The Client: Novel Study Questions & Answers

The Client – Set 1

Answer the following questions about the novel.

  1. What type of information did Mark provide when he called 911? Why?

    He gave his name. He was afraid if he didn’t, the authorities would suspect his involvement in the suicide.

  2. Who was Roy Foltrigg? Why did he travel to Memphis?

    Roy Foltrigg was a government lawyer. He traveled to Memphis to meet with Mark and try to learn the location of the Senator’s body.

  3. Mark wanted to get in touch with Gill Teal. How did he get Teal’s address? Why didn’t Mark hire him?

    Mark obtained Teal’s address from a card left behind by a man in a wheelchair at the hospital cafe. He didn’t hire Teal because Teal’s office was too busy, and Mark decided to leave.

  4. How much did Mark pay Reggie? What couldn’t Reggie do after receiving that money?

    Mark paid Reggie $1, all the money he had at the time. This payment technically prevented Reggie from revealing confidential information without Mark’s consent.

  5. Why didn’t Dianne go to the FBI meeting with Mark?

    Dianne secretly placed a recorder on Mark before he went to the FBI meeting.

  6. What happened during the first part of the meeting with the FBI?

    Reggie Love, Mark’s lawyer, arrived and arranged a subsequent meeting with the FBI.

  7. Who was Slick Moeller? How did his newspaper article affect Mark and his family?

    Slick Moeller was a Memphis reporter. His article revealed sensitive information about Mark’s involvement with the Senator’s suicide, putting Mark and his family in danger from the mafia.

  8. What happened in the hospital lift? What was the result of that encounter?

    Mark was threatened by Gronke, a mafia associate, who warned him not to reveal information about the Senator’s body.

  9. Foltrigg wanted Mark to talk about Jerome Clifford. Describe how he was going to make Mark talk.

    Foltrigg used persistent questioning and pressure tactics to try and get Mark to reveal the location of the Senator’s body.

  10. What did Mark ask Doreen for? What did he do with it?

    Mark asked Doreen for a phone and a phone book. He used them to contact his mother and arrange a meeting with Reggie at Clifford’s house to investigate the mystery of the Senator’s death. He also ordered 40 pizzas to sustain himself.

  11. What is the witness protection program? Support your answer.

    The witness protection program is a government initiative that relocates and provides new identities for witnesses who testify against dangerous criminals. It offers protection, financial assistance, and new lives for those in danger.

  12. How did Mark make Doreen believe that he was in shock? What did Doreen do?

    Mark feigned shock by running around his room and then collapsing on the floor. Doreen, believing he was having a medical emergency, called for help and an ambulance.

  13. What happened in the boat house?

    Three men, including Mark and Reggie, discovered the Senator’s body in the boat house.

  14. How did Jerome’s suicide change Mark’s life?

    Jerome’s suicide led to Mark entering the witness protection program, resulting in a new life with a new identity, a new home, and a safer future for him and his family.

  15. Is there any part of the story that you would like to change? How would you change it?

    No, nothing.

The Client – Set 2

Answer the following questions about the novel.

  1. Who said “Let’s die together”? Why?

    Jerome Clifford said this to Mark while attempting suicide in his car. He was distraught over the knowledge of the Senator’s murder and the threat to his own life.

  2. What did Jerome Clifford tell Mark about Barry Muldano?

    Jerome revealed that Barry Muldano, a mafia member, had killed a Senator and hidden the body. He also confessed that Muldano had threatened his life.

  3. What did the FBI find in Jerome’s car?

    The FBI found a bottle of whiskey, a suicide note, and a gun in Jerome’s car.

  4. How did Mark meet Reggie Love? Why was he so surprised?

    Mark met Reggie Love while searching for a lawyer. He was surprised to find out that Reggie was a woman.

  5. What did Mark tell Reggie when they first met?

    Mark explained his situation to Reggie, including his limited funds and the information he possessed about the Senator’s murder.

  6. Reggie wired Mark before entering the room. Why did she do that?

    Reggie wired Mark to protect him from potential legal repercussions and to ensure his testimony would be admissible in court.

  7. Who was Gronke? Why was he sent to Memphis?

    Gronke was a mafia associate sent to Memphis to threaten Mark and prevent him from talking to the FBI.

  8. Why was Uncle Johnny angry with Barry?

    Uncle Johnny was angry with Barry for his incompetence in handling the situation, including killing the Senator and hiding the body carelessly.

  9. Why was the trailer burnt down?

    The trailer was burnt down as an act of intimidation and a threat towards Mark and his family.

  10. Why did Judge Harry Roosevelt accept to take Mark into custody? Where was Mark taken to?

    Judge Roosevelt took Mark into protective custody due to the threats against his life. Mark was taken to a juvenile detention center for safety.

  11. Before entering the courtroom, Reggie and Mark talked for a while. What did Reggie advise him to do?

    Reggie advised Mark to tell the truth in court, emphasizing the importance of honesty and the legal consequences of lying.

  12. Who said “The Mafia never forgets”? What does it mean?

    Mark said this, referencing a movie quote. It highlights the mafia’s reputation for seeking revenge and holding grudges.

  13. Why did Mark want to go to New Orleans?

    Mark wanted to verify the location of the Senator’s body in New Orleans before entering the witness protection program.

  14. Who said “I will miss you too.”? Support your answer.

    Mark said this to Reggie, expressing his sadness at their impending separation due to his relocation through the witness protection program.

  15. Which part of this story do you find most exciting and why?

    The ending is the most exciting because it provides resolution and a sense of hope for Mark and his family’s future safety and well-being.