The Blue Carbuncle and The Five Orange Pips: Two Sherlock Holmes Mysteries

The Blue Carbuncle

, a gemstone with invaluable. After reading a clipping about the theft of Anthrax (in which he said that Horner had stolen, and that Ryder had brought him to the room owner’s diamond) Sherlock decides to put a notice about lost property in the newspaper.

Then comes Mr. Baker, who says that the hat is yours. Holmes says the goose was eaten, but it will give another (Baker breathe relieved). Holmes asked where he bought the goose. She replied that she bought it in Alpha Inn, a man named Windigate, and left.

Holmes was right to Alpha Inn, where Windigate told that geese bought at Covent Garden, a guy called Breckinridge. Sherlock then went straight to Covent Garden, where Breckinridge tells him not ask you questions about those geese, because he was upset, but manages to pump him that were bought to a woman named Oakshott.

When Holmes is almost gone, I get a man who begins to annoy Breckinridge with the theme of the geese, when will, Holmes tackles and try to help with the information obtained. The man says it’s Ryder and when Holmes began to bargain with the robbery, he confesses it was him and begins to tell the story: when carried Horner, escapeor with the anthrax into the house of his sister (Oakshott) was going to give you a goose for Christmas, so I grabbed one, stuck the Anthrax in the throat and then told Oakshott I wanted that, that was a smear black tail. When it goes, another goose takes a stain well. When she realizes she asks her sister on the other geese, but it was too late, I had sold to Covent Garden.

When the story ends, Holmes throws it in the house and tells Watson that he pardoned him.

The story begins with Dr. Watson reviewed the case notes of Holmes between 1882 and 1890. Find one in particular that was very strange and begins to relate it.
A day of strong winds, Holmes sat in his chair when the doorbell rings. He was a young man named John Openshaw who wanted advice and help on a case involving his family, starts to count the case.
The father of John (Joseph) had patented a pneumthey did penthouses unbreakable rich, so he sold the company and retired richer. Uncle John (Elijah), however, emigrated to the USA, where he got the rank of colonel in the army, and bought a plantation in Florida. In 1869, Elias returned to England, where he bought a farm. It was a violent man, irascible and disgust toward the ethnic black smoked heavily and drank brandy in abundance.
In 1878, Joseph Elijah asked John to stay at home. Elijah graciously accepted. On March 10, 1883, in the mail came a letter that had come from Pondicherry, Uncle India.Cuándo opened, Orange 5 seeds left and a paper saying”KKK”. Elijah passed out and never looked the same.
Then the guy tells John that left the estate of Joseph Openshaw. This shocked John, who sat thinking. On 2 May 1883, left the farm and never returned, they found him face down in a pond. The manslaughter verdict was in and closed the case.
When Joseph took possession of the property, inspected the attic that had never been admitted to John. They found a box saying KKK also. In 1884, Joseph moved to the farm (located in Horsham), and in January 1885, received the same letter to Joseph, but sent from Dundee. Three days later, Joseph was to visit a friend, and appeared in a well, dead. The cause was under””death by accidental causes, and closed the case.
After two years and eight months, she received the same letter to John, but sent from London and did nothing. Holmes says he will act quickly and not waste time. Openshaw gives you a role that found in the room of his uncle dated March 1869 (when Elias returned to England) that said something about putting names and seeds and settlements of men. Holmes thanked him and tells him to put that sheet in the solar clock adjacent to the farm, and be saved. Openshaw Holmes goes and talks to Watson about some possibilities of the case. Holmes for the letter”K”in the Encyclopedia Americana and Holmes asks that deal Pondicherry, Dundee and East London. Watson replied that they are all ports. Holmes says that thanks to the fact that the sender knows the cards are traveling on a merchant ship and that’s why it takes so long to commit the crimes. That meant, according to Holmes, who was a company called KKK Ku Klux Klan (according to the Encyclopedia, send orange seeds, which meant they had to leave or if death would not infallible).
The next day, Watson is set in the morning paper and tells Holmes that it was too late, the young Openshaw had died of a”unfortunate accident.” Sherlock leaves the department and not return until late. When again, Holmes grabbed an orange, took 5 seeds and put in envelope sent to James Calhoun, to Georgia, Savannah. Holmes tells Watson that records sought and found one sea day, the Lone Star, which was in the three places of the said letters. So the detective ended with the deaths at the hands of the KKK, giving them a taste of his own medicine.