The Reign of the Catholic Monarchs: Unification, Religion, and Power in Spain

The Catholic Monarchs:
The dynastic unity
Ten years after the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella was the dynastic union of both kingdoms. The political union of the two crowns raised 3 objectives: 1 grenade UNIFY 1492, Roussillon and Sardinia 1493, and Navarra 1515. There was also an attempt to join Portugal, via marriage. 2nd unit RELIGION: by inquisition, expulsion of Jews from 1492 and the XVI century Mudejar. Those who stayed behind, accepting the conversion were charged with false converts. 3rd centralize power:
Subjecting politically to the nobility, in exchange for retaining their social prominence through the ratification of privileges, increased power of the mesta, primogeniture foundation also created institutions to increase the royal power. The union was, however, a dynastic union Under the same monarch, the various kingdoms continued to maintain different laws and institutions.

RRCC grenade and Navarre:

War grenade was Finanziara x the bull of the crusade. (1481-1492) 1 x zahara conquest of the Moors, was the Mark D contstada x cadz, q d seized Alhama, the RRCC reinforced conkista d made by the siege and destruction of strongholds cosexas. Were favored x g.Civl among the pretenders to the throne nazari, RRCC bought Boabdil d support. Malaga occupied and the rest of the kingdom squares d nazari just surrendered without resistance, signed some agreements cn Boabdil public in 1492 will give the sold Boabdil xk grenade. NAVARRA: death of King John II d aragon, step x via double d her daughter’s house d Foix, sympathized cn France, Ferdinand commanded the duke d cn intervene and take care dawn Navarre, aunk preserve the autonomy of its institutions, its privileges and status as the kingdom itself.


The Crown of Castile and Portugal were rivals on the rights of conquest of the Canary Islands. FinallyIn 1479, Portugal relinquished to the islands by the Treaty of AlcaƧovas. With regard to Portugal, the Catholic Monarchs marriage policy used systematically as an instrument of foreign policy: In 1490, married his daughter Elizabeth to Prince Alfonso Portugal, eldest son of King John II. Alfonso’s death in 1491 and King John II in 1495 left him as heir to the king‘s brother, Manuel the Fortunate. In 1497, Manuel married Elizabeth, widow of the former king, Alfonso. Elizabeth died in 1498 at the birth of his son Michael, who died two years later. Again, the matrimonial diplomacy worked and the Infanta Maria, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, took his place as the wife of Manuel. Although this political marriage did not work immediately thereafter under the complex web of family relationships, Felipe II in 1580 successfully claimed the throne of Portugal, dying childless King Sebastian. In 1478, the Catholic Kings ordered conquest of Gran Canaria. In 1493 it was annexed the island of La Palma, and the union of Castile in 1496 concluded with the conquest of Tenerife. The process of conquest was very similar to that then applied in America. It was carried out by individuals who signed contracts, settlements, the Crown

RRCC institutions:

the Catholic Monarchs staged a great job of strengthening the power of monarchs. The task, begun during the years of Civil War in Castile, continued throughout his reign. Isabella and Ferdinand ended the conflict between noble power and royal power that had characterized the late Middle Ages. With the authority of the Catholic Kings of kings was restored and consolidated government institutions and public finance. The reorganization of the finance system was a first and necessary step of the monarchs. Adopted at the Cortes of Toledo in 1480, were reviewed grants (grants to nobles) in 1476, in the Cortes at Madrigal de las Altas Torres, adopted the constitution of the Holy Hermandad.En 1480 he reorganized the Royal Council. The real power was also strengthened at the local level with the generalization of the magistrates. Delegates of the power of the monarchs in towns and cities, municipalities and had presided over judicial and police functions. Other important measures were the actual control of the Military Orders (Santiago, Calatrava, Alcantara) and strengthening the administration of justice, with two Royal Chancery, situated in Valladolid and Granada.RRCC AFRICA AND ITALY: Sardinia and Sicily were integrated into the Crown of Aragon and Naples reigned a bastard branch of Alfonso V the Magnanimous. At first, Ferdinand and the French King Charles VIII, sought a compromise solution. The result of this attitude was the Treaty of Barcelona (1493) which recovered Aragon Roussillon and CerdaƱa. The break, however, came when Charles VIII conquered Naples in 1495. The Spanish response was immediate and sent troops commanded by a Castilian nobleman, Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba, known as the Great Captain. After a long and complex campaign, the Spanish troops joined the monarchy the kingdom of Naples in 1505. Spain became a great European power. In northern Africa, the Spaniards, fired by the conquest of Granada, practiced a policy of expansion that sought to neutralize the Barbary pirates supported by the great power of the Mediterraneo East, the Turkish Empire. The conquest of Melilla (1497) and Oran (1509), alongside the establishment of protectorates in Bejaia, Tripoli and Algiers, seemed to overtake the Spanish conquest of the Maghreb. However, the defeat on the islands of Jerba expansionist dreams thwarted. The Hispanic monarchy maintained some strongholds in North Africa but failed to stop piracy Berber.