returning to camp. A smart general avoids an army when its wit is sharp, but attacks it when it is lengthy and inclined to return. Disciplined and calm, the general hopes for the arrival of confusion and commotion among the enemy.”


Maneuvers are essential to position troops in strategic locations for the attacks, but the maneuvers should be well planned and evaluated so that the enemy does not take them by surprise. In this case, they do not only depend on the valet but on their entire team, for everyone must cooperate to maneuver and thus achieve perfect victory.

Chapter 8 – Contingencies (Change of Tactics)