The Second Spanish Republic: A History of Reform and Conflict (1931-1936)


The 14 d April d 1931 proclaimed republic DSPU dq 2nd Alfonso XIII to learn the results d municipal elections decided to abandon the royal palace with his family and embark at Cartagena and spend x DSPU d d people in Marseille France, Marx in exile in Rome where he died. The proclamation d the 2nd R. Day was a joy d d grands popular demonstrations. Never in history has known a day + to2 holiday in the country and a Govt. Staban provisional represented in the q qe to2 politicians participated last year in the Covenant d San Sebastian, in the presence d Niceto Alcala-Zamora, a lawyer cordobes, runs the country and takes the 1 st s revolutionary measures, xro character is Manuel Ser Azana presidnt dl q is the Govt., formed part d 1 game left. R d claramnt central guidance and anticlerical. Staba tb representing the Socialists with their 2 leaders Works Main:
Francisco Largo Caballero and Indalecio-Prieto. The party soc. D was the working class representative. And his left. Had formed the Communist Party(PCE), founded aunq x Jose Diaz is beginning to highlight Santiago Carrillo. The Govt. 1 new syst organizes provisional democratic in the q 1 d measure is the call Constituent Cortes, the tempo q acer xra decrees are published both educational reforms, military and autonomous, necessary to change the political life xra dl country. Among highlights Stas mdidas municipal law and the law obligatory cultivation dl (trab. Forced). X of 1 is forcing employers to hire only the trab. D his people, and x the 2nd was obliged to bring into cultivation to2 the prop. Farm. These measures along with the decision d make a lab day. D 8 h. Minister elaborate stan d x trab., socialist-Largo Caballero. Xro the masses demanded and integrity required immediate answers to their problems, sharing d to2 land and both socialists and anarchists d the CNT (National Confederation of Labor), call demonstrations and strikes against power laborers d d d landowners the bourgeoisie .


Successive Govt. Republicans pushed the political and social reforms necessary xra create a modern state and avoid the continuing strains in the Spanish population. Highlights:

1) R. Agraria (IRA)

The measures taken x disentailment the Govt. Liberals in the s. XIX Ser did not solve the problem d Spain, hunger d land, the land distribution among workers or d trab. Dl field, q continued to demand the necessary changes to property xra KITAR the securities and distribute them among laborers. In this sit. Added the revolutionary triumph in Russia in 1917 d, x lo q soc. And anarchists insisted on popular support for these measures. The Govt. Azana, supported trab d dl minister., the soc. Long-Caballero, create xra Agrarian Reform
Institute and developed the land reform law x d where q to2 latifundios adecuadamnt were not cultivated qedaban expropriated and passed into state hands DSPU the IRA jornalerios distributed among the landless. XRA This will involve a fair price q was always less than its official value, X lo q employers were exposed to these expropriations and they shall be semper against Rep. D q While day laborers on Andalusia and Extremadura to2 occupied farms, with the collaboration d socialists and anarchists and the land put into cultivation work q . Ad + dl most xra budget needed agrarian reform were xra espropiaciones and nunk pay the money had the 1st push xra genuine agrarian reform.

2nd) R. Military:

The probl. Ser dl Spanish army was too d No official, and this probl. Agreement came from Velgara d q and this had caused the army to intervene too much in Spanish political life. Crowds d military uprisings took place during the s. XIX Manuel Azaña, q ad + d be president of the Govt. D was minister of war, take measures highlighted as dl military retirement law, which loa x promotion not only x cornflower and merits of war, but x better ones. The Spanish army Staba linked to sit. Dl N d Africa, or battles against luxas Kabyles Rif, was the fundamental objective d the Spanish military. X lo qe measures taken x Azana d grant retirement to most d officials d protest caused them, and so pronounced in 1932, General Sanjurjo on Sev.

3rd) R. Education:

The educ. Staba in d hands of religious congregations, and in the s. Xro Century liberals (as with the Moyano Act) sought to introduce public education in Spain, where 1 xro Spain remained illiterate country. It then passes laws xra Rep. No d increase teachers pay increase d the same conditions and created many schools and colleges d d mdia education. Free schools are promoted and promoted education d missions pegagogicas.

4th) R. Religious:

It is one d the probl. + D serious the 2nd Republ. And in 1 country d long religious tradition, Manuel Azaña get to utter the phrase Spain Djado d have to be Catholic. The Republic. Brings order to the crowd d yx religious congregations in Spain the 1933 law, prohibited keda cualkier founding congregation from abroad. Ad + decides to expel the Jesuits d Spain and terminating the teaching centers d q No directed largely to the Jesuits in Spain.

5th) R. Land:

According to Cst. Republ., Spain was formed x different nationalities, and even in 1931, it proclaimed in Bcn Macià the Republ. Catalana, xro Azana Catalan independence achieved mainstream status d promised autonomy to the year q APPROVED sig. Granting autonomous powers q tb the Catalans claimed. Xro the Basque statute could not be approved in Parliament until 1936, when they produced the Uprising abia Nac kedo Galician and status without being approved in Parliament. Opposition to La Repubblica:
No covers a large d groups and political parties , in 1st place Monark, and not just supporters d Monark Bourbon, if not the Carlist tb. Ad + d following the model of European fascism, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera created the Spanish phalanx d las JONS (National Socialist Youth of offensives). Declares orientation of ext. Der. In the der. See how a core Spanish church-relatedq ñola a national action party d, q DSPU integrates into the CEDA (Spanish Confederation of Derex Autonomos) under the chairmanship d Gil Robles, the Reformers opposed to2 Republ., and even won the elections in 1933. On the left. Tb formed parties opposed to the republic x it as a Govt. Bourgeois, are the parties d ext. Left., qe highlights between anarchists and opposite way d kualkier Govt. The sit. Became untenable with the events d old houses. When the anarchists, led x Seisdedos, were living in denying Kemados d assault guards, inmediatamnt, the opposition demands the president dl dl decrease Govt. And Azana dissolves the Cortes and calls new elections where voting x 1 º time women xro victory is for the parties d der., q comes together in the CEDA, chaired x Gil Robles, xro this is considered a fascist leader and x dl president that Gob. Alexander d keda held Larroux, q partdio was radical, q appoint d Gil Robles as minister of war. And so began the Two Black. Q In the Govt. Keda parties held d d der. Q receive protests, Strikes and demonstrations. Popular until pto q UGT and CNT called a general strike in 1934 and in the end only qeda in Asturias, q causes the subvention d Asturias, where miners are facing the authorities decide to send the q command legion General dl Lopez Ochoa d aid Franco. The repression was very hard and muxos pplares leaders were executed after the war judgments d advice. In the late d 1935 q quit x Lencoux is the subject of the Strap. Q X as new elections are held xra d February 1936.