The Spanish Civil War: A Concise Overview



The Civil began on
17 July 1936 when Morocco was a revolt of the hands of General


During the war there are 2 camps: 1.Govern + democratic + parties which support social forces (trade unions). 2.Forces social + + part of the army right parties id’extrema right.
The Revels are the part that made the revolt because they wanted to make a military coup. Formesn some of these sectors of the army, militias right parties id’extrema right Falangists, requêtes,
CEDA monarchist parties, social support (Church), and in some places, there are police forces ( Guardia Civil).
The republic are those who were in favor of the Republic, in principle, some sectors of the army were part of aqeust group, but the army was disbanded for not further complicate things. A + to +, there were militias unions and leftist parties, PSOE, UGT, CNT, communist parties and social support had a great (working class, laborers, tenant farmers, petty bourgeoisie left).


1.The government will lead to ruin (desodre the streets, strikes, alderulls, fighting) 2.Hi has a secret plan between communists and socialists to Spain is like the USSR (communist) 3. Spain is breaking because of the autonomous (Cata, Galicia, Basque P.) il’Estatut Tasting. A +, the crisis of 1929 did change the world by creating ideologies ideology contrary. Moreover, the autur increased and caused a crisis echo.
Spain: Socialist revolution = Fascism = conservative.
HOME OF THE SPANISH WAR € Most countries not directly involved although public opinion is very important and very extended. The rights are in favor because they also believe that Spain can become Communist and Left are in favor of change and therefore the Rapública. There have+ 5 countries that engage in the war 1.Rússia (Left – lend money) 2.Regne Kingdom + France (neutral and control the maritime relations for any country to help either side) 3.Alemanya + Italy (right -revealing because they have the same ideology. A +, do it in a very blatant). Moreover, many citizens of countries reaching € Spain as tourists, but in reality are trips that have organized the games equerra and therefore these tourists come to Spain to fight fascism = International Brigade. DESNVOLUPAMENT WAR
1.Juliol 1936-March 1937 (battle of Madrid and Northern battle = “No Pasa” / bombing of the German Condor legion / republican government moved to Valencia on 6 nov / reach international brigades = Franco resigned to join Madrid to insulate the rest of the Republic).
2.Abril 1937 Nov 1937 (= North last battle force oposicó the regime is so much Franco Mola attacks and attacks by North Vizcaya (26 April = = Guernica bombing Nazis.)).
3.Set 1937 — November 1938 (= battle Tasting campaign Aragon (March 9, 1938), to attack tasting. Lerida 1st, after the central hidroelèctiques the Pyrenees and finally, the Mediterranean (Battle of the Ebro).
23 des Francs occupies without tasting any peace negotiation and surrender unconditionally.)

Franco, Caudillo of

General Sanjurjo Generalisimo to death in Lisbon on 20 July caused conflicts direction of the war because he was who commanded +. On July 24 the Board was created in Burgos National Defense to govern the area occupied by the army (he suspended the constitution, political parties = single party, no agrarian reform …) but it said it would the war, EAD, there is only planning for a military coup to end the Republic. Right now is whenFranco reached prominence and, thanks to its “heroïcitats in Africa and did a Toledo man + prestige. A +, Hitler and Mussolini only recognize him, so that Franco was the only one who could get the “National Uprising.” On 1 Oct 1936 and was appointed Chief of Generalissimo of the Spanish
Ejércitos, with headquarters in Salamnca.


1938, the head of the Falange Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera was afussellat in

Alicante, so that France was + “strong.” The abrilde 1937 creates the “single party” joining the Falange and the Traditional JONS (FET-JONS), and Frnaco was his head. Unifrome = blue shirt (Phalange), red beret (Carlist) and greeting feixita (Rome). In January 1938 he culminated the new regime and created the 1st government of which France is the head and becameCaudillo.
It also creates the union vertical March 1938 comprising employers and employees, prohibiting strikes. On 8 April 1938 banned the Statute of the tasting because I wanted unity and centrality of the state. Furthermore, the Church wanted the National
Catholicism, and it helped the regime.
Suppression of the war when the Fascists were advancing killing all opponents of the regime because they wanted to leave because he had no enemies to achieve the “new Spain “and it was necessary to purify society. To do this they aterroritzar population with bombing and concentration camps. How councils of war and killing people convicted in the + who died during the war, many people exile, etal d + so than 450,000 people crossed the border francessa, which were later put on + golf concentration because of the 2GM. So that could only end in helping the Nazis or Nazi extermination campz.

Franco’s Catalans:

a + a Civil War was the Catalan civil war because many Catalans were in favor of the Republic and the Government, but there was not. Many Catalans went to the “country area” after the elections on 16 February

1936. normalments were Carlists, Falangists, CEDA league collaborators Primo de Rivera, industrial … EAD, right-wing Catalan nationalist. Most prominent were John and Cambo Fransesc Esterlich they formed a company propaganda in favor of “national movement” in Paris.
DYNAMIC Revolutionises the fascist movement led to a situation of deep crisis in tasting. This led to the formation of militias and Ls uncontrolled persecution of all who were against the regime. Moreover, in the rear there were many deaths and the dissolution of el’exèrcit was createdCommittee of Antifascist


This unit was antifascist dormalitzar the set of 1936.
A +, in Madrid, Largo (President House), formed a government with republicans, socialists and communists (because they had was quite rare, but after February elections of elems 1936, the last free elections until 1977, made it + strong).
L. Knight wanted grouped Republicans, bourgeois and workers to win the war. On 26 Sep, Joseph Tarradelles formed a government Tasting with the CNT, the ERC, the PSUC, the Catalan Republican POUM and Action. Was dissolved Antifascist Militias Committee to replace him by councils. Finally, the changes were revolutionary for the workers and to promote progress in the popular self-organization, EAD, of the people who emanate. All this leads to serious consequencesMay

1937. moreover, there is a new eco because lectivitzen collective enterprises (= workers and administration company). Agricultural collectivization under BCI = = = hunger living conditions increasingly worse … The war was also conditioned by society and deepen democracy was Republican and the socialization of everyday life, which translates into a wider participation of people in many different tasks. Organized public health care for the injured and took action such as the Law on artificial termination of pregnancy.
It is worth mentioning the new role of women in society. Finally, on May 3, 1937 Tensions erupt between the groups when anti-fascist forces of anarchist leaders were evacuated to the telephone building. This led to clashes between CNT / POUM and PSUC / ERC / UGT fighting spread throughout the city, forming barricades during a weekend. The conflict had political consequences (the Republican administration decreases the power of the Government, was dissolved on the role of the POUM is’incrementa PSUC. Because of the events of May,L. Knight resigns and Replace
Negro, which was politically and militarily centralize the Republican government. Since then, the Republican government tried to replace the Catalan and moved to ny. The war goes badly and
Negri attempts to solve it with the program of thirteen points, which is proposed to cease the armed struggle and continue with the Republic, but was not accepted by
France. The Republic had its days are numbered. Daliments shortages and rising prices over salaries has created a black market and affected the entire Republican territory.
Lived through the war this war was the 1st time in history that civilians were attacked. Because of the war many people walked se’nd’Espanya (exiles), but they also get thousands ofrefugees, so that the echo of the country was quite difficult because there were few supplies and agricultural fields were under the control of rebels. This caused great famine known as the emergence of black market where people sold what little they had very high prices for power after buying legally. During the 1st stage of the war many people went to the Republican Tasting, mostly women, children and elderly. This meant that there was a great solidarity for the Catalans to the spatial organization and the work was not easy with so many people. Moreover, there is no stopping bombardeigos Vienna. These were bombardeigos for arrassar with the territory, to land the civilian population and demoralized by it, especially the Republicans. These bombardeigos, the State, were used to demonstrate the strength I had, EAD, for anyone who went against the regime.
Ny was bombed for 1st time on 13 February 1937 and was attacked 384 times because he was the point = + republic Spanish refugees subways. A + in the rear were the quintacolumnistes,
EAD, people who engage in activities contrary to the republican regime = espionage, sabotage, aid church … So that the Military Intelligence Service (DIS) had to intervene. In 1937 the Popular Army replaced the militia and columns were made & strong. A + in 1938, after the battle of Teruel il’Ebre, there were replacements in 1929 and 1940 (the fifth of children under the bottle = (35-17) who went to war). These “soldiers” were hiding wherever they could (peasant homes, mountains) and when he omençar great persecution by the police.