The Art Of War: Strategies For Business & Life

The Art Of War


“When in difficult terrain, do not camp. In areas where good roads intersect, join your allies. Do not linger in dangerously isolated positions. In a siege, resort to trickery. In a desperate position, you must fight.”

“There are roads which must not be traveled and cities that should not be besieged.”

“In the plans of an intelligent leader, considerations of advantages and disadvantages should be harmonized.”


Knowledge of operations is essential to use them in your favor, as without knowing them, you cannot succeed in your combat plans. Never underestimate the enemy, because they may be using you for their own benefit. Rely primarily on yourself and your abilities without expecting others to do something for you.

Chapter 9 – The Army On The March

“The sight of men whispering in small groups or grumbling shows enmity between superiors and subordinates.”

“If soldiers are punished before they have become familiar with their leader, it does not demonstrate that they are submissive, and unless they submit, they will be virtually useless. Soldiers must be treated humanely but kept under control by strict discipline. If soldiers are trained and orders are reinforced daily, the army is well-disciplined; otherwise, their indiscipline will be disastrous.”


Orders given must be followed for the safety of soldiers, yet there is fear among them. The devotion of the troops means that discipline is key to a successful outcome in any military operation.

Chapter 10 – Terrain

“When the soldiers are strong and their officers weak, the result is insubordination.”

“When officers are strong and the soldiers weak, the result is collapse.”

“When the general is weak and without authority, when orders are not clear and understandable, when there are no consistent obligations for officers and soldiers, and the ranks are formed carelessly, the result is complete disarray.”

“Treat your men as you would your own sons, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; treat them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.”

“But if you are indulgent but unable to make your authority felt; kind-hearted but unable to enforce your commands; and incapable of quelling disorder: then your soldiers must be likened to spoiled children; they are useless for any practical purpose.”


A general should know the terrain where the battle will take place. Knowledge is needed to gain an advantage over the enemy. A leader must know their business and be able to evaluate themselves and their competitors to make informed decisions and achieve victory.

Chapter 11 – The Nine Situations

“We will not succeed unless our soldiers have tenacity, unity of purpose, and, above all, a spirit of harmonious cooperation.”

“The principle by which to lead an army is to establish a standard of courage which all must reach.”

“The skillful general conducts his army as if he were leading a single man by the hand.”

“The truly intelligent person can become aware of things before they happen…”


In the most difficult situations, we must remain alert to the enemy, always thinking ahead, understanding the market, and knowing how to deal with favorable and unfavorable circumstances. We all face difficult situations; the key is to navigate them cautiously.

Chapter 12 – The Attack By Fire

“Sad is the fate of one who tries to win his battles and succeed in his attacks without cultivating the spirit of enterprise; for the result is waste of time and general stagnation. The enlightened ruler lays his plans well ahead; the good general cultivates his resources. A general commands his troops with authority, keeps them together by good faith, and employs them by proper rewards. If faith is wanting, there will be desertions. If rewards are deficient, commands will not be respected.”


In this chapter, we must consider the impact of our actions on a company and be cautious, because depending on how we manage our resources, we can cause harm.

Chapter 13 – The Use Of Spies

“Using spies means employing the enemy’s own personnel. Men who have been deprived of rights, offended by superiors, or overlooked for promotion; others who are eager for their own side’s defeat and thus may have an opportunity to display their ability and talent… these disaffected individuals of various kinds must be secretly approached and won over by the granting of generous gifts.”

“Having converted spies, we must then try to seize the enemy’s spies and use them for our own purposes. By making them liberal promises and bestowing gifts, we can cause them to betray their own countrymen and provide us with false information.”

“Doomed spies are those who are deliberately given false information and allowed to report it to the enemy.”


This tactic is used to understand the enemy’s actions and plans, allowing for a proactive defense. Today, companies analyze competitors’ products to innovate and gain market share. This is a form of industrial espionage.


The Art Of War, through its thirteen chapters, outlines tactics and strategies for success on the battlefield. Applying these theories to the professional field, we see that to stay ahead of the competition, we must anticipate their actions. The same applies to business administration; we must use tactics and strategies to combat competition between companies.

The Art Of War, through its thirteen chapters, outlines tactics and strategies for success on the battlefield. Applying these theories to the professional field, we see that to stay ahead of the competition, we must anticipate their actions. The same applies to business administration; we must use tactics and strategies to combat competition between companies.

on between companies.

The book recounts the Art of War in its thirteen chapters, tactics and strategies to support their actions on the battlefield. Combining these theories to the professional field, we see to get ahead of the competition we must anticipate the actions taken by them. The same happens in the administration, we have to use tactics and strategies to combat the competition between companies.