The Pursuit of Happiness: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Values

The happy man is at peace with himself

The man seeks happiness and freedom.
There have been two types of happiness:

• Man abdineo: order and balance.
2. Dionysian Happiness: for new sensations.
Happiness is a result and life is a means to externalize the most humane thing we
inside, so that happiness is the subjective experience of being good with yourself.

The road to happiness: a set of small illusions

It is a form of travel rather than a final statement, since there is no absolute happiness. We know
what are our objectives and where we want to direct it.
We must fight against two dangers:
• External. • Internal.
Happiness is a mixture of joy and sadness, but fitted with lights and shadows of love.
For happiness is securely fastened, the emotional life must be, too.
But man has two engine light on his emotional life: pleasure and no presence of prohibition. A
while in man the subjectivism and individualism deny this freedom.

Without a moral bearings the struggle for freedom falls flat

The light man has no moral objectives, but of etiquette, inspired by an ethical thinking,
conformism that leads to a call that ethical.
Material progress can never achieve the aspirations.
Changed the values and patterns, designs the same religion, humanistic care about your appearance.
But this does not create freedom, freedom is generated through truth and love. Do not rely on
clay idols after a time have nourished his soul, but those that remain and that
bring true happiness.


Lost humanism

The light man must return to its roots:
• The Greek world. • The Roman world. • The Judeo-Christian world.
• The earliest roots, Crete, Mesopotamia, Phoenicians and the Ionian world.
The man light will start to be so when grown inside classical learning, the meaning of
Roman world, the love for the traditions and a return to Christian thought.

The European spirit

Formerly religion that unites Europe.
In the Renaissance there was a return to the old model based on three pillars:
• Assessment of the world. • Enhance the human figure. • Regarding politics, the decoupling of temporal power and the rationalist espiritual.Después Europe comes with three key notes:
• Creation of a State absolutely focused on the national economy. • The Counter-Reformation. Empirísmo.En • The arrival of this stage is the key sign of tolerance, although states were monitored. In the XIX century. Europe’s decline stems. Elements: • The political and technical revolutions. • Romantic nationalist movements. • The formation of blocks on a scale imperialist alliances to expand the colonial territories.

Love, work and culture, but without distorting the words

Here we bet on the primacy of the person on the structures. It should be a call to the ability
oral and spiritual man if we want the light out of its current state only cares about the
money. The truth can not be subject to consensus.
Those who run the media has to know that such exploration baseless argument. If
one thing is clear, to desert the true human and spiritual values to throw in the hands of
fashion. Alvin Toffler, in his various works, comes from the three additional versions of power in the
• The power of violence. • The power of money. • The power of information, which involves the knowledge of reality in order to operate in society and
make it a better economic performance.
In short, if man focuses light only in the material, with high preference over the spiritual, it is difficult
to lean on the human and spiritual values.
A life without values is reduced to a program whose argument is not union.

Back to the securities

In general we can say that it is necessary a return to other values for the following reasons:
• Material progress can not fill itself human aspirations. • Tetralogy of man is a call light that makes a man long wing empty, hollow, without
content and without reference points. • Hedonism denies the value of suffering, because they know what it means and how important it is
for personal maturity.
• Permissiveness result from drug addicts to people addicted to pornography, through violence
and aggression whose end can be fatal. The pathology resulting from this family may have a prognosis
very negative. It is therefore necessary to instill timeless values out of these coordinates,
whose codes of conduct are broad but sharp profile make more human and dignified man.
One of the main values is humanism, based on a sound moral training, open and pluralistic.
This is a personal work that involves the following requirements:
• Do not stimulate the instincts and passions, if you educate them. • Do not fall into the permissiveness and have criteria for distinguishing between good and evil. • Try the collective good, and the competition itself but not outrageous, frantic to perform that sentence of the man is wolf to man, a moral educated in the natural principles that escapaz to raise the flight to the supernatural, and a culture that struggles to not be glued to the television, as an almost unique intellectual nutrition.
Ultimately it comes to getting a better man, who wants to be more educated to be freer. Create
more emotional space, which fits the material, spiritual and cultural.
All this will help us achieve happiness.

The dreamer and thinking man that is in us

From Sigmund Freud how important dreams, the content is connected with the illusions and
DIY projects. But as I said Friederich Holderlein in each there are two distinct areas: the
of dreams and of reason. It is necessary to draw borders that delimit each other.
For this we need a model of identity, referential schema, a man who does not collapse with
years. Facing the light man without prospects are proposed to the man committed and forward against the
future. We must give value to your life strong and persuasive, it is evident that the man
light is temporary, transient, and has little power of conviction.

Praise of privacy

Human life has two development areas: internal and external, and the man needs to establish a
special balance between the two. The first is referred to interiority, affective, and so on., While the
outside is manifested through behavior.
But there are two angles whose coordinates we must not lose sight of when we make that trip by
passages of personality. Both perspectives are or give rise to our biography.
In general, the internal dynamics are usually found threaded through the same cable, you need to be argumentative. Al
deepen within us discover that there is still a growing structure that is headed for a
cone complex, which also has a part basement and attic that addresses the street and another that closes
into its own structure.