The Big Sleep: A Film Noir Mystery
The Big Sleep: A Classic Film Noir
Philip Marlowe (Humphrey Bogart) is hired by General Sternwood (Charles Waldrom) to address his daughter Carmen’s (Martha Vickers) gambling debts. The elder daughter, Vivian (Lauren Bacall), is more concerned about the disappearance of Sternwood’s employee, Sean Regan.
The Geiger Murder and Blackmail
Marlowe finds Geiger dead. An unidentified man leaves the scene, leaving Carmen, drugged, behind. Marlowe finds a camera with a missing reel. Joe Brody (Louis Jean Heydt) has the reel and attempts blackmail, implicating Sternwood and Carmen in the murder.
Unraveling the Truth
It’s revealed that Sternwood’s driver, Owen Taylor, shot Geiger. Brody then knocked him unconscious and stole the film. Taylor was later found dead. The film’s plot focuses on the search for Sean Regan.
Eddie Mars and the Investigation
Eddie Mars owns Geiger’s house and a gambling house frequented by Vivian. Mars offers help, but becomes less cooperative when questioned about Sean Regan, who supposedly ran off with Mars’ wife. Vivian wants the investigation to end.
Secrets and Confrontations
Mars manipulated Vivian, claiming Regan killed Carmen. Mars’ wife was hidden to create the illusion of Regan’s escape. Marlowe convinces Vivian to help him. Regan killed Mars. Mars is accidentally shot by his own man.
Differences Between Film and Novel
The film differs from Raymond Chandler’s novel. In the book, Marlowe and Vivian don’t have a romance. Eddie Mars survives in the novel. The film omits Marlowe’s issues with the police and the scandal surrounding Geiger’s pornography business.