The Power and Future of Language

A picture is worth a thousand words

The images surround us constantly in our daily life (television, billboards, magazines ,…) but give us a little communication and bad, because they show us fragments of reality, while words explain in detail, with feelings, the reality of things.
disappear soon be writing something very unlikely given that writing is an essential tool for the complex organization of our society.
The disappearance of writing would not be a great tragedy as five thousand years if we did not yet exist., So it would only be that our life would be much simpler and much more just society.

Making Literature is a matter of, well endowed by nature

According to stereotypes, a poet is born, that is, of course, has a gift for poetry. Everyone is capable of literature, just time and dedication. The author tells us that nobody is better than another, that is, we are all equal and that we do what we propose.
Young people speak badly and my lame journalists write nt is not that young people speak badly but lexically structured properly constructed (nouns, adverbs, subordinate clauses ,…). The only thing they do is adapt the language in a way that is more convenient communication. As for journalists, not bad writing, just writing more now, and we collect this information to many people’s language is a medium of communication language is a kind of artifact with a utilitarian set of pieces that must be combined correctly and that serve to organize ourselves, either collectively or individually. The author defends the languages of peoples ioruga The tongue is a rare, exotic

All languages have grammar, ie, system or structure, although the rules of the language does not appear in a volume entitled and bound in leather with lyrics golden. It is an essential human expression My tongue is the easiest of all to all people, its language is the easiest. It should be understood that the difficulties that we have to learn a language is the same as someone else has to learn ours. Everything is a matter of perspective.

The mother tongue has always accompany

This assertion is false because if we go to another state, with other customs, we removed our league and the new language that prevails in the state, becomes for us the first or most important.

Sooner spent hours studying the angles of Catalan
people traveling through the world constantly and is used in several languages are an insignificant minority. Most people studying, working and retiring in concrete and nearby lands. Always good to learn new languages but also be good to dedicate hours of your language as part of our culture and it will devote time, this will eventually disappear is’impossara a single language for all.

More Languages speakers are most useful
in a particular country, the language most spoken language is specific in that particular country. Everything is a matter of knowing where you are and what you do or would do. It is more useful language with more speakers but you can solve problems every day.

In some languages can not talk about abstract things

That statement wants to defend the superiority of some peoples and some other languages and respect , gifts, explicit racism and ignorance .. All languages have words that refer to something abstract, such as sincerity, friendship, love, … And these words are fundamental to Porden to communicate with each other some languages have lost the train of modernity

All languages circulating the web of modernity and are ready to make the changes necessary, at any time and circumstances. All languages are modernized over generation after generation. There are words like “multimedia”, “inflation “,… Many languages that do not need because they need them, not because they are modern, Where we’ll end up with these social languages?

The author says that each language must be in place, without any restriction, with the ability to assume many duties as requested group of speakers, without pressure or interference from outside. Critics linguistic unity in each state as this would destroy the cultures around the world. The author also recalls that the major languages began in small places, and, for various reasons, were expanded.

A state is very expensive to maintain multilingual
author defends multilingual states because they are maintained through the culture and customs territories children. Critics say that it costs a lot of money to maintain a multilingual state taxes paid for something that archive and is not a reason to impose a linguistic unit in each state.

It must be that languages Serves

That sentence alone do not all right because it presupposes that all languages would have the same resources and possibilities of survival and not truth. We use a language when we are in certain situations, and others in other cases, so the languages that use less will eventually disappear.