The Cursed Jewels of Elche: A Thrilling Heist and Betrayal

The Heist of the Elche Jewels

The Getaway

Henry, driving a white Austin, picked up Anna at a gas station after stealing jewels hidden in Elche, dedicated to the Virgin. They dined in Monóvar, but their meal was interrupted by the police. A high-speed chase ensued, forcing them to abandon the car and hitchhike to Alcoa, where they found refuge in a hotel.

A Violent Encounter

At the hotel, they were confronted by Moro, Mike Trevalli, and Fernandez, sent by Ferrandis. A brutal fight broke out, leading to a car chase to Santa Pola. Henry crashed the car, escaping with Anna while Moro died and another was severely injured. They stole another car in Jijona to treat Henry’s wounds, then yet another in Benidorm before heading to Callosa d’en Sarrià. A police checkpoint foiled their escape, and they crashed into a ravine.

Escape to Denia

Reaching Denia, they bought clothes and waited on the beach for the “Falaguera” boat. Ferrandis and his remaining men appeared, but Anna escaped to the boat. Henry, armed with Moro’s gun, confronted Ferrandis. He eventually rejoined Anna, and they sailed towards Valencia and the Columbretes Islands.

Kidnapping and a Shootout

While ashore, Henry kidnapped a Swiss tourist, leading to a mountain chase and shootout with Ferrandis’s men. Henry escaped with burns, eventually reaching Valencia by train.

The Homosexual and the Degree of Valencia

In Valencia, Henry kidnapped a homosexual, stealing his car and clothes. He later met with Ferrandis’s men and returned to the homosexual’s house, receiving a call to meet at City Hall. Outsmarting them, he escaped to the train station, jumped onto a moving train, stole another car, and drove to Castellón, arranging passage to the Columbretes Islands.

The Columbretes Islands and Betrayal

After a nightmare about his deceased sister, Nuria, and Anna, Henry met Vincent, the boatman, and sailed to the islands. Anna arrived, and they set course for Ibiza, where a woman was to exchange the jewels for money and tickets to Vienna. A storm diverted them to Cabrera, and they spent the night there before reaching Ibiza.

The Truth Revealed

Henry, realizing his gun was missing, suspected betrayal. He confronted Bernard, the boat’s captain, believing him to be the traitor. A struggle ensued, and Bernard shot Henry in the back. Henry escaped into the forest, where Bernard found him, preparing to shoot him and Anna. Back in Ibiza, they met the woman who was supposed to exchange the jewels. Ferrandis appeared, revealing Anna as the true traitor. She had been informing Ferrandis of their whereabouts, leading to their repeated captures. Henry killed Ferrandis, but, weakened by his injuries, he threw the jewels into the sea, believing them cursed. Anna tried to stop him, but Henry, with his remaining strength, shot and killed her. He then succumbed to his wounds, ending the tragic tale of the cursed jewels.