The Spanish Civil War: A Concise Overview

Causes of the War

Structural Problems

  • Social: Deepening class divisions between the rich and poor, exacerbated by agrarian reform.
  • Regional: Rising nationalism clashing with patriotic ideals.
  • Religious: Secular state reforms generating conflict.

Cyclical Factors

  • Crisis of European democracies against the rise of totalitarian ideologies (Fascism and Communism).

Immediate Causes

are the murders of Lt. Castillo and Calvo Sotelo along with the uprising of Africans. Following the radicalization of the right for the victory of the Popular Front, the Spanish Falange assumed great prominence and carried out a conspiracy with General Mola to the head. It consisted of a simultaneous rising in all quarters possible and African troops. This conspiracy was supported by sectors of the right but failed to have no support in Madrid and Barcelona. The government did not dismiss the value of the generals and the scattered sending Navarre Mola and Franco to the Canaries. The objective of the coup was to recapture public order and establish a government with military directory. The murder of Lieutenant Castillo (Socialist) and Calvo Sotelo revenge (Right) accelerates the rise in Melilla Africanists under the command of General Yagüe. The uprising soon spread by the Moroccan protectorate and joined the majority of the garrisons and civilian sectors and Carlist Falangists. Franco says the Canaries and Morocco will take command of Africans. The government reacted by replacing Jose Casares Quiroga Quiral delivering weapons to the militias of the unions and the popular front. Besides the army remains loyal to the government for what is accomplished largely quell the uprising. The failure of the coup came as the scarcity of controlled cities and Sanjurge death in a plane crash. Divided Spain into two sides. On the one hand the rebels or the “National Spain” which controlled 29 provincial capitals, Morocco, Seville and Zaragoza and agriculture and livestock. To this group belonged conservatives, monarchists, Catholics, Falangists Chartists and anti-republican. The side of the republic controlled 21 provincial capitals among which were Bilbao, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, etc. That was the industrial centers and major miners. It consisted of classes, middle classes and bourgeoisie. Originally they had to win, but his confidence and victory opted slow reaction to the other side, which received international support. The first phase of the conflict (1936-1937) is marked by the Battle of Madrid. Franco took control of the Africanists, who was the better prepared army crossed the Straits and advancing north on Andalusia. Met resistance in Badajoz, but this was severely repressed. Mola in turn advanced from the north and in Madrid under Franco union. The resistance of Madrid became a symbol and mixed battalions of soldiers and volunteer guards defended, in spite of being badly organized and supplied. In the rear of both sides was great repression with many executions, but the Republic made them selectively while Franco indiscriminately. The second phase (1937-1938) is the phase in which the morality of the Republicans just on the floor. The Francoist, better equipped and supplied, can master all the North in 1937 winning many economic and industrial resources. Also make bombing civilians in Guernica (Legion), Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid. For its part, the Republican attempt a series of offensives that fail Brunete (Madrid), Belchite (Zaragoza) and Teruel, generating huge losses of life and property and leave the moral soil.The final phase of the war (1938-1939) was marked by the final defeat at the Battle of the Ebro Republicans under the command of General Vicente Rojo start this battle Logar to the withdrawal of Franco in the area. The battle lasted six months and she died 6500 20 000 Republicans and Franco. The defeat led to the internal division of the struggle between supporters and supporters of surrender (Although Franco denied). Franco for his part took isolating Catalonia Aragon and Castellon. Madrid surrendered and fell exhausted after Barcelona. The internal development of the republic was marked by the resignation of Quiroga to refusing to turn over weapons to the civilian population and the appointment of Martinez Barrio to be replaced by José Quiral, moderate Republican government-owned and if they agree to give up arms civilians. During the war there were several changes of power and internal conflicts, Azana finally granted him the power to Largo Caballero, who was leader of the PSOE and allowed broad participation of nationalists, republicans, communists and anarchists. It also approved the autonomy statute Euskadi . In 1936 the government moves to Valencia and Madrid are put under the control of a Juanta defense and internal conflicts generate more Republicans. Communist Party gained popularity thanks to its membership, its internal discipline since it controls the Russian supplies. In May 1937 there is a conflict between communists and anarchists and Juan Negrin comes to power and supported the Communists. The reforms carried out at the moment is the decline in housing prices, nationalization of Euskadi, land reform, stabilization of banks and enterprises and the collectivization of farms with the help of the peasant unions. The government finally moved to Barcelona to control the war industries and suffered defeats Catalan northern front and the battle of the Ebro Negrin sought negotiation with a 13-point program which included the cessation of armed struggle, the permanence of the republic and democratic elections. Franco sought only to surrender unconditionally. Madrid surrendered between internal conflicts after the fall of Barcelona. On the other side of the Francoist after the death of Sanjurjo in a plane crash and subsequent death in 1937 Mola, Franco is as rebellious faction leader and his generals granted the title of generalissimo. The pro-Franco side was supported by monarchists and the Spanish Falange and the Carlist, winning his leadership. Any internal resistance to this unification was harshly repressed. All his army uniform with a blue shirt and red beret, and with the Fascist salute. Franco created the “Traditionalist Spanish Falange de las JONS” as a single party. In 1938 established a new state with military and civilian members of the warlord era and their actions were out of work, the national economic reform (that returned the expropriated lands), a new press law and the reconstruction of the company of Jesus. The Church has defended its measures by apostolic Roman Republican legislation was abolished censorship and repression generating great cultural.