The Rise and Fall of Primo de Rivera’s Dictatorship in Spain
Dictatorship riveraCuando cousin just the 1st World War lberales democracies enter a crisis. The liberal democratic state is attacked by socialism strengthened by the rev. 1916. Defender of the proletariat dictatorship rel. And the authoritarian state fascism (Germany, Italy). After the events of 1917 Spain entered a revolutionary phase characterized by the breakdown of the system. Canova. From 1917-23 were years of great distress, manifested in strikes and great violence rn andalucia. Workers join unions anarchists (CNT) of 8 hours and wages set by labor and business. There were good times in the working world, not only internal problems but tb x the influence of the Bolshevik revolution. The Bolshevik example intensified violence and gangsterism (Barcelona). The prime minister Eduardo Dato was assassinated by anarchists on 3/3/921. In July 1921 was the disaster of Annual in the Moroccan War. This shocked public opinion and Primo de Rivera staged a coup on 13 September. 1923 with a telegram.
Alfonso XIII in the form command andl government is an authoritarian state, this monarkia abolished the parliament, the constitution of 1876 and dissolved the courts. Sagasta Cnovas and ended with the restoration. The dictatorship was not bad, was supported by the church, army, neutral mass and by the king.
The dictarura is divided into two phases, the military directory (1923/25) where you can find social peace, public order, the ordination of administration and ends with the war in Morocco. Q When everyone thought it was about to finish the second phase is called civil directory (until 1930) which coincides with the recovery of the global ecco and more stable governments. Q izo dictatorship opposed muxos between Unamuno and Pedro Sainz eyos Rogriguez. The characteristics of the dictatorship were the establishment of joint committees which was a major social achievement. Integrated workers and employers towards the regulation of work achieved. PSOE.Otra had the help of the feature was to overcome the crisis of the postwar period, and use an increasing interventionist politics ECCA tariff protection and promoting domestic production with tax incentives, resulting in ECCA incrfemento concentration and monopolies. The basic industries like steel, cement and heavy kimika increased its productionand kn tb the same way energy sources such as carbon
. It was created as Monol CAMPSA petroleum polio. There was an increase in tourism. It pursued a policy of public works in the k d increased road network by improving the railways and preventing the problem of water for the organization’s plan q is hydraulic and hydraulic conference politics favored by the “happy 20s”. The huge expenditure increased public debt. Foreign capital invested or deposited in banks disappeared. It moneda.Otra contempt of the features is the politic point of view, k is the attempt to put a single political party of fascism, “Patriotic Union” and develop a new constitution. This failure. The change of happy 20’s to the disaster of 1929, adversely affect the ECCA: close factories, unemployment and muxa eumenta criticized as antiregionalismo Catalanism by the Commonwealth, the satisfaction of the intellectuals, the political hatred and suspicion of the king by the Primo de Rivera. Tb discontent in society as the constitution d x aber could carry out a turnismo Politoco to put abia socialism as occurred in G. Bret. This Primo q izo resign on 30 January 1930. He went into exile in Paris, where he died a month and a half. At this the king orders Damaso to form the government. The dictatorship was characterized by a focused regimen supported by the army, the church and the landowning classes. Muxo supported it but tb xq tube failures did not know muxos KITAR ECCA deteriorating and causing the crisis of Civil War monarkia and 1936. The end of the dictatorship, the fall of monarkia and the 2nd republic. The monarkia abia abia been greatly weakened when accused of violating the constitution, dissolve when the courts, I did not call an election. Given this reality the king has only cn the army. Damaso Berenguerkiere return to constitutional monarkia safely. Berenguer governs x decree and square elections. Kiere acer one republica.Crecia social unrest. The pact did izkierda d san sebastian to end the monarkia cn. Republican Ubo military partnership. And in mid-December through antimonarkika prepared a constpiracion pronouncements but took place. Berenguer was regarded as a despot and tube q resign in February 1931. He was put kien Aznar. Later are elections in which Republicans win.