The Rise of Christianity and Islam: A Comparative Study of Power, Culture, and Expansion

Q1 Carolingian

Translatio imperii

Christian influenced, Benedicitne Rue, Monasticism

Charlemagne, King of Franks. Charles the great

Roman not religious;conversion of emp. To christ. Then forcing upon the population Paderborn capituary 785;convert..Die

Pipin the short, carolingian conquest of frankia

Estb. Carol. Through overthrow of Childeric II 751;
Conquest of Church to say God says so.

Gain territories through conquest;spread churches

Charlemagne under power(768-814)

King of Rome when LeoIII had power struggle.
;Made Louie the Pious the ruler of Carlolingian empire; practiced and spread monasticism. Set benedictein rule over franksh kngdm. Successors to rule after his death, power struggle.

Aachen of Ravenna, royal chapel+school Allevin of York (735-804) hlp taught the school.

Lorsch Gospels(778-820) Fancy gift from king to monastary

One version of manuscript;commisioned.


Muhammad prophet of allah, umayyad family as descendant of muhammad, origin city of Mecca

Spread of Islam quickly through conquest of cities, lenient only to jews and christian faith. Treaty of Tudmir(713)<>

United ast amount of fighting tribes in the arabian peninsula then spread to the rest of the middle east.

Abbasid caliphate (750-1258, 1261-1517) founded by descendant of muhammad, overthrown Umayyad empire

took advantage of situation. Capital of baghdad. Accept non-Muslm into struture, stressed value of knowledge.

Known for the help;golden age; literature, art and science. Sunni.

Ummayad(661-750) Established after death of Muhammad, soicial structure, arab muslims. Does not like other influences.

prioritized military conquest. Construct dome of rock. Criticized for not being direct blood descendant of Muhammad.

Power Relation:

Religious baseed power after estbalished.Ie, king to christian.Abbasid as true bloodline. Sunni vs Shia.

Economic developement

Golden age when Charlemagne ruled through conquest and acquisition. Islam same way, Jizya

Basil worked with Islamic lords to collect taxation.ATaxDemandInEgypt(710)


Relied on armies for conquest. Roman gave land. Islamic army are fighting groups promised loot. Relied on it fr cq 


  Both relied on scholars to translate text. Islam had library, many languages converted. Carolingian/manuscript,Islam/poetry.

Q2Rome ending in 476

 In 285, the emperorDiocletian (r. 284–305);
Roman Empire‘s administration into eastern and western;


Barbaric ruled then king converted to Christian. Converted the kingdom into independant kingdoms. Fragmented due to external and inernal factor (Rhine frontier 407-418, vandals attacks ), Fall of Hunnic empire(453),(economic contraction,polit.Instability,dissapearenace of roman army,barbarian war tribes. Military losses due to attacks from outside forces. By 10th century, Vis.K, Alaric sacked Rome. Vandals raids in 455


Byzantine, argument of icons, Jon of Damascus on Holy Images(730); Under Theodosius I (r. 379–395),Christianity became the Empire’s official state religion(Theodosian Code 438) Mediterranean region and coastal regions in southwestern Europe and north Africa.


Latin based/Greek based


St Augustines writing in West;Church expand and Secular power(10th cent) increase ,more land=power struggle|Influnced by Basil;saw a period of iconoclasm.


No single sucular power but central ecclesiastical power in Rome.

Barbarians in the west

Clovis conversion, Letter to Clovis (508), V King Alaric, German Odoacer

 Q3 Religious vs State

Church and State 2 dfifferent things?

Church gradually became the religious institution.Emperor Constantine issued the edict of milan(313) proclaiming toleration for the Christian religion.

First Council of Nicaea (325),NiceneCreed believe”one holy chatholic church”

Decree of 380 by Theodosius I (Nicene Christianity became the state religion);Last emperor to rule over both eastern and western kingdom.

After fall of Roman empire in 5th cent

emerged no single secular power in the west but central ecclesisatical power in Rome. Power vaccum;Church to be dominant power in W. By 10th cent. Sec. Gained power as church expand; power struggle.

Christianity;distinction between religious power and state

Islam;not clear separation of power;state power fueled by need to gain resoures

lenient towards non-muslim. Treaty of Tudmir 713(spain 711 Abd al Aziz treaty with Theodemir ) and A Tax Demand in Egypt(710)

Q4 Christian beliefs


St.Anthony (356) pure living and practices of Christianity.

Monotheism; rule of Benedict of Nursia (ca. 480–534), encourage by Gregory the Great 604 and Charlemagne 814. The Benedictine Rule; Divine office hours. Number and wealth of monasteries increased, demand for other monastary and books also increase.


leoIII iconoclasm, idol as abuse; constantine V 741-775 declared veneration of icon in 754 as a violation as a violation of salvation. In synod of 754. Empress Irene called fourth council to reinstate the idols.


War;book;conversion;power of authority;force conversion; Paterborn Capituary 785


Q3 examples

Bede; conversion of barbarian king;

Constantine help build Christianity 

Charlemagne Ruler of Roman Empire by Leo III