The Brocense: A Life and Legacy of Renaissance Scholar
The Brocense: Born in 1523 in Brozas (Cáceres). In Évora and Lisbon, he later studied Latin and humanities, emphasizing very early for their intelligence. In Salamanca, he studied Arts and Theology, which was not completed to pursue his passion: the humanities. He became professor of Rhetoric and Greek Grammar, but never, his specialty. Like many of his contemporaries, he had trouble with the Inquisition. He was indicted twice by the Inquisition; the first time, he was only reprimanded and acquitted. The second process was halted by his death. His troubles with the Inquisition and the enmity of her scholastic theologians and philosophers came from his passion for rational and scientific explanations. He was often booked at the University of Salamanca for reading in class authors who had not been mandated in the program.
The Brocense’s Project
Like other great figures, the Brocense is characterized by the universality of knowledge. He found time to deal with theology, music, poetry, archeology… all these disciplines, dominating so thoroughly as that was his main occupation: classical philology. In many of these ideas, he treated their works written in Latin and Spanish. In addition to translating many authors, he published reviews of texts, but his most important work was titled Minerva.
The Minerva
The Minerva contains everything that until then he had written about Latin grammar. Brocense always tried to replace the old methods established by a short method, rational and easy to teach Latin. He tried to find patterns from which to explain the different uses of the Latin language. And in that quest, he transcends the borders of the Latin language to reach a general grammar. And that general patterns are valid not only for Latin but also for all languages.
Possibly because it was not established as a manual, the Minerva school could not be created in Spain. However, the work spread quickly, and if not in Spain itself, overseas editions immediately multiplied. Grammar is one of the most important in the history of linguistics, which continues to inspire today’s grammatical doctrines.
ARIAS MONTANO: Born in Fregenal de la Sierra (Badajoz).
Arias Montano’s Project
At 14, he wrote his first scientific work on numismatics. At 15, few had as good knowledge of physics and astronomy. He attended arts and physical in Seville. He was arrested by the Inquisition and released a few days later. He joined the Order of Santiago and was sent to the Council of Trent, which had very successful interventions. Felipe II made him his chaplain. Later, the king himself was responsible for editing the Bible Quinquelingual in Antwerp. In 1576, he returned to Spain, and the following year, by order of Philip II, he organized the Royal Library at El Escorial.
The universality of knowledge characteristic of the great figures of the Renaissance is primarily applicable to Arias Montano. He had knowledge of medicine and surgery, natural science, math… but there is a specialty that was the undisputed number one: the biblical scholar. There are many works related to the Bible. He was also famous for his poetry, which he composed in Latin. He knew perfectly well not only Greek and Latin but also Hebrew, Chaldean, Arabic, and German.
These language skills are evident in his masterpiece, the Polyglot Bible.
The Polyglot Bible
It is a huge undertaking. Philip II was right in his election as Arias Montano with an exceptional team of associates met the task with perfection and in an incredibly short time.
Structure of the Work and Methods
Of the eight volumes of the Bible, the first four contain the Old Testament. Volume V contains the New Testament. The three remaining volumes are what Montano called complementary skills: Greek dictionary and grammar. The last volume has content agreements on measures philological, dresses, geography…
His method, based on the rejection of any authority that conflicted with reason and the original text rigorously philological methods, brought him into conflict with reactionary sectors of the church. At first, he denied papal authority in Rome to the Polyglot, having to go there Montano and use his power of conviction that had an immediate effect.