The Second Spanish Republic: From Reform to Civil War

the paralysis of reforms: in the field brake graria reform:
They fixed the return of land in the Noblex, set aside the assignment at TIRR bad husbandry to the farmers and was granted Libeert total of hire. The owners expressed their desire to get rid of the previous and campesiones refromas responded with strikes. Tb the agricultural issue to the central government faced with the Genneralitat of Catalonia, in the hands of the Republicans left. The Government of the Generalitat noa keto aporbo the cancellation and a new law. On the other hand, the central gboierno tb is enmistó with Basque nationalists to stop in the courts, the discursion statuto draft by the PNV Basque. The government also tried to counter the religious reform by adopting a presupusto of worship and clergy and initiating negotiations for signing a concordat with the Holy See. It approved a amnitía for rebels in Sanjurjo and for dictarura In association with the Primo de Rivera. All this resulted in a radicalization of the PSOE and the UGT. The radical wing of the PSOE and declaraon narquistas open warfare against the new government, qe is manterializo in the proliferation of strikes and conflicts.
4.3 The October Revolution of 1934: it pordujeron manifestaicions strikes and in some large cities to defend social reforms , threatened pr the action of the new government. In asturias. Miners staged a social revolucoion, the result of prior agreement between anarchists and communists socialisttas. Repression was very hard: over 1,000 miners killed, as reusltado of ejecuiones mchuos summary ordered by military commanders, 200 injured and about 5,000 detainees so. Catalonia had the support of the Genralitat presindente. Finally declare a state of war and the army, to the genral Madnes Batet.

the crisis in the second biennium: the consequences of the October Revolution were remarkable. The CEDA increase your influecnia in government and was in favor of applying strict sentences and make a more lasting reorientation of politics and government. It suspended the statue of institutional autonomy of Catalonia, and the peasants were forced to pgar the tatlidad of revenues, including arrears since 1931. Devoliveron properties are the Jesuits and Gil Robles was named minister of war and Franco, jefed the staff. Criss strong government erupted in 1935. Radical Party was hit by a series of scandals corrpcion, as the case of black market (a rigged roulette sobrno qe under intantado had been implanted in caisson españloles bucks.) difrecinias These ecandalos exacerbated within the coalition government. Qe attempt Gil Robles himself named president of government but Rome refused and onvecaron new lessons.

the triumph of the Popular Front:

5.1 Election February 1936: to appear izuqieda matches were grouped at the popular front.
The right would partiods of different coalicones formed, contistuidas by CEDA, the monarchists and traditionalists (National Bloc). But drechjas Logron not make a single canditaura for Spain or write a consensual electoral progrm. In the elections the front Popil He obtains the most votes and became the winning force. The new government will finally stay composed while qe republianos Socialists and other parties to loan coalicon is comprometiron parliamentary support. Azana was named president of the republic and Casares Quiroga, head of government. 5.2:
The Popular Front: The new government quickly set up the program agreed upon in the coalicon elctoral. Amnstia been imposed where many prisoners were imprisoned and forced companies to reinstate the dismissed Oberes root of strikes in October 1934.The government resumed precesses Nueba refurbished in a project for the devoluicon of community property to the municipalities and the resumption of settlement of the peasants. The left parties and trade unions launched a popular mobilization. The narquistas defencdan the need for revolutionary action, and a section of socal tab. The strikes were called pra ciuedades ask condicon improving slaborales in the field. The new position was received by the film speak with absolute rejection, many prpietarios at TIRR is opusioern government measures, some employers closed factories and so on.

Towards the coup: the night of the election, the attempt pleads genral Franco the state of war. In March a group of genral acordo an uprising that restored order. At first the plot had little military strength and poor organization to put a face qe General Emilio Mola. His plan was to organize a simultaneous MLIT prronunciamiento all possible fittings. Rumres to stop the coup, the government moved to ingeneral target more directly involved in the plots, but did not dare sack them. The conspiracy was backed military and political forces on the right. Contacts are also stablished italy and germany fasciasta Anazi. The 14th of July in Madrid porodujo murder at the hands of a group of izquiedistas of drigente José Calvo Sotelo in response to the murder of Lieutenant Castillo, qe Collaborate with militia on the left. His death accelerated plans sublecaion golipistas and maruuecos is initiated in the day July 17 giving rise to a qe cibil war would last for three years.