The Industrialization of Bizka: A Look at Vicente Blasco Ibáñez’s “El Intruso”

Prim sour/As a regrds th frm→novel→literary,narrative/Content→soci txt||Authr:

Vicnte Blasco Ibáñz

At 1st he was a manners author, then wrote a social theme. Also understood in politics+lecturer issues||Addressed:
Readerspublic txt||OBJECTIVE:Reflect social consquences f industriali:
describing living conditis f workrs in th mines f Bizka at end f 19th century||Loca+Date:Historically located→period f th process f industriali f Bizka, specifically:at time f exploitati f th iron mines    Intro              El Intruso

In the novel “El Intr”,Vic B.I. Reflects th sudden change+clash between two worlds+th soci conflicts in th indstrial environmnt f Bilb: from th pre-indstrial society:peasant+traditional+ Catho-to a new society:proletarianized, immigrant(“maketo”)+in favour o new ideologies||P.1:place th story in space→th house f th Labourers”||P.2,3:explains the situation of workers in 3idesDescripti f th scarce conditis f life f low class labourers f th mines in Encartacions f Bizka:
Poor food+clothing(L.4-6)/inappropiate houss(barracks):small,cold,unprepared,dirty, lack f hygiene+health,overcrowding f workrs→without any privacy(L.6-12)\\Same↑ but workng conditis:
Th work they do(L.2-4)described+places f work are mentioned(th abundant iron mountains f Encartaciones(L.20)/Compare work in open mines+in underground mines: underground work=qualified+more difficult job.To work in th quarry instead,X special type f service needed apart frm physical strenght\\Problem that came with immigrati(L.24-27):In order t extend th demands f th workers’ movement+improve working conditis in open mines →continuous flow f poor workers who accepted any typ f work conditi= inpedimnt/Workrs who askd fr labor improvements→expled+quickly rplaced.That prevented them frm fighting fr their rights.It’s an idea linkd t th principls f trade unionism         Content ↑ || Conclu

Th influ tht Bessemr convrter will have on th development f th growth f th minin activity in Bizka due t th excellnt quality iron,suitable fr th convrter, being the starting point of the industrialization||Conseqs f th industrializati procss/Soci:
Appearance f th workin class,crisis f th traditional society-replaced mostly by an unskilled+immi workforce/Demgraphic:
Increase f populati→mainly bcs immi(mainly frm provinces bordering EH)||Abandonment f workin+liv conditis f workrs+as a conseq f this→emergence+expansion f th workrs’ movment

Prece:Spa late industriali bcs f difficult momnts was passing→caused very disfavrable conditis tht caused delay f almst a century comparing with Engl/Bt durin restorati,1st steps in Bizka due t favourabl factrs(locali,developd merchnt netwrk→transprt fastr,soci capitl,exclent iron mins near th estuary+easy acces→open mines tht had an exclent qualty iron fr th Bessmr convertr)/Bt till 1880s(end f 1 carlis wr)X became potnt industry/Frm this momnt on Bizka improvd steel indus so much tht became a monoculture→dependency on th sector($ weakness)/With this growth Bizka gained imprtanc+ lot f immigrnts came t feed th demand f th growing indus whilw they were looking fr work opportunities in th mines||Now:Tht masiv growth f populati due t immigrnts supposed th emergenc f working class, tht endure subhuman liv+workin conditis/Liv in barracks winth unfortunat hygien conditis, work to many h’s in horribl conditis+ only allowed t buy in stores f th company(sold low quali food at very high price)/All that caused th labour movmnt f Socialism, that defnded interests f workin class(mostly minrs)+rapidly spred thanks t th large companis where=easy y spred socialst ides thnks t th large amount f workrs this companis containd/Socialst movmnt mostly composd f immi+was th way they used t integrate in Bsq society/Movment led by activist Facu Perezagu(revolutionry,hrd-workin,anti-cleri)tht made union strugl+latr foundd PSOE among Pabl Igles||Conceq:This Socilist mvment tht extnded throigh th workin class=cause f why th minrs fought fr bettr liv+workin conditis in which it was th first modrn revolution(1890)known as Th Great Strike/This stri=very significnt bcs thanks t it→difficlt relati between workrs+bosses ws a bit calmed with Loma Agreemnt,in which minrs achievd 10h workin day+removin th obligati f buyin in th company’s store+livin in barraks/This supposd a clear victry f minrs, bt as agrmnt X respected in al places→striks continued/This victry strenghtend Socialsm+ caused th appearence f th weekly La Luch d Clases+later th emmergenc f new socialst groups+th Socilist Federation f Bizka           Context