The Restoration in Spain: Political and Social Changes

Due to the failure of the first Spanish republic, which had not been successful despite having four presidents in a short period of time, and political instability caused by this, wanted to introduce new wing monarchy and return existing form of government before the first república.Cánovas del Castillo tried to proclaim the young King of Spain
Alfonso XII, son of Elizabeth II, told The Alfonsists withthe support of the bourgeoisie landowner Catalan bourgeoisie, Delos Cuban interests, and Vaticano.Cánovas one diciembre1874 drafted 1 shows that the prince signed at Sandhurst military academy where he studied English. General Martinez Campos proclaimed King Alfonso XII on 29 December, following a ruling in Sagunto.El new King did not disappoint anyone. In his youth and intelligence, won the popular sympathy and political life, becoming one of the symbols Delos Restauración.El Restoration political system was developed by CAnova del Castillo. She was assisted by Sagasta.
Canovas had a clear roadmap of what must be like nación.Los Canovas main foundations of the system are: a) The Restoration meant to overcome the political instability of the previous period and the achievement of social and political pacification pais.Be) Era necessary to achieve a synthesis between old and new, what he called “internal constitution” This internal constitution was formed by key political principles such as liberty, property, monarchy .. C) civilians from militarism. The civil power is superior to militar.D) We must seek agreements, consensus. For they all need to understand each other cedan.E) was called for a pact between all political forces, that would enable peaceful coexistence within a parliamentary monarchy. Such a pact is based on a new constitution, the constitution of 1876. Cánovas inicithe constitutional process by convening an Assembly in which he was a commission of Notabilidades.La constitution of 1876 was moderate balance between 1845 and the breakthrough of 1869. It consists of 89 artículs distributed in 2 parts sustanciales.Se 13títulos and has collected individual rights liberalism progresista.En Article 18 reflected the principle of shared sovereignty with the king’s courts. The King promulgates laws, dissolve the Parliament and is entitled to veto.Las Courts were split into two chambers: the Congress and the Courts Senado.Las leyes.La discussed and approved the Electoral Act 1878 and census-type was just voted the 5% of the population. Then, thanks to Sagasta masculino.Existía universal suffrage is a discrepancy between the constitution of 1876 and the reality of Spain mostly rural and timely analfabeta.Cánovas believed the creation of two political parties that alternate power inthe: so-called dinásticos.Cánovas parties set their own party, Liberal Conservative, leaning onthe upper classes, and the Liberal Party, supported by the industrial bourgeoisie and urban middle classes, the head of which Sagasta Staba, politicians who is due in large measure, the rooting dela Restoration as político.Cánovas and Sagasta system is perfectly understood between sí.Sagasta joined the old left progresista.A right and left stood políticas.Fuera other system configurations were antidinásticos.Enla ls extreme right parties were the Chartists and inthe Canovas extrema.El system with its broad base social.Importante was also the support army x x the Church.
The mechanics of the game devised by turnismo Delos Sagasta Canovas and worked perfectly: ls Conservative and Liberal parties were transferred to each other x force or mutual agreement procedure was interno.El wear desu: dela Interior Minister performed the “box” ie, sayía Members who would be elected by each distrito.El turnismo was predetermined between “oligarchy and despotism” The oligarchy Staba political leaders formed x partidos.Asus services Staba d both the chief, a person of great economic power in the pueblo.Éste district or used his power to dominate the people politically desu influencia.El area ofa phenomenon own society was largely rural, underdeveloped, illiterate, in which he was a strong difference between the field and gave turnismo city.The política.El life stability wing despotism and the electoral farce were immoral, so k carried within it the germ dela sistema.En crisis regarding internal political wing dela Restoration, social peace was the main sought to reach objetivo.Cánovas consensus with the military and Iglesia.Alfonso XIII was a “warrior king”, who took the spirit and the army chief and set the tone to be followed by their example sucesores.Elrcito abandoned the practice of “pronouncement”, went to their barracks and turned professional. The church and state also were reconciled. Cánovas.Las Canovas system core businesses were the termination of wars carlistas.La pacification of Cuba was achieved through action wing of General Martinez Campos thanks to the Convention of 1878.El Zanjón dela Restoration political system also had detractors cmo republicanism, the nacionalismos.Ningún labor movement and the party was more concerned by the Republican Restoration k, k was battered, broken and buried in an intense crisis interna.Varias are families in which Spanish republicanism was divided: the opportunity, federalists, progressive and radicales.En the struggle to improve their living conditions, workers and peasants were attracted to anarchism and socialism socialismo.La trend was led by Pablo Iglesias and consolidated after the foundation of entrenched social PSOE.Elor better in urban centers and mining areas anarchism industriales.El enjoyed more sympathy among workers and socialists campesinos.Los founded their group association, founded anarchist CNT and UGT.El represent an FAI.Los reaction to centralism liberal and a defense of its peculiarities as pueblo.Planteaban a new way to see Spain: Spain off the unit and uninational, Spain defended a diverse and nationalism multinacional.En are three movements: nationalism Catalan nationalism Basque nationalism and Andalusian include Catalan and Catalan nationalism vasco.El had its roots in the Renaixença.Con posterity, the nationalist movement becomes more popular and the Renaissance is político.Relacionado with modernismo.Se also developed other more radical nationalist movements, such as Prat led the Basque nationalism was Riba.El least k inicios.Católico Catalan in their very conservative and had its principal spokesman in Sabino Arana. Antiespañol.Era was contrary to liberalism, socialism, and what they meant each of the clergy support ellos.Tenía peasantry and the petty bourgeoisie.