The Nervous System: Structure, Function, and Drugs
Nervous System Overview
Nerve current
Electricity: species
- Electrons on metal conduit
- Ions (charged particles) more cations – Na
- Less anion-Cl
Charged particles
b) Inter neuronal connections (synapses) transmission chemical type
- Button: axon terminal. Neurotransmitter vesicles: NT
- Gap: cracks
c) circuit
Convergent -> n1: n3
Divergent -> n2: n3
1) Anatomy
Brain-m spinal
a) SNC
b) nervous SNP
Substances: gray somas – White: axons
Gray and white substances
a) central
- Brain
- Spinal cord
b) peripheral-node: cell body
- Nervous – nerve: axons books: n. separate head
- Spinal or spinal
- Mixed
2) Function
1) Voluntary: cerebral cortex (infectious)
a) learning
- Memory-emotions
- Right reasoning-HC feelings
- Consciousness creativity
- Will-imagination
2) involuntary-SNV – less
a) medulla oblongata
- Beat-regulation
- Blood-pressure
b) trunk
- Regulation of sleep waking
- Visual and auditory reflex
c) cerebro-tree of life
- Balance – movement
- Accuracy – movement
d) types _simpático _parasimpático
c) Pathology
1) degenerative
a) Alzheimer’s disease: age (dementia)
- Nerve-lost memory intellectual reciente
- Disorientation
- Conducta-changing aggressiveness
b) Parkinson
- Trembling motion
- Loss of strength
2) mental
d) anorexia: loss of appetite
- E-cultural causes
- M-non-acceptance of body changes
- Distorted-perfection
- Low self-
e) depression
- M-loss of interest
- Anxiety
- Sense of failure
- Sleep-disorders
- Headache
- Tiredness
3) Other:
- Meningitis
- Poleomelites
b) Epilepsy
C) Compulsive crisis
- Unconsciousness
- Cause of visual and auditory stimuli
d) Pathology
2 mental
d) anorexia: young people
- D-poor appetite
- E-cultural fashion
- M-not accept themselves
- Distorted perception
- Low self-esteem
- Very demanding
e) Depression
- D chronic sadness
- E: types – endogenous-exogenous: environmental
- M: loss of interest
- Anxiety: nervousness tiredness
- Feeling of failure
- Digestive sleep trastorno
- Headache
f) Pathology
3) other
- a) Infectious-poleomelitis-meningitis
- b) epilepsy
- E-genetics, tumor, head injury
- M-crisis convulsions, loss of consciousness
Comparison – performance-term – passed
Nervous – quick – short – electric
Endocrine – slow – long – chemical
Substance introduced into the body to produce effects on
1. Types, according to CNS function
a) depressing: opium: heroin
- Morphine
- Alcohol
- Sedative-drug
- Tranquilizer
- Sleeping pills
b) stimulating: increases resistance to fatigue (delay)
- Cocaine
- Amphetamine
- Design
- Nicotine
c) psychedelic
- Messalina
- Cannabis
- Synthesis (ye)
- Hallucination
- Strange sensations
- Altered states of mind you
2 Start
a) motivation
- Experiment prayers
- Invitation borreguismo
- Escape
b) Peer pressure
- Ridicule
- Challenge
- Threaten
- Insistence
c) assertiveness
- To defend their own rights while respecting others
- Communication of a decision, according to our ideas freely
3) Consequences
a) biological
- Tobrancia-resistance and adaptation
- Addition-need
- Physical withdrawal
- Psycho-
b) medical: Periods
- Short-term intoxication and hangover
- Long-term injuries, “nervous
- Liver
- Circulatory
c) social
- Studying
- Work
- Family
- Dehiscence
4) control
a) prevention
- Information
- Education
- Combat narcotics
b) cessation
- Conviction
- Detoxify
- Dependence
- Reinfection