The Other Girl: A Spanish Comedy of Errors

The Other Girl: A Spanish Comedy of Errors

Act One

Scene I

Don Diego and Simon wait at the inn for Irene and Doña Paquita. Don Diego leaves her room and speaks with Simon. He shares a secret with Simon, who initially misunderstands the plan to marry Don Diego to the sixteen-year-old Doña Paquita. Simon believes the plan involves Don Diego’s nephew, Don Carlos. Don Diego’s true intention is to marry Doña Paquita himself, despite his age (fifty-nine).

Scene II

Doña Paquita arrives with her mother, Doña Irene. Doña Irene bids farewell to her daughter, who is leaving for a convent. Doña Paquita speaks fondly of the nuns and her aunt’s grief.

Scene III

Doña Irene informs Don Diego that the family embraces the marriage. Doña Paquita accepts the arrangement due to her upbringing and respect for her mother. Doña Paquita shows some reluctance during the conversation.

This leads to a discussion about family, and Doña Paquita’s desire to leave, pending her mother’s permission. She bids farewell with a kiss and courtesy to Don Diego.

Scene IV

Don Diego expresses interest in Doña Paquita’s opinion, but Doña Irene believes it’s unnecessary given her upbringing. Doña Irene recounts her experiences with marriage, mentioning her twenty-two children from three marriages and a previous husband who died seven months after their wedding.

Scene V

Simon announces Don Diego’s arrival. He gives Don Diego his stick and hat as he prepares for a walk. Don Diego and Doña Irene plan to leave at six in the morning.

Scene VI

Doña Irene asks Rita about chores, including feeding the cowbird and making beds. Doña Irene comments on Rita’s laziness regarding letter writing. Rita explains the mail schedule.

Scene VII

Calamocha arrives, complaining about the inn’s bugs and the lack of his reserved room.

Scene VIII

Calamocha speaks with Rita. He explains his arrival with his master after receiving news of Doña Paquita’s departure from Zaragoza to Guadalajara. They learned of her absence and rested at the inn.

Rita explains Doña Irene’s letters announcing the marriage. Doña Paquita’s sadness led her to seek advice, hoping to prevent the marriage. Rita and Doña Irene arrived in Alcalá two days prior.

Calamocha leaves and enters Don Carlos’s room.

Scene IX

Doña Paquita and Rita chat. Doña Paquita cries over her impending marriage to Don Diego. Rita mentions Don Felix, a former love interest. Rita reveals that Don Felix is in Alcalá after receiving Doña Paquita’s letter.

Rita exits, and Doña Paquita enters Doña Irene’s room.

Act Two

Scene I

Doña Francisca eagerly awaits her lover, expressing her understanding of love despite his youth.

Scene II

Doña Francisca speaks with her mother, who explains the benefits of marrying Don Diego. Doña Irene complains about her daughter’s lack of enthusiasm.

Scene III

Rita arrives with candles. Doña Irene requests candles for her room and a letter for Simon. Doña Paquita inquires about Felix’s arrival. Doña Irene requests a nightingale be hung.

Scene IV

Doña Irene praises Don Diego, while Doña Paquita shows indifference to his wealth. Doña Irene suggests Doña Paquita’s convent stay influenced her desire to become a nun. Doña Paquita promises obedience.

Scene V

Don Diego arrives, explaining his lateness. He seeks Doña Paquita’s opinion, but Doña Irene insists on her daughter’s obedience. Don Diego advocates for parental guidance rather than commands. Doña Paquita’s responses are mediated by her mother. Doña Irene sends Doña Paquita to her room, but she is stopped by Rita.

Scene VI

Rita informs Doña Francisca of Felix’s arrival. Doña Paquita asks Rita for advice.

Scene VII

Don Carlos arrives. Doña Francisca asks him to postpone the wedding. Don Carlos plans to leave for Madrid the next morning and marry her upon arrival. Doña Francisca asks him to delay the wedding to avoid upsetting her mother.

Scene VIII

Rita informs Doña Irene that Doña Paquita is asking for her. Don Carlos says goodbye to Doña Paquita.

Scene IX

Calamocha discusses dinner preparations with Don Carlos. Rita offers soup and leaves. Calamocha speaks with Don Carlos, instructing him to lie to Simon.

Scene X

Simon enters. Calamocha and Don Carlos greet him and question him about his love interest. Simon answers evasively.

Scene XI

Don Carlos learns of his uncle’s engagement to Doña Paquita. Don Diego questions his nephew’s presence and actions. Don Carlos lies about his visit to Madrid. Don Diego orders Don Carlos to leave the inn and sends Simon to pay their expenses.

Scene XII

Don Diego gives his nephew money for the trip. He instructs Don Carlos on when to return to Zaragoza. Don Carlos kisses his uncle’s hand and departs.

Scene XIII

Don Diego reflects on his nephew’s departure. He regrets not revealing the marriage to avoid rivalry but expresses affection for his nephew.

Scene XIV

Doña Francisca and Rita leave Doña Irene’s room. Doña Francisca expresses concern about disappointing Don Diego.

Scene XV

Simon sees Doña Paquita and discusses the recent visitors. Doña Paquita mentions a lieutenant colonel and his assistant.

Scene XVI

Rita learns of Don Carlos’s departure. Doña Paquita is upset and confused by Don Carlos’s actions.

Act Three

Scene I

Don Diego cannot sleep and enters Simon’s room. They hear a serenade and realize it is for Doña Francisca. Simon suggests intervening, but Don Diego refuses.

Doña Francisca and Rita go to the window. Simon and Don Diego leave.

Scene II

Doña Paquita discovers her lover and looks out the window. Doña Francisca retrieves a letter. Felix urges Doña Paquita to explain her actions.

Simon drops a nightingale. Rita and Doña Paquita investigate the noise and encounter Simon.

Scene III

Don Diego asks Simon to find the letter. Simon reveals Doña Paquita’s age and affair. Don Diego orders Simon to turn on a light.

Scene IV

Don Diego is disappointed and angry. He hears a noise in Doña Francisca’s room and leaves.

Scene V

Rita searches for the letter. Simon arrives with a light. Don Diego questions Rita’s actions. Rita mentions a noise and a cat. Don Diego and Simon enter Doña Paquita’s room.

Scene VI

Rita asks Doña Paquita about the letter. Doña Francisca advises against searching, fearing Don Diego overheard her with Don Felix.

Doña Paquita explains Don Carlos’s reasons for leaving. Doña Francisca considers him a traitor.

Scene VII

Don Diego asks Simon to saddle the horse. He speaks with Doña Paquita, who hasn’t contacted her mother.

Scene VIII

Don Diego questions Doña Paquita’s feelings and the existence of another lover. Doña Paquita states her obedience to her mother and her unhappiness. Don Diego criticizes the insincerity of women’s education.

Scene IX

Simon informs Don Diego that Don Carlos and Doña Paquita were leaving, but he stopped them.

Scene X

Don Carlos arrives. Don Diego questions him about his relationship with Doña Paquita. Don Carlos explains their meeting in Guadalajara, their letters, and his visit to the convent. He asks Don Diego to intervene to stop the wedding.

Don Carlos expresses Doña Paquita’s obedience to her mother but insists on his love for her. Don Diego is angry.

Scene XI

Doña Irene speaks with Don Diego. Don Diego reveals Doña Paquita’s year-long affair. Doña Irene is shocked and worried about her daughter’s future. Don Diego gives Doña Irene Don Carlos’s letter to read.

Scene XII

Doña Paquita and Rita appear. Doña Irene confronts her daughter. Don Diego gives Doña Francisca Don Carlos’s letter. Doña Irene is upset and threatens her daughter.

Scene XIII

Don Carlos defends Doña Paquita. Don Diego forgives his nephew and celebrates the young lovers. Doña Irene forgives her daughter. Don Diego expresses his happiness.

Character Descriptions

Don Diego: A wealthy, polite, fifty-nine-year-old man who desires Doña Francisca. He is Don Carlos’s uncle.

Don Carlos: Don Diego’s nephew; a young, talented, educated soldier in love with Doña Francisca. Also known as Don Felix.

Doña Irene: Doña Paquita’s widowed mother; a good woman who seeks a wealthy husband for her daughter.

Doña Francisca (Doña Paquita): Doña Irene’s sixteen-year-old daughter; well-educated, obedient, and in love with Don Carlos.

Rita: Doña Irene’s maid; a mischievous but supportive friend to Doña Paquita.

Simon: Don Diego’s faithful servant.

Calamocha: Don Carlos’s worldly and eccentric servant.

Primary Characters: Don Diego, Doña Francisca, Don Carlos, Doña Irene

Secondary Characters: Rita, Simon, Calamocha

Temporal and Spatial Location


The play takes place in an inn in Alcalá de Henares, specifically a large hall with a staircase.


The action unfolds over one day, from seven pm to five am the next day, with flashbacks.