The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha – Part 1

Chapter 1: The Birth of a Knight

In a small village in La Mancha lived a gentleman whose name and picture are unimportant. Obsessed with books of chivalry, he loses his mind and decides to revive the lost art of knighthood. He repairs his rusty armor, names his old horse Rocinante, and chooses the lady Dulcinea del Toboso as his beloved.

Chapter 2: The First Sally

Don Quixote sets out on his first adventure, seeking to be knighted. He mistakes an inn for a castle and two women for ladies. The innkeeper, amused by his madness, plays along and offers him lodging. A comical incident involving pig castration further convinces Don Quixote that he is in a castle.

Chapter 3: The Knighting

Don Quixote asks the innkeeper to knight him. The innkeeper, humoring him, performs a mock ceremony. Don Quixote, now believing himself a true knight, gets into a fight with other guests and is pelted with stones until the innkeeper intervenes. Don Quixote then departs in search of adventure.

Chapter 4: First Encounters

Don Quixote encounters a peasant mistreating a boy and intervenes. Though initially successful, the peasant later beats the boy even harder. Don Quixote then confronts some merchants, demanding they acknowledge Dulcinea’s beauty. They beat him up.

Chapter 5: Return Home

Injured and defeated, Don Quixote is taken home by a neighbor. He is met by his housekeeper, niece, the local priest, and the barber.

Chapter 6: The Book Burning

The housekeeper and niece, believing Don Quixote’s books to be the cause of his madness, decide to burn them. Some are saved, but most are destroyed, including a critique of Cervantes’ own *La Galatea*.

Chapter 7: Sancho Panza

Don Quixote’s library is walled up, and a scholar convinces him that an enchanter has made his books disappear. Don Quixote hires Sancho Panza, a peasant, as his squire, promising him governorship of an island. They set off on a new adventure.

Chapter 8: Windmills and Mishaps

Don Quixote attacks a group of windmills, mistaking them for giants. He is knocked down and injured. Later, he attacks two friars, while Sancho tries to steal from them but is beaten. Don Quixote then challenges a Biscayan lady’s companion.

Chapter 9: The Biscayan Lady

The author claims to have found the continuation of the story in a manuscript by Cide Hamete Benengeli. The battle between Don Quixote and the Biscayan continues, with Don Quixote emerging victorious. He lets the Biscayan go after he pledges allegiance to Dulcinea.

Chapter 10: The Balm of Fierabras

Don Quixote discusses horses with Sancho and promises to teach him the secrets of the magical balm of Fierabras. Don Quixote’s helmet is broken, and he vows to find a replacement, the Helmet of Mambrino. Sancho talks about the meals of knights-errant.

Chapter 11: The Golden Age

Don Quixote and Sancho encounter some goatherds and share a meal with them. Don Quixote delivers a speech on the Golden Age, accompanied by music.

Chapters 12-14: The Story of Marcela and Chrysostom

The story of Marcela, a beautiful shepherdess, and Chrysostom, a lovesick clergyman, is told. Chrysostom dies of unrequited love, and Don Quixote attends his funeral. Marcela defends her right not to love those who love her.

Chapter 15: Rocinante in Love

Don Quixote and Sancho continue their journey. Rocinante sees some mares and becomes enamored, leading to a fight with their owners. Don Quixote and Sancho are beaten. They reach an inn, which Don Quixote mistakes for a castle.

Chapter 16: The Inn of Palomeque

At the inn, Don Quixote dreams that the innkeeper’s daughter is in love with him. Maritornes, a servant girl, mistakes him for someone else and lies with him. A chaotic fight ensues.

Chapter 17: The Balm of Fierabras (Again)

Don Quixote uses the balm of Fierabras to heal his wounds. He and Sancho blame their misfortunes on enchantment. They leave the inn without paying, and Sancho is blanketed.

Chapter 18: Sheep and Armies

Don Quixote mistakes two flocks of sheep for armies and attacks them. He is beaten by the shepherds. Sancho considers leaving but is persuaded to stay after they find a wallet.

Chapter 19: The Adventure of the Dead Body

Details of this chapter are not provided in the original text.

Chapter 20: More Windmills

Don Quixote has another encounter with windmills. Sancho performs a task for him. The chapter involves tears, laughter, and Don Quixote silencing Sancho.

Chapter 21: The Barber’s Basin

A barber uses his basin to cover his head from the rain. Don Quixote mistakes it for the Helmet of Mambrino and steals it. Sancho takes the barber’s donkey. Don Quixote tells Sancho a story about the Knight of the Sun and reflects on the two kinds of seed in the world.