The Franco Regime: Rise, Consolidation, and Crisis

The Rise of Franco

Military Influence (Ingurunabarrak)

Franco’s rise to power was facilitated by his military prowess and reputation, particularly his successes in Africa. This garnered support within the army, paving the way for a military dictatorship.

International Support (Inguabarrak)

Franco secured crucial support from Germany and Italy, obtaining resources and weapons that proved vital for winning the war. European powers also aided him through their neutrality.

Absence of Opposition

The deaths of key figures like Sanjurjo and Mola at the war’s outset eliminated potential rivals. Franco’s nationalist ideology further solidified his position.

Religious Backing

The Church hierarchy and most of the clergy, with few exceptions, supported Franco. Propaganda presented the conflict as a Holy War or Crusade, further justifying the uprising. Education was controlled, emphasizing Catholicism and manipulating it to support the regime. National Catholicism, linking church and state, became a cornerstone of Francoism.

Social and Political Unrest in the Late Dictatorship

Social unrest grew due to poor working conditions, low wages, and limited freedoms. The regime responded with increased oppression and violence, including states of emergency and executions. This fueled opposition movements, particularly in the Basque Country, where the Basque Church, worker’s movements, and political opposition gained strength. ETA, a terrorist organization, emerged during this period.

The Basque Church played a significant role, with sermons increasingly criticizing the regime. Figures like Bishop AƱoveros of Bilbao openly challenged Franco’s government in 1974. Communist, socialist, and worker movements adopted more radical stances, infiltrating official trade unions and organizing clandestine workshops and seminars. The Workers’ Commissions (CCOO) and the UGT strengthened, alongside nationalist unions like ELA-STV. Politically, the PSE, PSOE, and PNV coalesced in opposition, but internal conflicts and the rise of terrorism, marked by ETA’s first attack in 1968, created further complexities.

Consolidation and International Context (1950s)

The 1950s saw stability for the Franco regime. The Cold War and Franco’s anti-communist stance reduced international pressure. The reopening of the French border in 1948 and trade agreements with European powers like Britain and France further stabilized the regime. Spain’s renunciation of its protectorate in Spanish Morocco in 1956 signaled a shift in colonial policy.

Two key events solidified international support: the 1953 Vatican Concordat and the agreement with the United States. The Concordat granted Franco moral legitimacy and international recognition, while increasing the Church’s influence within Spanish institutions. The agreement with the US provided military and economic aid, granting the US access to military bases in Spain in exchange for supporting the regime. These agreements facilitated Spain’s entry into the UN and UNESCO.

The Crisis of the Franco Regime

: the national political situation: In 1969, Franco was shown that poor health: 1) Go to the following named Charles de Bourbon zutenean.2) Carrero Blanco, the vice president of regime. / Carrero Blanco atzerakoieneko sector partners, and in 1973, government gain.erregimenaren functions in his project, according to the same person he was to continue the dictatorship, but his candidacy was zapaztu, 1973 December 20, ETA had killed one of the command. / in January 1974, Arias Navarro the new government was formed. the beginning of their term of office, the government tried to touch liberal, but a series of events followed each other since the new government to take the position inmobilista zuen.1) batean.2 attacks in Madrid cafe) by ika-mikanEuskal aƱoveros the Basque country for the rights of the bishop read the Sermon zuelako.3) Puig antiach anarchist hilketa.4) Portugal, carnations victory of the revolution turn the mesfidantza. / government oppression once again returned to the path, and the opening of this sector for the last to leave the post of Minister led the country’s internal situation as gaizkiagotzea. / international situation was not in favor of the Franco regime: 1) raise the price of oil LPEEk was adopted, and a great crisis, which led to this critical cause of the crisis around the world ekonomian.espainiari horrek.2) based on the destruction of the policy with re-appointments, and create a wide range of international protest ziren.3) had to be resolved in a quick account of the Sahara, Ceuta and Melilla Spanish property were guaranteed, as well as a fishing agreement ere.trukean, the Saharawi people of Morocco and Mauritania was administraziopean.

5.3 Other opposition after the creation of external legitimacy, teknokraten government sectors in the opening session, thanks to the economic problem was solved. But it was not the solution to political problems. Economics went to developing more and more evident as the regime’s internal kontrakotasunake.Opposition groups and the labor movement was the first to innovate new strategies for power with them as well as economic and political fields. For the political regime infiltrate the trade union official. Economic co-operative system in the first sessions were for. In this respect the important work of the Basque church, was also created by the regime against the factories and workshops and helped organize the Catholic community. New Opposition groups: 50 Years at the end of university examination, a group of other young people was created. Few believed that the determination of Franco against the PNV and the hands of the group. Their ideology was a purpose to defend the Basque language and Basque people claim it was not democracy, but also independence. In 1957, the PNV was completely broken link, completely divorced a year later and was autodesegin hands. Was founded in 1959 and later. institutional regime that was created in opposition to another way: indarkeriazkoa. It is necessary to remember that time the international movement independistak were created, those who use violence to achieve their targets precisely. Organizations Marxism added his ideology, and violence in a squad of his actions in 1968 and began an armed struggle against the regime.