The Rise and Fall of Populist Leaders in Latin America

Chartered: 1952-1967

It is a system of government which is not exercised by the president of the republic, but by a Council consisting of 9 persons, drive 4 mandates, their implementation must be implemented by a plebiscite to approve the reform of the constitution.
It consisted of 9 persons: 1 president (1 year), 3 more presidents (4 yrs), then those who belong to the most voted list of the most popular parties, and the most voted last second list of most voted.
Where the people decided: SI (232,078 -54.4%) NO (194,680-45.6%)
The four colleges: 1952-1955: Andrés Martínez Trueba, his council of white (Antonio Rubio, Francisco strength, etc.) and red (Álvaro Vargas, Roberto watercress, etc.).
1955-1959: Luis Batlle Berres, Colorado: Alberto zubiria, Carl Fisher) White: Luis Alberto Herrera, Daniel Fernandez.
1959-1963: martin Etchegoyen; white: Benito Nardone, Eduardo victor, Color: ledo creek towers, sar Batlle Pacheco
1963-1967: Daniel Fernandez Blanco: gianatassio Luis Alberto Heber, carlos Mpenades, etc)
Fernandez curly-> Gustavo puing
Gianattasio-> Alejandro Zorrilla de San Martin
Populist governments: features: respond to a charismatic leader, support the working masses, nationalized businesses, not neglected by the industrialists, the agro-export sector is hurt, economic stability.
Peronism: Juan Domingo Peron several years hard
He did not reject capitalism, industry support, passed labor legislation, maintained the military union of the church cn;
His plans: social laws, that his acceptance as a military ally, sought to achieve a po-backed regime’s armed forces and forces workers.
Win the election (1956), returns to democracy, which supports the political branches (trade unions, youth movements) create state-owned enterprises (gas, aviation); When economic difficulties begin to allow incoming Argentina: STANDARD OIL COMPANY , requesting a loan from the Export-Import Bank for the placement of steel industry l

Military Rule:

1955-1960: Juscelino Kubitschek, nationalist economic policy remains as Brazil advanced in industrialization, the great work was the construction of a new capital Brasilia (1960) 1960-1961: set up a regime of authority and neutrality reaching contacts with China, a communist, the USSR and Castro’s Cuba, what bothers q U.S. And Brazilian oligarchy, so it was that he resign, 1961-1964: ACEDE the president João Goulart, it was not easy task x insugerencias new guerrilla rural and urban U.S. Distrust aq took in 1964, was given a coup.

MariCal became president Humberto Castello Branco and so began the military dictatorship> Argentina leads to chaos, predominated 3 powers:
Radical Party (democratic governance); Peronist (based: people, trade unions), the Armed Forces (features racist) legalistic: lesgilativo control, gorillas supporters of assumption of the army. * 1973-gral Lanusse called elections, where Peronist triumphed with Campora (one coat peron)
, Campora resigned and later took Isabel Peron and his 2nd wife, which highlighted the social compact (agreement between obrerosy patterns); Where It reduced the unemployment rate, control and increase wages prescion
1974 – Isabel Perón dies and who assumes a coup remained chaotic and hard ejecrito gave a coup and formed by military juntas, assumed by 3 orders of Armed Forces, (naval, air and army) Economic: the applies an external politicaultraliberalista Falklands war development; Galtieri resigned, replaced Bignone kien anger returning to democracy.


Plans were q Peron military support him, sought to achieve a regime q is supported by the armed forces and workers. D -1930 Gov. Purposes. D Civil and start the Govt. Military. The char. Q was the army’s modern, professional, belief in the futility d matches, failure of democracia.-1946 Peron wins elections and becomes a democracy, peron is supported by a political branch, in the union, an organization women and youth movements. -Peron Argentina claimed a strong to dominate America and that differed from the Govt. Marxists and capitalists. -D From 1950 to begin the economic difficulties in Argentina and Peron began rapprochement with the European capital. Peron adopt means of austerity for the death of Eve (1952) and the conflict with the Catholic church that brings the end to Peronism. In 1973 with 63% returns to be president, in 74 dies. When he died Isabel Peron Peron assume q had a chaotic government, army and hard dl (gorillas) led a coup that will dl 76 to 83.
Getulio Vargas (1930-1934 Govt. Provisional) (1934-1937 Govt. Constitutional) (1937-1945 establishing a new state) (1945-1950 governs with the support Dutra Vargas d) (1950-1954 Vargas again to rule q was elected constitutionally d). It happened in 1955-1960 Juscelino Kubitschek q nationalist economic policy remains the great work was building a new capital d. Janio Quadros 1960-1961 introduced a regime of austerity and neutrality, came into contact with communist China, the USSR and Castro’s Cuba, the U.S. Bothered q It was the Brazilian oligarchy and q quit. Siege of President João Goulart in 1961-1964, which was not easy task for the new rural and urban guerrilla insugerencias, distrust U.S. Aq in 1964 led a coup given.