The Franco Era and the Spanish Transition to Democracy

from 1950 the failure of the Franco era politics evidente.En autarkica 1958 Spain enters the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the bank mundial.El crar goal was the basis for an economic relationship, a rapid industrialization and involvement internacional.Esto Spain in the economy brought immediate consequences, as was the massive inflow of capital and emigracion.Pero from 1961 began the process of revival based on increasing industrial and servicios.Por sctor other hand, the influx of tourists divisas.A means the contribution of the government in 1963 attempted to regulate growth in so-


Desarrollo.Se Plans created the so-called development poles, we tried the establishment of new social industrias.EN economic growth accentuated imbalances the distribution of rikeza, which was created several conflictos.Tambien the baby-boom, driven by political as existed Regimen changing political families, the phalanx loses power and is being gradually phased Opus church distance Dei.La regime, also began to resurface nationalist tensions, a group of young members of the ETA based PNV to opt x the struggle to achieve national liberation vasca.En 1962 was the fourth world congress of the European movement, which called for the dismissal of Spain in the EEC until they are restored libertades.Fue Munich.En called Conspiracy of 1963 was executed Communist leader Julian Guiomar.

In 1969 Juan Carlos was named successor to Franco KING titutlo of 1970 is taking place in Burgos called process against some of eta mienbros k death.The sentenced to protest the kidnapping of the German consul in Bilbao and international pressure made k sentences be commuted by the chain perpetua.En 1973 Carrero Blanco was named president of gobierno.El December 20 of that year was scheduled for trial in October CCOO.Pero leaders could not be made that morning was victim Carrero Blanco ETA.Esto a bombing was a blow to Franco k man lost his confianza.La political tension was rising and some mienbros opposition formed the Union Army Military Democratica.En Spanish Sahara tension increased to the threat of HassanII Morocco to an invasion of Spanish territory if the Spanish government ceded the so-called Green March Sahara.La put the Spanish army on high alerta.Finalmete tripartite agreement is signed k means the delivery of the Sahara to Morocco and mauritania.El Franco.Al died November 20 death of Franco, the policy would appear deeply divided on the one hand the so-called bunker, Franco and on the other hand, called aperturistas.Juan CArlos1 is named King and Arias Navarro chairs the Government. 1976 a wave of pais.La strike shook the government’s reformist image kedo Arias Navarro dimite.ELrey unprotected and form a government responsible to Adolf Suarez.En novienbre adopted a k armistia allowed the release of many political prisoners and in November approved the Political Reform Act, autentuca kind of legal trasicion to 1977 and democracy.
It Encompasses the Unión de Centro Democrático (UCD). In 1978 he held the first democratic elections as to años.Se Encompasses from the new cuts and develops new features will constitucion.Se designing a framework valid for all political and social ideologies, defines social and democratic state of law and establishing a democratic system parlamentario.La bill of rights and duties including the age of majority at 18 years, religious freedom and the abolition muerte.Politicamente punishment of organizing a state division of powers and a legislature composed of two chambers and power juducial judges and courts, besides establishing a constitutional court as a court order maxima.The main novelty is the configuration of a state where communities once signed eutonomas.Una Moncloa pacts economic measures were introduced and facilitated the beginning of a recovery economica.Tras approve the constitution, Suarez made the decision to call new elections as they returned to give ucd.En victory to exhausted by 1981 Suarez tensions and political harassment, resigned and the king assigned as a presidential candidate Sotelo.El Calvo ambien in the barracks was harsh criticism of the gobierno.Tras numerous contacts, three coup did match their projects, Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Tejeroy Milans del Bosch and General armada.El February 23 up the vote of investiture of the president taking the assault of the congress, Milans launching the coup and the coup valence was based on the occupation of Madrid by the resignation and the alleged Armour Brunete rey.El back of the head of the division, Juste, contact the Zarzuela, where he denied the information and control the withdrawal, and had taken the king television.El media addressed the nation explaining his position in favor of the order constitucional.El failure of the coup was an enormous relief and the next day was the inauguration Calvo Sotelo.