The Moonstone: Characters, Plot, and Questions
Rachel Verinder: A young woman in love with Franklin Blake.
Franklin Blake: Rachel’s cousin, a cheerful young man in love with her.
Godfrey Ablewhite: Rachel’s other cousin, who competes for her attention and who has a secret side to his life.
Rosanna Spearman: A servant in the Verinder home, also in love with Franklin Blake.
Gabriel Betteredge: The Verinders’ devoted servant.
Sergeant Cuff: The detective who investigates the theft of the Moonstone.
Mr. Bruff: The Verinder family lawyer.
Text Completion
- Let himself into
- Misunderstanding
- Accused
- In spite of
- Insult
- Pretend
- Stood still
- Shocked
Possible Essays
Choose a character from the book who you think was caring and compassionate. Give examples to support your opinion.
Why do you think the book Robinson Crusoe was so important to Betteredge? How was it important?
Write about Rosanna’s actions from the time she found the stained nightgown until her death. Describe her behavior.
Essay Examples
Essay 1
Mr. Bruff was not only a lawyer to Lady Verinder and Rachel but also a friend who was caring and compassionate in times of need. He was attentive to Lady Verinder when she was ill and fatherly towards Rachel. Mr. Bruff warned Rachel about Godfrey, and he invited her to stay with his family after Godfrey’s father refused to remain her guardian. Mr. Bruff also arranged for Franklin to come to his house so that he could try and talk to Rachel. Mr. Bruff agreed to do this because he believed in Franklin’s innocence and knew that Rachel still loved Franklin. (Other possible examples of characters who are caring and compassionate include Lady Verinder, Rachel, Betteredge, and Mr. Jennings.)
Essay 2
Betteredge regarded Robinson Crusoe as a philosophical *guide* to life. It provided him with advice, wisdom, and comfort. Betteredge thought that Robinson Crusoe was the best book ever written. He felt that it had been a friend to him when he was unhappy or needed advice. When he was uncertain whether to accept Lady Verinder’s offer to become her steward after over 50 years working as the gardener, he opened the book and found these comforting words: “Today we love what tomorrow we hate.” Betteredge took these words to mean that he should accept Lady Verinder’s offer. After Rachel and Franklin’s marriage, Betteredge turned to his favorite book and read about Robinson Crusoe’s marriage and the birth of his child. Betteredge marked the part about the child and closed the book contentedly.
Essay 3
Rosanna bought material at Fritzinghall. That afternoon, she locked herself in her room and blocked the keyhole, pretending to be ill. She made a new nightgown for Franklin and lit a fire to dry and iron it. The next day, Rosanna visited Lucy and spent a long time there writing a letter. She walked out with an old metal box and two chains hidden under her cloak. Rosanna placed the stained gown in the metal box along with a letter to Franklin. She attached the chains to the metal box and hid the box in quicksand. Before ending her life, Rosanna had given another letter to Lucy, to be given personally to Franklin with directions about where to find the box.
Chapter 1
- How did the Moonstone get its name?
- What would happen to anyone who tried to steal it?
- Who guarded it?
Chapter 2
- Who was Lord Herncastle?
- What did Lady Verinder want Gabriel to do?
- What did Rachel think of Franklin?
Chapter 3
- What was the “Shivering Sand”?
- Why did Colonel Herncastle leave Rachel the diamond in his will?
- Where did Blake put the Moonstone to keep it safe?
Chapter 4
- What did Blake do to please Rachel, and how did it affect him?
- According to Mr. Murthwaite, who were the three jugglers who appeared on the terrace during Rachel’s party?
- What did Blake drink before going to bed? Why?
Chapter 5
- How did Superintendent Seagrave know that the Indians had not stolen the diamond?
- What were Rosanna’s feelings towards Blake, according to Penelope?
Chapter 6
- What did Sergeant Cuff notice on the door of Rachel’s sitting room, and what did he deduce from it?
- What did the servant tell Betteredge she had seen the night before, and why did she think it was strange?
- Where did Rosanna go and what did she buy there?
- Who did Sergeant Cuff suspect had taken the diamond?