The Spanish Civil War: A Nation Divided

on 17 July 1936 in Melilla, Colonel Yagüe took up arms against the Republic and the insurrection spread to the rest of repidament Moroccan protectorate. Between 18 and 19 July, the majority of military garrisons in the rest of Spain were at UNR coup.
Franco on 18 headed to the peninsula at the head of the Army of africa and the insurgents in two days had already made strong in Pamplona, in Seville, castella old and part of Aragon. 19 July Casares was replaced as head of government
José Giral, disbanded the army and deliver weapons to the militias of unions and parties of the Popular Front. The insurrection triumphed over Spain in practically inside Brother house and r places where labor unions and leftist forces had more presence. N the military coup had succeeded, the country had fallen into two camps that Divito clash in a bloody civil war


General Gode was ecarregat of directing the coup in Catalonia, where Catalans had just opted for the parties directly involved and insurrection had little introduction. The Alito in January, led police forces against the rebels while on 18 and 19 July, the mobilization of street parties and unions had left a crucial role in the defeat of the rebellion. Goded surrendered rebels and forces abandoned the fight to other Catalan cities
.1.3. Surrect in the military were being targeted for who had the support of the conservative upper classes and sectors (monarchy) who had opposed Reform re publi ca. Had the support of Italian fascism and German and is defined as “national” and Catholics.
loyal to the republic were formed by the popular classes, workers and urban workers, landless peasants and petty bourgeoisie, were called to the right Alm fan of the label “red.” essentially all defended the legitimacy and the Republican reform package for biennium and the left front popular.La Civil War is the armed confrontation between the old dominant groups of Spanish restaurants and emerging groups, and bourgeois workers volleyball establish a democratic political system and a progressive social order

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Civil War had an impact internationally. Escalt the war was seen as a confrontation between the forces of emocrati cas and partly revolutionary, and the system plots tea growing. It was felt that Spain was a “microcosm” taking place where the armed confrontation that many feared worldwide. Therefore was an event that was divided and passionate leaders, the public and intellectuals. F eixist the government were to curb insurgency in the expansion of communism and were the first to express their sympathy for the rebels and sending them military aid. TMB was a gar ft Sunrise faithful ally of the rebels, as well as Catholicism and the traditional buche at. However, democratic opinion and progressive parties around the world were manifested world are determined in favor of Republican. USSR supported the republic while fay be great Barranc belongs to one position remained ambiguous for gold that ended the conflict spread to Europe. Republican called for military and political support in France q tmb had a Popular Front government, but Britain NRG argued that a policy of containment against the German Nazis, advised that if France intervened in Spain helping Republican would not support French international policy against Hitler. Frnaça then drove the creation of a committee of non-intervention, based in London. This was one of the causes of the defeat of Republican. 1.5.
the insurgents were more favored by German and Italian arms shipment, Germany sent its aviation in Spain, the Condor Legion, and he used the war as a test of some new weapons, was not save their help with collecting minerals and other products necessary for Germany in WWII. Italy support consisted of a large unit, the Corpo Truppe
Volontarie and arms. Then the government of the Republic having to buy weapons and where as he could, Largo decided Envir the Soviet Union,
October 36 gold reserves of the Bank of Spain to pay for expensive weapons purchased for the Republic. This had the troops volunteer brigades international solidarity fascism was the cause of more than 60,000 volunteers.
2.1. territory loyal to the Republic, insurrection military porvocar the extension of a revolutionary climate.
to stop the insurgency, the Republican government dissolved the army and the police and decreed the creation of battalions of volunteers, where they had to integrate the militias. Consequently, the territory a republic was established power structure opulent p r around leftist unions and parity. Between summer and autumn of 36, the state power was replaced by organizations that brings together popular revolutionary forces of the Popular Front. Arose advice, myths, and c together
Colum concerned with organizing volunteers for the front, public order .. In some regions were united to form regional councils.
taluny in a ca on July 20 the President called Kelso fellow leaders at the CNT-FAI, and gave the formation of a Central
Committee militias tifeix an iste, dieferent umbrella trade union and political forces loyal to the Republic . The first months of war were unleashed on the spontaneous Zoa Republican repression against anyone who may have regarding the so-called “facciosos” (rebels). The church, the bourgeoisie, the owners and affluent classes were subject to persecution which escaped the control of government. There were killings, illegal detentions in Czech, looting and burning of churches and convents, TMB requisitioning of property and private properties. There was having particularly serious incidents such asmurder born of political prisoners right to make model of BCN and Madrid. Molst fled from persecution abroad were hidden or were moved to the area where rebel ended alongside Franco.

2.2. One of the most significant social revolution was the collectivization of great art of agrarian and industrial property. Workers were at the forefront of companies xq businessmen and industrialists who fled the outbreak of war had been detained or killed, were TMB gain control and reporting to owners eplotarien in self-management regime. A series of decree gave legal cover to the confiscations of land made by industry and popular organizations. 11 August 1926 it created the council and with
Omia unya Catalan, who designed a plan of reorganization of the socialist economy, and the decree was promulgated octurbe of collective tivitzacions.
2.3. in the summer, much of the political forces were able to claim a state and a strong anti-fascist pact that concentrate their efforts on winning the war, the experiences of self control and independence of the columns of the militia fronts put an end to war and revolutionary terror. 5 September 36 Largo madrid formed a government with republicans, socialists and communists who sought to create an alliance between the forces epublicanes, bourgeois and workers to win the war thanks to reoganitzacio state. Catalonia was to dissolve the Committee of fascist militias and formed a unity government headed by Josep Tarradellas.

2.4. in spring followed by a 37 fracasos torar were to revive the military confrontation between the Republican forces on how the revolutionary process had to collate and war.

3 May

37 at tesion erupted violently in Barcelona, when forces of generality preceded dislodge the anarchists who had occupied the building of the telephone in the city center to monitor communications. Had the game all of the CNT and the POUM with PSUC, ERC and the UGT. He led the fight the formation of barricades and served as a pretext for intervening in Republican government in Catalonia. The events of May were highlighted two major problems of the Republican side, tensions between anti-fascist forces in the political and military war and revolutionary accurate. Differences between the government and the Autonomic republic by the reluctance of central government on the geenralitat ability to govern and direct the war. 2.5.
the events of May were removed were influenced by anarchist communists enformtir positions. According to Soviet leaders to pursue the Trotskyists as enemies of the revolution, the Communists demanded that the Spanish POUM was banned and its leaders were arrested. President Manuel Azaña republic ordered the formation of a new socialist john Goyer to black.
Negrin’s government decided to move from Valencia to Barcelona where he became