The Intricacies of Love and Loss

Look, If You Had one shot, or one opportunityTo seize Everything you ever wanted-One momentWould you capture it or just let it slip

have a lifetime ahead, plenty of time

Not shown, but who listens to his heart knows what it feels. Pride for having done something right. A bitter memory for the person who has destroyed lives. A huge void, not having truly loved. Anger, not knowing if a broken heart ever heal. But if you have faith, you can reattach the pieces. Just never know how much it will take until your heart back to fit another person, or who want to enter the.

I have no desire to anyone

This should be another phase of falling in love.
I’ve spent making mistakes, to try to correct them, the to mourn, and now I must be on the who understood everything and I get tired.

I get tired of you and everyone

You, and everyone. I can not find the urge to explain. Although I do not want. Of course I want … I do not know what I want.

I do not know what kind of air breather

I lost my favorite pants,
I do not remember what they were. The worst thing is that I have a plan. I always keep aces up its sleeve, if something breaks have a patch and fix it. Was it the rain or I know, but I have no patches.
No patches, no libido when I feed you.

Now I just wonder what will happen next. What number will come in as and when they jump to the next phase.
Not that I can not wait, maybe the next one is worse. But the more progress before it end.

It is the only hope left for me. Know it’s not forever

That when you reach the last level and it happens, if it holds, the screen turns off as new games announced by the boob tube and I can lie on the sofa without spilling a bloody tear, without feeling like I’m rotting away, without having ignoring the phone to silence all those who call and are not you.

And are not you

Sometimes you are engraved the strangest things, things that do not give the slightest importance, even when they happen.

Those of you remember the perfection

.. Instead, the most importantyou will go as far as if they had never occurred
I have to tell you something … I said suddenly interrupt .- .- Never jump or take a risk, prefer to jump with the bent leg. Never finish what they started, start it over. If you never do what you say, do you say A and B. .. For you B is better than A.
Never endure extreme climates but want to travel to Antarctica and live in the desert.
Your intensity has never lasted more than a few hours. Never write with meaning, but all the sense you. Never eat the whole plate but you die of hunger every time you see me.
You never stop watching you in the mirror in case you forget who you are. Never return the stares, you die of shame too fast in the end does not give you time. You never stop looking at the clouds, I keep thinking what you’re thinking. Never combine shoes scarf, scarf combine the day.

You never want to wear a watch and never want to stop losing. No one knew how to be content. Never stop acting like a child. You never stopped kissing if it is not a surprise. You never like to share rides, but you love to share a nap for two. You never know what to say and instead always say everything. Do not you care about yourself, you prefer to be more aware of others. Never abandon fear, yet not afraid to mourn.
Never admit you still love me and let me letters in the mailbox once a week. Never liked the coffee and love the coffee. Never bathe when you go to the beach, just play with the waves and run along the shore. You never want to accompany you to the door but you love that you wait anywhere.

I’ll never know at all

You never fail to rescue you, you prefer that we rescued together. You never stop hurting me, but I’ve never been so sure that could not survive without you finished saying .- sipping air “It’s strange, because I said so many times that even I have never lost track of all time.
“Then I … I never expected you to say something, but well … I always knew that someday you would .- she said, stroking
Put my shoes and think that this time I will not go barefoot. O yes. Yes, I’d better remove them.

I no headgear, no barriers and no whys

It’s that empty, just me and what I feel.
I’m here, ready to follow the path. Yes, if I know it is not right. What does it …?

I am a woman with curves

Not going to convince me to leave. Dear fear, I say goodbye. And you insecurity. And to you, sure. Bye.

I’m gonna trip the same with or without shoes

That in life there are no strings, and I do not want to tie. Suddenly, bang, I hustlers. At least a little. And do not think I’ll leave tread. He revived a bit.

I’m the girl yesterday, but today

I am someone who will not stop your life for another time.
Well what is proposed here as it is drunk enough, and the answer is it depends on brain cells ..
– The brain?
– So is Harry, with each glass of alcohol you drink you end up with hundreds of these cells, but that does not matter much because we have millions ..
First die of sadness, so these smiling. After killing all the silence and say everything out loud even though there is no reason, but it does not matter does not matter because then die of stupidity and speak with intelligence, and finally, the cells of memories, these are difficult to kill.
I saw you fall, deep, and I could not do anything. Wanted to hold her hand and the only thing I did was hurt your life expectancy. I had your confidence and your soul saved me to care for them and promised never to hurt you, being the only thing I ended up doing. I created a vacuum that now neither you nor I can fill. I saw you fall and do not know what to say, how to react. I did not know how to help knowing that the remedy to your pain was the same as mine: affection, love, loyalty, love, stability. I saw you saw my life fall and crumble to pieces sharp and will hurt you left huge scarsthey are so mine as yours.

I saw, fall and hit bottom

I saw you mourn and suffer because life is rarely fair to those who deserve it. I tried to amend the mistake I made but your body and I was far enough away to feel you do not suffocate.

Your love was frozen and in my heart

Nothing certain, nothing new, nothing that you want to play in a small moment, in a moment of weakness. The same constant error, a step forward and two steps back, the same stone in a way which I do not see the end. As we like yesterday, fleeing from a reality that does not like me, or is it that upsets me. Laughing to forget, crying out of necessity. And although I did not mean lying, not telling the truth.
Perhaps, too much pain, I lack the courage to say goodbye. And I’m raising his voice, singing the same song one day made me think that love was a thing of two was about two. Nothing is certain, nothing new, nothing more than try to hide behind a mask that will not let me see what’s behind. What I’d give into your head once more to know that we missed …

What makes us go back? What makes us think, remember, are going to fix things? Moreover, what makes us feel this way? Love (or whatever this) is rare, sweet, suffocating, desperate, satisfying, exhausting, pure, real, inspiring … But above all it’s complicated. You spend time looking for what is best for you, that person help you to be happy, to share and be with you, and when you think it seems, turns out to be quite the opposite.
But Oh, oh! Bad thing. Already there, thinking that he is not, when you’re not in love, in which only a whim, but no. You’re thinking of him. There is no turning back. You look around and the words are repeated as if you had put some headphones and were giving the ‘play’ all the time … would you let go, that does not deserve you, you do not want, you’re hurting yourself same and a long list that keeps on repeating the same thing over and over again. And you say, ‘If .. Are right. ” And think you all, that the past will go, not now, but later. And you go out, breathe in and see that all this is for you, salt and enjoy!
This is when you see it or just when you know it. And there the streets are empty again, he is only looking at you, saying nothing and you wanted to tell you everything. The inspiration is difficult, you drown, you choking if not with you. And the rest because you do not care .. What the hell How much is the rest if you do not have what you want? That’s when you screw yourself EVERYTHING. When you think he is what gives meaning to your life and you are actually destroying it. When you think he is someone who helps breathing and is in fact him who can not breathe. When you think it is he who actually need and only need another arms … Because after all, a love affair fades with others. And I just need an eraser.

Keep me in your life something more than a moment, more than a shade more than a desire. I want to be in yourself a lasting impression, a constant reminder and one truth. Throw in your prayers with fear of abandonment. Being in any and every supplement you. An infinite thirst for caresses and kisses, but not a habit of being close to me. Keep me in your life a sentence of absence, a pain away and an eternal friendship. More than just an image that winning ways, comes, goes and goes. Be the tears in your eyes and laughter on your lips, be the end and the beginning, darkness and light, earth and sky and life and death. Be the same thing in my life has come to be you …

The bad thing is that the feelings are so stealthy that emerge when you least expect it

No moment in my day you stop imagining, there is no minute in the day when I ask if there will be, if you are present. Inevitably, the thought is always there, do not leave me! I wonder if somewhere is waiting for me, if you think of me if there is only one chance to be one second with him.
I think I will run, maybe get to where you are, perhaps help me find him, perhaps even without seeing our hearts are connected.

Perhaps at the very moment of thinking, he thinks of me. I’m anxious to see him, see his face and eyes, will you be waiting for me as I wait for him?, I know I’m asking questions that only he can answer me. And esque want it to be only mine, because if we talk about us, sharing is not in my vocabulary.
I dare say it’s infatuation, is perhaps more the fear that I have to admit I confused the soul, the heart.
I have decided something … I tired to find it, only then I can rest and be at his side.
I look for the only eyes that can hypnotize me, mouth that I can calm and arms that protect me from all evil. We will be a person who serves love, real love, healthy love, mutual love. I’ll find my peace in it, and try to be just for him, insist that is mine, it’s selfish but it is my reality, my heart belongs. And when this happens, our future will start a chapter that nobody and nothing can erase, because we live to be together. We are two individuals who do not separate, we’re invincible. It’s a bit crazy but I’ll look and find you no matter what you’re in my heart, my destiny.
We ran to us and we will open the first embrace our history, we agreed with a kiss and my promise and your promise of love we ever ONE.
Resistance: the ability to recover from the disappointment in love, ability to re-launch … Back to Life! “.

Báilame water

Untamed Love and other fragrances in your secret garden.
Get me out of my wits, let me suffer … Put me out to dry like a wet rag. Fill me with life, save me from my stigma.
Call me silly.

Forget what you may have to say so far

Do not drag me not scare me. Go far … But not let go of my hand. Let’s start again. Touch my eyes, notice the texture of the heat. How you sell?

Pillate fingers

Let me invite for a coffee, hot course. And sugar

Breathless ..

What’s hard to pick the argument

To this day I wish it were one of those movies that begin with tears, but with a different ending. I’m not good player, since I started this I felt more like a secondary character, a lover of the vertices and edges.
Everything is going my way. We think that nobody understands. It’s complicated.
Can we be a protagonist and antagonist at once? Incredibly, we can … And the fights for no reason, for no apparent reason, weaken.

There are wounds that simply can not close ever

They try to forget, because you have to go to another chapter. We have to face them if we reach the end.

If we stop looking back

No matter if we can, we must complete the film. Life does not tell us that the treasure we seek, need or crave
is with us all the time …
Am I sincere? I have fears …

I have never been afraid of anyone on the other side of the bed

I woke up one day and not get to feel anything for anyone, just because I dare not say yes.
I have fear that things stay as they are, I like change, I love surprises and unpredictable things (maybe that’s why I noticed it.) I have fears that may never leave my mind. I have fear of thinking that something can be perfect because when I come back to reality, when standing on this cold, hard ground, everything is going to hurt more. I am ashamed to say what I feel, I need it, this is the only way I have to unburden myself and honestly I love it. So say I have fear, I will not stop being who I am, or what I do not want anyone to separate me from my world,
I still see things as I see, I sleep like writing all nights, and I keep thinking that everything has a solution, that things change as fast as I want to do it and I still think this is right, that my life is not so bad …

Can you help me?

I might as well give my life to those people who are my life, it would give something that belongs to them, without demanding anything in return. Maybe a little understanding, nothing more. Because yes, but always ask for “love”, we get confused. We really want someone to understand us, support us when we fall, we read: “There are more opportunities, being lied to make us feel that nothing is as bad as it seems, to give us a hug when life gives only sorrow … That exists around us …
We are afraid, we feel all the time, we are left with the first impression, with the first thing they say. We prefer a “no” before risking a “maybe.” We choose who we are and we think it is best for us.

We need risk our necks for that person, for that dream

Risking or being right, is part of life. Lose not try it, which sits in your thoughts.
We run the risk of not growing, not to strive, not to know or learn.

Err is not failing, but learning to win

Perhaps today is a no, but no one takes away the possibility that tomorrow will be a yes.
I must learn to escape the past, or better yet …

Do not hurt me

A bed without thinking about what I should get up early. That no matter how hard I try …

Some things never make it

To always remember who I am. A look innocent.

To mourn does not make me weaker, which is a shame

That although much love someone … Why not gonna love me.

And to love you do not need love

That no matter how far it is the people I love, because they will always be part of my heart.

A derail my own schemes

A bathe in the sea without looking at the background … and not scared by such immensity concealed. A longer be concerned about the image they have of me, but only because I have of me.
To do what I like without thinking about what to tell the rest.

That being different makes me special and unique

That I can achieve what I propose

That one can be surrounded by thousands of people and feel alone. A not feel alone. Not to jump to conclusions. That I can be wrong … Not just the world.

A not rely so much … Or maybe more confident

Not everything is as it seems. A happy because my senses tell me I’m alive. I am the owner of my future. That everything we do has consequences … Good or bad … Not to be so proud.

A no fear of rejection when I tell someone how much you want

Not to fear … In short, to live.
Sometimes we have to crash and do not know, either accidental or deliberate, there is nothing we can do about it … But life being as it is, a series of crossed lives and incidents that are beyond our control, I must say (if it’s something)
it’s never too late or too early for me to be who you want to be …
No no limit on the time starts when you want, you can change it or not, there are no rules about it, all we can take a positive or negative reading, I hope you bring out the positive, I hope you see things that surprise you, I hope you feel things that have meaning and can never be that I will make them feel.
I hope you meet people with another point of view, I hope you live a full life, you feel good and if you see it is not so I hope you have the strength to start again … me.
Ever felt that you were wrong with someone? What let the opportunity pass?
The moment was, time passed, is not there. And for months, years. Surely the interest was, the desire, the heat.
They say if it has to be will be. Then again, maybe it had to be and was not.
And now perhaps no longer. They also say that the opportunities happen once. Who knows … Still, one can not help but wonder “What if …?”
Well, goodbye. You were very kind to me. Now I’ll take a hot bath.

Ah … I forgot to tell you that ..


Do I have a desire to make love you can not even imagine. But this does not tell anyone. Especially you. Should torture me to force me to say.

– To say what?

You want to make love with you. Not just once but hundreds of times. But you will not tell you ever. Only if I go crazy I would say make love to you, here in front of your home life.

I like the foam of the sea, I like cookies Cuétara, I like to sleep, and dream.
I like having a piano melody to touch on high notes, I like the sky, and the sensation of heat when the sun gives me face, I also like the breeze and the sound of the waves,
I like to sing, I love to sing …

I like petting,

I removed the hair, I like the smiles and the endless hours talking. I like to break the paper by the dotted lines, sucking Colacao that sticks to the spoon. I like to bring the face to fans and shout, I like running, feel free.

I like to pop balloons, and sounding like a storm. I like to laugh, I like the color gray, and blue, and black and yellow and violet.

I like all colors

I like picking the cream with the finger, and the people who write anywhere, on napkins, notebooks, hands, walls …

I love reading, and escape from my reality for many hours

I love stories that end happily. And those who do not. I love hearts drawn in the trees and the smell of spring, gas, and again, and paper. I like the smell of many foods, and people, also remember that smell brings me. Also the smell of rain, and freshly brewed coffee, and toast.

I like people who kiss in the street,

I like sunsets, and see the sunrise. I like dresses and heels, and sunglasses … Also opening a book, and see old photographs or movie tickets.

I like small things and details

I do not like the brands, but signals.

I like being a child, and adult at once

I like to grow, or make decisions.

I love the silence, and music

I love vintage and antique things, but also modern.
I like the night, watching the moon from the garden, and love movies. And you, you I like you,
I always like … And I love living, even with all that entails …
There is a moment just before sleep completely in your consciousness recoveredin an instant the most important moments experienced during the course of your life.

Every day, every night, without realizing ..

They say the second after the flash, it appears the person who makes you smile … And unconsciously, we dormirmos …
Been all damn day thinking about how difficult it is to tell someone that you love and that is precisely why we were on the verge of being happy and I do not want to stay at the gates of all:

I love you

Sometimes things happen in life, unexpected things, beautiful but scary as good as can be. Feel afraid, afraid of making mistakes, you make the wrong decision to fall in love too the moment you’re living.

But fear not, do not stop, do not give up, because life is to live every moment, so enjoy this and not fear the future. A future that must be loaded with experience, and no matter if the result is good or bad, but what we learn from them when they finish, the memories that leave you and good times you’ve been living them, happy moments, with laughter, lots of laughs … And that is really important, since there are no more lost days than that in which we have not laughed.
Recalls the heroes smile when the heart cries.
And you need to know is that if you fight you lose, but if you do not fight and you’re lost …
They want to destroy life, but life can not be killed, because while there is a thread of love will find a way of life. There is no stronger desire than to be loved, is more than a wish, a need is the need that someone you are glad that you exist. Soccer idols or rock, and all those who are killed to become so, everyone wants to be loved, accepted, adopted by others. But perhaps not achieved loved looking for him, forcing him perhaps be achieved simply by loving. Even the most cruel is moved by love.
Once he reached the love changes you forever. From the crudest to the most innocent, we all need to feel that we are loved.

Are your favorite flowers

How could you find so many?

I call on all flower shops in five states, I said it was the only way for my wife to marry me

I do not even know!

I have the rest of my life to know ..

You say you want to die for love, but you know nothing of death, and know nothing of love ..

It is as if you arrived to the world with a box of pencils.
Your box can be 8 or 16 …

… But what matters is what you do with the colors they give you.

It should not matter if you color inside or outside the lines. Coloring outside the page which does not limit you.
He said it is better to be lucky than talented, knew the essence of life.
People are afraid to acknowledge that much of life depends on luck. Frightening to think how many things are beyond our control. In a game there are times when the ball hits the edge of the network and for a split second can go forward or fall back. With a little luck go ahead and win, or do not and lose.

Does not even know how he died … It’s like I woke up and she was not in bed, why he has gone to the bathroom or kitchen … I have yet certain that will not return to bed. Could … Reach out y. .. Touch her bedside … And I know it’s cold, but I can not … I know I can not recover. Do not want to wake up in the morning believing that continues here … I stay in bed without knowing from where I’m just … And so …
How can I heal? How I can heal if you do not feel … Over time?

remember all the movements, sensations, that set of lights, the shadows between the rocks … This woman abandoned her arms beneath him, the passion that goes over everything as if it were a sudden hunger is not can be controlled and prevented from seeing what is outside. And, like the victim of an outburst, seen again there, living the passion that now it is sharp and intense, of a beauty almost annoying. Scrutinize excited in a vacuum in the dark of night, and once again hear the distant echo of those sighs, breath of desire and hunger for love splendid. Unexpected sadness pervades carrying it too far …

Were you in love?
Only at night. He did not understand me. Just my body. And I understand yours. By day he despised. But I could not live without it. Betrayed me, humiliated me with a kiss and then forgave him everything.
One night not return. He had gone to another. Without a word. But in the rush, he forgot the gun.
I thought “I shot him and shot him?
But suddenly I found myself in the mirror and started to brush well, slowly, pass by pass and I would undo the curls
(…) To the last hundredth hair was smooth. I looked.

He had no power over me. Was different

I love him because I know that when I get drunk, take me home in her arms, break my stockings with her mouth and then I will buy another.

I will love against the wall and you will become immersed in the bath with me

He will miss me and then rescue meaningless maze, draw the sword and defend me from snakes, piranhas and whores.

I want to sew costumes for my bad days and makes them good. I know it will not be angry if I do not understand, nor do I understand and dizziness. Do not take for granted that I’ll always be there but no one doubts. I want to because it makes me suffer for nothing, and I love him because I do not sell tampered eternal love. Because you can not walk with me down the street without hold my hand, because not buy me with gifts, but has many details with me. I love that you do not like me mourn and make me laugh until I have no desire.

I like to look at it, see it, and my legs tremble helplessly

I want to be crazy for me, and do not forget to tell me the days of surf and if you put animal, either alone in bed and kisses kill me in the morning.
If you look at another, then winked at me and laugh at my jealousy of tin. But mostly I hope you do not have to lose to realize that I have found

I am not here to do an autopsy to which we were.
Not that.
The 2 we clearly can not be above reasons and speeches. I just want to tell you what I feel,
make concessions, to sew the wings to tell me that despite everything you still think it was worth.

Path of another heart where no dream is so expensive

I do not want what I feel now a days is over, I’m living the best moments of my life at this moment and finally feel like I’m on the right track. I will overcome my doubts,
I will control my fears and not let them control me. I’m gonna live life fully knowing that there will always be pleasant, but I will learn to harness the good times.
Behind the dry beats the watch behind this half smile, behind the friends behind the mirrors and shadows these yourself. Behind the footsteps of those who come and go, behind a reverse schedule ahead.
That are in songs, in other lips and other kisses.

Behind all, there you are

She turns and sees that it is very close

A lot.


The gloom surrounding the recess that is located under the green canopy of a large tree. The longest branches descend on them in a large natural umbrella. Protect even the most simple moonlight.

There are, away from everyone. A light wind, warmer, shake some leaves and hair. That rebellious lock slides down her face and say that it draws on an embroidery hesitant, a question mark, a strange loop that terminates at the edge of the cheek.

A silence of a thousand words

Their eyes and those eyes smiling calm, mindful of the beauty of the moment

From that moment, that seems to last an eternity.
He moves his hand upwards towards your face gently aside that curl rebel and strokes her hair.
While looking, slowly, their mouths moving closer to a millimeter at a time that open like flowers in the river bed.
Those red lips, those delicate petals of two young smiles, almost rub now.
Everyone has a dream, the dream of living in couples, the dream of starting a new life or the dream of finally leaving behind the life we were so far. While some dreams end up becoming a nightmare from which we would wake up early.
Yes, we can not decide which dreams will come true, we can only hope, because sometimes miracles happen when we no longer have them
As the first night I confessed:
I have only a handful of words, and promised to use to make you laugh. I wore a wig and hat, face paint and costume plays a naive apprentice get on the slopes.
I can say that your laughter is something I have always taken very seriously. Everyone has their gasoline to roar, mine is a mixture of mouth and stories with slight tilt of the face when you laugh is beyond the mouth.

Of course the time is long, and the sand is not always the beach. Being there, take you hand to take a walk, help you sleep, all that. Ever saw you ever mourn and also I saw the tears. I heard you speak wearily of crib while there was a fire inside you burning ice.
And I was silent, not knowing what to say, I confessed that you only had a handful of words and promised to use to make you laugh.
I stood in silence, broken to see cracked.
Frightened and scared stiff, like a child looking happy to see only the pale face of a sad man behind the mirror.
I swallowed, breathed, and pinched my wounds to understand that the good thing is that the bad times will pass.

The downside is that good too

One night of love, is less read a book “by

Honore De Balzac.
But sometimes the night can change your life.
When love is no longer a drama, but magic that turns suddenly to life in simple and beautiful thing in the world and everything fits perfectly. And your reality is exactly as you had imagined.Then, the ideas that were missing, appear.

I decided to leave me at home innocence and poses save for another day. For one day I did not ask for anything to heaven, because I had my hands to build life. I wanted to not be for anyone but myself, and being the only one who saw my reflection in the mirror. I felt like enjoy my idiocy and not give more than what I want …
There is no desire to do business as usual, because I always lost the charm. I could go out of home with the blinders on and act like business as usual, but hypocrisy has never been my thing. So I prefer to take my life as I really feel like and ignore the claims of people who need my presence so that their world will not collapse, so that everything remains as before, so that the balance be there. The balance is impossible .

In my opinion going to the movies because we want to see a fairy tale: a queen sleeper awakes with the kiss of her true love, a princess who sets aside her jewels to open a step in the world, separated lovers are reunited … But life is not a fairy tale and happy endings are few and in a great while. In life, the young queen becomes a tyrant and his subjects leads to war, so we need the movies to remind us that despite all the love can still flourish even in the most unlikely places, and sometimes even Fairy tales do come true …

The magic of fighting battles beyond what is humanly tolerable is based on the magic that is risking everything for a dream that no one except you can see both.

I love you.
─ Not today.
─ What?
─ Some days it’s not true, and today it is not true. Perhaps you’re more in love with the magic of me.
I assure you that I like to tell the difference, makes the day that is truly special.

Love is fickle, intermittent pain

We must not sink, do not rely, there is also to be wary. You have to fill all the good that the scope of one is, to renovate the deteriorated air we breathe when we went wrong or defrauded.
Especially because, although there are exceptions, there is never security in things, a certainty that they will remain as we have known and with the same effect that we were one day.
The obligation is to maintain that good things or people gave us,but it is complicated, the view is all.

Always looking forward, wanting

But not to seek a cure in love, which heals itself, but not desperate and blindly, because that means extending the problem.
They look, they attract and know that life would change if they could read the thought, but the silence and prejudice up a high wall where he hit the secret desire for one another, and everything is on looks and wants dead.
I was one of the few that I learned that if you do not want to die of remorse, the only option is to take the risk. “
I’m tired others manage my life. I feel that others control it, and I want to make my own decisions, I want to drive but I was wrong.

I want to get control of my life, I want even my errors are mine.
I decide I want to mistake me, I know that no one manipulates me and drive me. I want to be responsible for my decisions.
When someone enters your life and managed to impose their point of view makes you feel, think, you act like she wants, you are as manipulated as remote-controlled.
.. And I do not want that to happen to me, I want to make my own decisions, not the life I want to decide for me, I want to decide
Dear Bertie:
You asked me where I was, and I answer you. Was in a place where everything was nothing, where every word hurts, every minute is a step back and the sky has no color and hope. I tried out, but I missed. While I knew I was lost, and I realized I had found my home. A wise friend once told me that we all have our home, and now I know it’s true. I hope you get this letter … I think I have 75 possibilities. When you receive you will know that I found what I wanted. I found my home, Bertie, when I found you. I hope you find yours soon, and run to him as soon as possible.
Write me when you do. A kiss, Joe.
Found it hard to agree, in fact rarely disagreed. Been arguing and challenging every day, but despite all the differences had something important in common:
they were crazy about each other.

He gave me that mischievous smile and open it made me hold my breath and my heart froze.
I could not imagine that an angel would be more splendid.

There was nothing in it that could be improved

The passion is atrocious when it happens, when the final point of no end is followed by two dots …
Today someone told me … “Why have an entire wall painted pink you become obsessed with the little black spot?” To what extent can we obsessed?
How obsession brings us to the insanity? How many minutes, seconds and sighsescape from what we’ve let her go?

When we hug, we fed back energy. We enliven our senses and we reaffirm our confidence in our own feelings. Sometimes we do not find the right words to express what we feel, the hug is the best way. We need four hugs a day to survive, to keep eight, and twelve for growth. A hug makes you feel good. The skin is the largest organ we have and need much care. A hug can cover a large portion of the skin and gives the massage you need. It is also a way to communicate.

And always, always says the things you do not have words

The passion is atrocious when it happens, when the final point of no end is followed by two dots …
On request, twenty-four hours ask your hand in time to give us anything but waste time. By request, I ask enough to convince you that day will be with me for the rest of your days.
By request, I ask and there must be a precise moment in which you escape a kiss … When you least expect it, and the more it takes waiting for me. By request, I ask on a rainy afternoon, inside a house without people on a couch without cushions that you can only hold me, in front of my favorite movie … Well, if you want, in front of your favorite movie …
I ask then your fingers stroking my arm and tickled my playing hide and seek with them. By request, I take a walk at the same pace, put the brakes on suddenly, and without getting wet lips people see us.
I ask as we walk down any street, take you and bring you to tell any stupid, grasping my hand with your arm, and your laughter was the best of my tunes, and later, in an attempt to not let me go, make me lose everything except smile.

Sometimes I’m watching it without you realize … When flipping through a book, or concentrate on the computer. I look at trying to stay with every detail of your body, with every detail of his being.
I look inside and review everything that I want, everything we’ve lived together, everything I’ve come to feel at his side. I look forward to never leave my side. I look and I imagine the same situation only with us for the elderly.

I look and I believe in eternal love

And sometimes he, distracted, looks up and sees me watching him. He smiles and asks me “what?”. And I summarize it all in a simple “I love you”, kissed him, and keep doing what I was doing.
It’s late. Watch the clock. You know what time is it?
Yes. Are 22:43.
You know how long you been with your memory?
Yes, I know that too.
And … You care?
I guess whatever I do will always be in here, because the way I started it has no beginning.
Everything has been a reflection, it was like looking in the mirror every morning and find more radiant at the thought that perhaps today would be the day, yes, the day when …. Has been like listening to that song that always talked about the same, but I never tired of listening.
It has been like imagine climbing that peak, and, finally, was there … Waiting …
It was like you feel your heart more fattening a kilo every time I read his words, each time he returned to appear when I least expected, whenever I spoke, all or nothing.
It has been like to feel alive to notice that her eyes had not changed, which remained the same from years ago …

And why you wake

I love when we hug in a corner, and it remains unclear,
and only your eyes and mine give birth to all that …

There are nights when the sadness and loneliness invade, on those nights where they usually ask the lonely hearts who love and suffer in silence like yours, those who can not help being cowards because they can not express what they feel and do not share their dreams for fear that someone runs them in a blink of an eye …
Hopes to fulfill dreams that someday, when you can finally get rid of this absurd cowardice and break the rules.
His heart is lonely because she is afraid, afraid to share your feelings with someone and that someone breaks your heart into a million pieces. Although life break your heart more than once and you have to hit every one of his little pieces over and over again.

It’s like stumble, get up, stumble and get up again … And that’s part of the charm of living

The bike stops and Alex and Niki smiling down from it. They take off his helmet and shake hands. Moving between the banks of the simple church.

Walk with the sun in his eyes and heart to reach the altar

Niki exhales a sigh, long, long.

Look at Alex and briefly goes through your mind throughout its history

Since its first meeting to the first output from the first kiss the first time they made love.
Just listen to the priest, who is speaking, the homily at the Mass, the guests who come back to sit up and marking the different moments of the ceremony.

I’m in love

I’m happy, I have no fear, is my wedding, I chose everything and so will every moment of my life, my husband and I choose for ourselves and for our children. It seems almost a prayer, and at that moment understand what is beauty, happiness, and realize how short life can be and how absurd it is to have the courage to be happy.

Look around crying with joy inside and see everything you love, what has always loved and what he would love forever.
But Niki already know maybe someday that will not be possible. Therefore you should appreciate it, live it and breathe it now. Because happiness is only called once at the door.

Because there is no tomorrow if we do not live today

And the joy can not be postponed. If one day all this changes I will be happy to have lived with depth, not to have delegated to others, to have enjoyed while I had the chance. And I’ll not say enough or escaping.


He hears a voice:
– Niki?
– Huh?
Alex looks at her smiling.
I have already answered the question of whether I want to marry. I said yes. Now it’s up to you. You have two options: either say yes …– Raises his eyebrows slightly worried – or say no …
The priest noted intrigued. Niki look back. Simone, Roberto, Alex’s parents, relatives, Waves and the rest of his friends. Everyone expects something curious and scared her response. Niki exhales a sigh and looks back at the front. This time they have no doubt. Smile. It is beautiful, as always, more than ever.
Yes, my love. Yes I want to marry you – and then adds even more convinced -:

And I want it for life

I understand that we have a bundle of contradictions and disappointments on the back that we all have hurt and we have also broken many a heart, but I can not understand those couples that make love on the mattress policy by changing the negotiating table , looking at the strategy which gives no complicity.
It is time to stand side by side and make life a landscape of those that can only be seen when viewed with 4 eyes at once.

Do not remain standing against the stream looking looking to not break the image into the water and end up dying of thirst.

Drink it all and forget about yourself

I know all the ways to break a heart I have made and, like you, above all, I’ve cried
but nobody will convince me that love can come with square and bevel.
Quiet, everyone one day we stepped on the bowels
and covered us with promises that were never to meet
but do not pay our future lovers
the bitterness of the past.

This world is crazy, but even many humans breathe worthwhile.

It’s time to forget the head and heart reuse

Aitor Why? Why did you say your name, Dani?
For nothing, had to break the moment.
– Dani …
Well, there’s more to see you when you’re with him.
The smiles, the fingering of hair, twinkling supersonic. You go with the neon in the front Lis, and will realize …

– Does what?
That if you look more than five minutes, you will be hooked on you.

– I will not be with him … With Aitor … I was rejected, so there will be nothing to him …
It’s a shame …
– Why?
Lis … The girls will see you have a rare tendency to engancharos the guys that I reject. If you had you’d like tired busy month, but so you can be thinking about him on all trains and all the dimensions of the next hundred years …

Then all stood around, everything but our hearts were beating ever louder. We said what we had hidden endless afternoons, they spoke the words that we so scared and looking into his eyes were what we wanted to be. We were two, two souls who were shaking hands and read between the lines. We shouted the truths that no one else can hear. And although there is no point, though we fear … And you know it will be fine.
The mere idea of talking about it with her friends ashamed, let alone with him.
It is terrible to be so indecisive, changing his mind on matters of love …Want to go back with him … What could you say now? How do I justify?
Never felt so dirty, though not fooled at all.

The situation seems absurd

What do you mean “completely”?
What is something that affects and not diminish the love?
What about something that pushes you to cheat or not?
He knows well that any closer relationship than usual, any tune that goes beyond mere friendship, thinking more about any other person means away from the story you are living. It is useless to deny.
It feels to die.

Madura, different and distant woman

The mere fact of thinking in another, have imagined a new relationship with him, a new possibility, a new future, that alone means the greatest deceptions …

An absence is always present

Because we are a normal and happy family because we are not a couple at all, we’re just two strangers who accidentally hit when our respective times rub for a little while. You take me as a souvenir, getting smaller as time passes.
I’ll take as a hope that grows over time.

My memory of you is thousands of times bigger than ourselves

Lie … I had not lost, just that I was not, because it was hidden. But not lost.
Always, always, always leaves the person I am, no matter how, no way to delete what I want and I like it.
I noticed that it seems almost impossible, because they always inadvertently sooner or later, I become the same as you stare at it all, who believes in the magic of art with all your heart, or watching lost moon through the trees (and I’m the only one which is good).
I think I’ll never be able to change my way of being, because I really could not live without all the details that fill my heart.

And I realized that would not change it … I give to myself, I gave up.

And was not that bad

I like to think that every day is a time when the sky above us download a layer of peace and tranquility that only takes a few minutes.
Sometimes I think it serves to protect us from ourselves, to remedy what remediable. Although not always be going back (because there always is), these minutes can make you think, or stop thinking, that may be what is needed most.

There are certainly looks that speak louder than words and seeing them all together are mirrors of the soul. There are looks that they watch are hurtful and hurt, however there are others so serene that comfort and caress.

There looks insistent, mysterious, recurring and are indifferent, as so many people. There are looks that hide the truths that are damaged and that thestrengthen and accompany daily struggle.
There are looks that lost thousands of eyes go through life alone in search of other sights and there are looks that captivate so beautiful and deep, like your blue eyes, I catch every day.
There are looks that sad mourning dress and whom the eye candy there are those who ennoble the looks. There are eyes that melt even the hardest heart and softly illuminate the darkest thoughts.
There are looks that lost thousands of eyes go through life alone in search of other sights …

People assume that the stories deal with love only about love between couples, leaving out the mother love, parental love, filial love, the love of friends and the most marginalized of all, self-esteem ” .

What are you thinking?
In beautiful things … – he said quietly, and by the look in his eyes, he realized that he knew he was thinking. He was glad he knew it and hoped that he too had been thinking about it.

Dream. Believe. Fight

That is the key to everything. Stop making excuses. We believe that with hard work everything is possible. Fight to the death to fulfill all our dreams. Until when? To what point? What is the signal to throw in the towel? Until we realize that we have given everything to try to achieve our dreams. When all meat has the azador. When a voice inside us and gave us that all he could give, and then my friends, without fear of contradiction, only lasts until the end of our lives, in our death bed, with our last breath of life.
Prior is cowardly. We have to fight to the end. Fall is allowed, but up is required. We must remember the supreme value of human being: never give up. No matter the history, theater stage, the power to change history is in our own hands, we own our own destiny.
Dreams. Big time.

Fight for what you love

And the universe conspires to make your wishes come true.
If you tell me what you see, if I tell you what I think will do with paper moons and skies songs.
It’s like watching the sea from afar. It’s like not to return.

It’s like not ask anything and ask all at once

And without knowing why …
do not know why fate has turned to forgive, to make valid attempt to return to being alone in my universe, letter paper, cold this winter … And I have not see him today, I have what I feel and what I feel, as time goes on and I lose, I’ll be awake, you can find me in my little winter.
.. That never comes to that one, nobody, nobody.
.. But that was cast for you, and only for you is like rain that never comes and it’s like not to hold up the old soul and true, is something that will always … The love that you’ll always feel.
Love (Latin for love,-oris) is a universal concept on the affinity between people, defined in various ways according to different ideologies and views.
Usually interpreted as a feeling, related to affection and attachment, and resulting and producer of a range of emotions, experiences and attitudes. Often the term is associated with romantic love. The diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of feeling involved in each case, that love makes it particularly difficult to define in a consistent manner.
The emotions associated with love can be extremely powerful, often getting to be irresistible. However, interpersonal love is considered healthy or “true” when it is constructive for the personality, which is essential to have a good self-esteem.

I throw balls and I approach him without saying a word you look, you hold your hand and take it out into the streets to witness the full moon the show ahead. I crawled to my house almost as easily as he unbuttoned his shirt buttons with one hand.

In silence

Inside, on my bed, I begin to tell you all that no words can express.

He screamed

Again and again and again … And up to 4, and when I have no breath I look, and looks at me, and screw the Swiss watch factories and because we stop time.
.. I light a cigarette even though I know I never liked to smoke at his side –

I’ve missed you, pussy

Be wary if you swear it’s impossible, no doubt my doubt and my might, love is like a safety pin
lost in the random flap.

I’m trying to tell you that I despair of waiting, do not go out looking for you because I know I run the risk of finding.
I still biting nails day and night of bitterness,
you should still follow a love song.
Do not run if I call you suddenly do not go if you get lost scream, often pressing his lips are in no hurry two kisses later.

It clings to the lost heart, singing is shooting against forgetting, living without you is sleeping at the station.
Filled with doubts, distrust, thinking that will hurt your heart again, which will hurt the most sensitive part in the scar that has not closed properly.

You suddenly close

What? What has happened to me? Block illusion that reasoning makes you think. You cry and cry but the pain is strong. Want to trust, want to move you back, want to return to know what love is.

There are two or three things you asked and I never regretted it. It would have been capable.
– What things?
– Dining ants. Insulting the unemployed out of INEM.

Love you like crazy ..

When I kissed him, kissed him, and he kissed me and kissed me and kissed me, and kissed him, and the world became liquid, hot, small, her skin was rough,sweet language, everything was sweet and it was rough on the border of our lips pressed symmetrical, which took off at times, and turned to hit to find another flavor that was cool, yet burning, and I had never kissed anyone well, never felt the need relentless kissing and kissing again, will continue kissing, as if I play life on the edge of the mouth, as if beyond the body that held me there is nothing, as if the arms shook me protect me from a black void and compact coveted the strength of my own arms.
What an idiot!
Look at that fool, sitting on his bench, grimacing pretending it is taking the spleen. All excuses!
Would not it be easier as it says Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose?
Take it in your arms, talk in your ear, say words of love, ordinary words …

And tell him that you feel when you see your heart beat

I would love to hear you say that you had missed that in my time of absence you crazy trying not to forget my words and inventándote answers as I gave you …
You are the perfect combination of what I want and need, from what I have not and what they depend.’re All that I can not find in anyone else and the truth is … I hate you for that, being unique in my life .
Be careful what you wish for.
Not to get it, but because they are doomed not to want it as soon as you get …

Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.


Everything becomes a little thick. Espesez absolute. But what does it matter?

Drown me with your lips

Take my breath

That only hear the cry of my lungs without air.
Let go, but do not leave me. Squeeze hard.

Give me another kiss, thick, and the gel

And then we dance to mark the moon. Dance between planets.

Breathless. No air

Empty, yet full. Fill me in October. Empty me your warmth. Look again … And kiss me again.
Everyone dreams. The beggar dreams of a ticket in your glass and the glass with a mouth to kiss. That sidewalk passes a teenager who dreams of dancing invite Eve Eve and dreams of someday know football in your wallet. The players dream to go with their girls to the movies and the girl will not give them movie tickets dreams of a free weekend. The unemployed who spends Saturdays and Sundays in the sun dreams of a post-what-it-is-in-where-is and Ecuadorean immigrant who agreed that unhealthy work before he dreams of having papers. The official denied a work permit when dreams of cigarette and waterproof way to hit a gray man who dreams of becoming a singer and ignores the singer dreams that you look without stage lighting, someone who wants look at him inside. After the concert, his manager dreams of a million dollar contract.

And I only dream of seeing you again

I should not have gone to church this morning, sorry …
No, no, wait … The fault was mine, I’m the only asshole in this story … But it served to demonstrate that marriage and I are not meant for each other, and has served to demonstrate something more … When I was there before the altar, for the first time in my life I realized I was madly in love with a woman and that woman was not what was on my side but the woman in front of me now, in the rain.

– Still raining? I had not realized …
The truth is that I love from the first moment I saw you …
Hey, you’re not going to disappear again?

– No, I might drown, but not disappear …
Oh yes yes … Of course, we go … Wait, before I ask you a question … Do you think that when we are dry and we spent much time together, agree not to marry me, and believe that marrying me might become for you something that will last the rest of your life?.
.. Do you?

– Yes, I want …

Pacey, because yesterday I do carry my bag from the bus. I’ll do it when we go to the movies you go to buy popcorn and bring me a napkin so I would not wipe your hands on jeans and because last week when we played mini-golf gave the first shock for me to learn the course …
– Well, that …
You taught me to drive. And in the course prom knew that the bracelet she wore was my mother. – (He undoes his shirt slowly) – You kissed me first and the second time mentally counting to ten before doing it again if I wanted to stop you.
I bought a wall …
– (grabs his shirt and kisses her hands)
– Do not buy it, rather …
We were on a boat three months and realized that I was not prepared. – (Grabs the shirt gently falling to the ground) – Are you going to ask me if I am now? Pacey, I’m going to count to ten and when I finish I’ll start to kiss and if you do not want to have to stop me. – (He passes his hand through his torso while counting mentally) – Ten
Most of us think that what’s done is done, we can not change our destiny by hard we try and that those who defy their fate always end up disappointed because the destination has the way to chart their own course. However, before surrendering the destination must take into account the power of human spirit and strength that involves free will.

Protest Honor
“You, if inappropriate, I object to the way it has treated my client, I object to the fact that my judgments have been clouded by my feelings for my client … I object to this room and seems to turn every time it appears, protest honor because I love this woman.
Who am I? “Where have I done? What will become of me? And my love? I love strong, solid, firm, almost angry, determined and resolute in spite of the world opposed to our age difference. Why have you forsaken me? Rather, why have you forsaken me? AlthoughDoes the fault is not always two?
Remains stationary in the water, overwhelmed by the myriad of unanswered questions. Silence. I need silence. Do not ask me anything, heart, let me go, mind.
Just then a tear fell from his eyes, sliding down her cheek under everything and everyone, furtive, hidden, like a little thief who just pilfer something in the market and sneaks so lost among the people, just so that the tear in the water just ending his brief tour and all the whys that had been generated.