The Spanish Civil War and the Basque Autonomy

The Civil War in the Basque Country

In 1936, the Basque Country was divided. Álava sided with the Nationalists, while Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa sided with the Republic. The Carlist Requeté played a decisive role in Álava and Navarre, where some right-wing military officers revolted. In Bizkaia, the governor remained passive. Basque nationalism largely aligned with the Republic.

The Defense Board of Gipuzkoa was composed of forces from the Popular Front, the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), and the anarchist CNT. Disagreements and disputes soon arose. Colonel Beorlegui’s conquest of Irun isolated Gipuzkoa from France. In Donostia-San Sebastián, anarchists initially defended the city, but Nationalist supporters eventually gained control. Gipuzkoa then fell under Nationalist control, and the front was established in the Deva Valley.

The Defense Board of Bizkaia was formed, and the Basque government, led by the PNV, assumed responsibility. Manuel de Irujo became a key figure, and José Antonio Aguirre was proclaimed Lehendakari of a mixed government. Due to the territory’s isolation, the Basque government created its own currency, police force, and army, adopting the Ikurriña flag as its symbol.

The End of the Basque Autonomous Experience

The Nationalist advance forced the Basque forces into defensive positions, including the Iron Belt, a series of fortifications defending industrial Bizkaia. Following General Mola’s death, General Dávila took command and launched an attack on the Iron Belt, eventually reaching the Basque coast. The Basque army began to leave the province. Ultimately, the Basque forces surrendered to Italian troops at Santoña.

Basque Autonomy and the Statute

The Basque Country had limited autonomy, with freedom of action in certain areas defined by the Statute. The Romanones Liberal government had created a commission to grant a statute to the Basque Country, but a change of government prevented this. The proclamation of the Second Republic presented a new opportunity for Basque autonomy. Carlists and Nationalists sought a Basque-Navarre statute that would exclude the region from the Republic’s anti-clerical legislation. The proposed statute reserved the power to negotiate agreements with the Holy See.

The Estella Statute and Beyond

The Estella Statute project was halted due to its unconstitutional nature. In 1931, a new statute was drafted. This new statute aligned with the secular and republican spirit of the constitution. The left-wing parties supported it, while Catholic groups rejected it. This statute reduced Basque regional powers and was more democratic than the Estella Statute. In 1932, the majority of mayors in an assembly accepted the statute. In 1933, Basque and Navarrese municipalities accepted the statute, excluding Navarre. A referendum was required for approval. The statute was approved in Bizkaia, Álava, and Gipuzkoa, but not in Navarre. The statute was then frozen due to opposition from the center-right. The Popular Front’s victory led to the statute’s reactivation in the courts. Despite the Civil War, it was approved on October 1, 1936, in a shorter and simpler form. It remained in effect in Bizkaia for nine months.