The Importance of a Balanced Diet and Food Consumption Habits


The quantity of food that someone consumes daily is covered by their foot diets.

Balance diets

-Eat a variety of different foods. 15% Proteins

    55% Carbohydrates

    25% Fats

-Have several meals each day (breakfast should be sustancial)

-Eat fresh fruits and vegetables (daily vitamins)

-Include unsaturated fats (olive)

-Reduce your consumption of foods rich in saturated fats. (butter, bacon cholesterol)

-Eat fibre-rich food daily (intensive correct functions)

The food wheel

Proteins: -Groupe 1: milk, cheese, yogurt.-Groupe 2: meat, fish, eggs.

Energy: -Groupe 3: Potatoes, nuts

Fruits,vegetables              Groupe 4: Vegetables

regulators            Groupe 5: Fruits and derivatives 

Energy: -Groupe 6: cereals, bread, sugar.   -Groupe 7: fat

A) Mediterranean diet

Olive oil → contains unsaturated fats of plant origin

-Cereals → rich in complex carbohydrates

-Fish → good source of protein 

-Vegetables and fruits → are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre      

Special diets

-Low-calorie diets: lower percentage of high energy food.

-High-calorie diets: for people who need to put on weight quickly.

-Low- cholesterol diets: for people who are at risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases.

-High-fibre diets many foods that are rich in fibre.

-Low-proteins diet: (LPD): for people who suffering kidney problems.

-Soft-Diets: for people who suffering gastrointestinal illness or after certain surgical operations.

-Miracle-diets: claim results which have not been scientifically proven.

Food Consumption

Consumption habits

-Nutritional imbalances and illness linked to poor diets are frequent in developed countries.

-High calorities contain: obesity, diabetes.

-A large number of refined foods: Fibre↓, constipation.

-A predominance of protein-rich food: ↑aminiosis, kidney problem.

-The excessive consumption of ready meals:↓ nutritional deficiencies.


Low calories content, variety of food is limited, protein consumption is low, sant dry conditions are often poor.

Food Additives

Additives                             Functions

Preservation ————> Prevent decomposition

Colouring —————-> Give food a certain colour

Flavour enhancers ——> Enhancers flavour

Stabilised —————–> maintain the texture and look (E-330, E-305)

Antioxidant —————> Prevent changes due to oxidation.

Sweeteners ————> Give food a sweet taste

Nutritional information

-Name of product

-Product amount


-Instruction of cooking

-Nutritional value

-Special storage conditions 

-Best before

-Use by date 

Food related illness


-It happens when someone doesn’t have enough to eat.

-Most cases of malnutrition occur in underdeveloped countries.

Inadequate nutrition

-Deficiency related disease: some people cut out certain foods from their diet because they choose or they don’t have access to those foods

-Obesity: when an individual eats disproportionate amounts of energy providing foods.

-Type 2 diabetes: adult diabetes. It involves an inmobilities to control the body’s blood sugar levels 

Eating disorders

-Andrexia: people who suffer from this disorder reject food because they have a fear of having weight

-Bulimia: People who suffer from this disorder eat extreme amounts of foods in a compulsive way. After the amount of food consumed.

Food presentation and handling

Cooling and freezing → refrigeration → above 0ºC    Freezing → below 0ºC


– Pasteurisation → 72ºC for 15 seconds

-Sterilization → +100ºC

-Ultra pasteurization → (UHT) → 150ºC for 2 seconds

Dehydration → this process produces or eliminate water from food

Lyophilization → freeze and dehydration → rehydration

chemical preservation → substances doped to food to impede the growth of micoorganism 

Food Additives

Additives                             Functions

Preservation ————> Prevent decomposition

Colouring —————-> Give food a certain colour

Flavour enhancers ——> Enhancers flavour

Stabilised —————–> maintain the texture and look (E-330, E-305)

Antioxidant —————> Prevent changes due to oxidation.

Sweeteners ————> Give food a sweet taste

Nutritional information

-Name of product

-Product amount


-Instruction of cooking

-Nutritional value

-Special storage conditions 

-Best before

-Use by date 

Food related illness

  1. Malnutrition

-It happens when someone doesn’t have enough to eat.

-Most cases of malnutrition occur in underdeveloped countries.

  1. Inadequate nutrition

-Deficiency related disease: some people cut out certain foods from their diet because they choose or they don’t have access to those foods

-Obesity: when an individual eats disproportionate amounts of energy providing foods.

-Type 2 diabetes: adult diabetes. It involves an inmobilities to control the body’s blood sugar levels 

  1. Eating disorders

-Andrexia: people who suffer from this disorder reject food because they have a fear of having weight

-Bulimia: People who suffer from this disorder eat extreme amounts of foods in a compulsive way. After the amount of food consumed.

Food presentation and handling

  1. Cooling and freezing → refrigeration → above 0ºC

                                                     Freezing → below 0ºC

  1. Heating

– Pasteurisation → 72ºC for 15 seconds

-Sterilization → +100ºC

-Ultra pasteurization → (UHT) → 150ºC for 2 seconds

  1. Dehydration → this process produces or eliminate water from food

  2. Lyophilization → freeze and dehydration → rehydration

  3. chemical preservation → substances doped to food to impede the growth of micoorganism