The Gene Revolution: Exploring the World of Biotechnology

  • The Gene Revolution: Biotechnology

  • Historical Introduction

  • Friedrich Miescher (1871)

    Swiss biologist Friedrich Miescher, while working with white blood cell nuclei, discovered a substance he called “nuclein,” later known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

  • Frederick Griffith (1879-1941)

    British geneticist Frederick Griffith discovered the “transforming principle” (DNA) through experiments demonstrating bacteria’s ability to transfer genetic information via transformation.

  • Griffith’s Experiment

  • Oswald Avery, McLeod, and McCarty (1944)

    This team purified the “transforming principle,” confirming DNA as the molecule responsible for bacterial transformation.

  • Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase (1952)

    Confirmed that DNA, not protein, carries genetic instructions in cells.

  • Rosalind Franklin (1952)

    English biophysicist Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray diffraction image (Photo 51) suggested DNA’s double helix structure, crucial for confirming the molecule’s structure.

DNA: The Secret of Life

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) transmits genetic information for all living organisms. This large molecule comprises nucleotides, each consisting of phosphoric acid (phosphate), a pentose sugar, and a nitrogenous base.

  • Nucleotides

    Nucleotides join in unbranched chains. Their sequence determines protein synthesis, essential for life.

  • Nucleotide Sequence

  • DNA: A Double Helix

    DNA consists of two nucleotide chains twisted into a double helix. The chains are chemically complementary, with nitrogenous bases binding on the inner face.

    • Viral DNA can be linear or circular, enclosed in a protein coat (capsid).

    • Prokaryotic, mitochondrial, and chloroplast DNA is typically circular.

    • Eukaryotic DNA combines with histones to form chromatin, condensing into chromosomes during cell division.

    • Each chromosome segment (gene) instructs protein synthesis.

  • DNA Replication and Information Transfer

    DNA replicates by opening like a zipper, each strand serving as a template. DNA polymerase adds nucleotides (A=T, C=G). Two identical DNA molecules result, each with an original and a new strand. Errors during replication can cause mutations, some leading to diseases or contributing to evolution.

  • Genes and Proteins

    Genes contain information for protein synthesis. Proteins, formed from amino acids, have diverse functions, giving each individual and species its specificity.

  • Translation (Protein Synthesis)

    mRNA joins a ribosome, which reads and translates the genetic code to synthesize proteins. Each mRNA triplet (codon) corresponds to an amino acid, transported by tRNA.

Biotechnology: A Set of Technologies

Biotechnology has long been used, from fermentation to microorganism use in agriculture. Modern biotechnology involves manipulating DNA to modify products, improve organisms, or develop microorganisms for specific uses.

  • Techniques include cutting, isolating, pasting, reproducing, and sequencing DNA fragments. Recombinant DNA combines DNA segments from different sources.

  • Recombinant DNA Technology

    • Cellular Enzymes

      • Restriction enzymes cut DNA.

      • Ligases join DNA fragments.

    • DNA Fragment Analysis (Agarose Gel Electrophoresis)

      Separates DNA fragments by size and charge, creating a characteristic banding pattern.

    • DNA Probe Hybridization

      Uses labeled DNA probes to detect specific genes.

    • DNA Microarrays (Biochips)

      Analyze thousands of genes simultaneously.

    • DNA Cloning

      Creates billions of identical DNA fragment copies using vectors like bacterial plasmids.

    • DNA Amplification (PCR)

      Copies specific DNA segments in vitro.

    • DNA Sequencing

      Determines the nucleotide sequence of a DNA fragment.

  • Genetic Engineering

    Manipulates DNA to create new life forms with unique gene combinations. Applications include genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and gene therapy.

  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

    Organisms containing a transgene from another organism. Used for bioremediation, industrial applications, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture.

  • Gene Therapy

    Treats diseases by introducing a functional gene. Can be somatic (targeting specific cells) or germline (modifying the entire genetic code).

  • Cloning

    Creates genetically identical organisms. Reproductive cloning involves nuclear transplantation.

  • Stem Cells

    Undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into specialized cell types. Can be totipotent, pluripotent, or multipotent.