The Spanish Restoration (1874-1931): A Political Overview

1. Origin and Beneficiaries of the Restoration


The ruling elite and the army did not want to tolerate the continuation of the First Spanish Republic (which they opposed). The Republican government had failed to address the socio-economic problems of the country. International Context: Other European countries saw the rise of more conservative forms of government, partly influenced by the failure of the Paris Commune.

Statements of Martinez Campos and Pavia (December 1879)

Pavia and Martinez Campos staged a coup that paved the way for the Bourbon Restoration under Alfonso XII. Canovas del Castillo had orchestrated this event because:

  • He wanted to restore the monarchy as a key institution.
  • He believed that removing the constitutional monarchy was necessary to resolve the crisis in Spain.
  • He desired a change from the system under Isabel II (all government changes made by Isabel II had faced opposition).
  • He did not want the return of Isabel II herself.

Sandhurst Manifesto (1876)

Written by Canovas del Castillo and signed by Alfonso XII, the Sandhurst Manifesto became a symbol of the Restoration. It promised that Spain’s problems would be resolved through a hereditary monarchy, accepting a liberal-conservative ideology with elements from progressive liberalism. It implied that the army would be subordinate to the state and aimed to eliminate most progressive sectors.


  • Dominant Landowning Elite: They were reassured of their social class and privileges related to land ownership.
  • Catalan Industrial and Merchant Bourgeoisie: They accepted the change in exchange for protectionist laws and the suppression of the labor movement. They wanted a stable government to negotiate with.
  • Ruling Classes: They benefited from the political stability.


The lower classes were suppressed (workers’ associations were banned, and the Republican opposition faced repression).


The system was dominated by the elite, differentiating it from previous Spanish liberal periods. The state consolidated itself as conservative and centralist. Initially, there was a limited voting system, but when universal male suffrage was introduced in 1890, a series of electoral manipulations ensured that it did not function effectively.

2. The Political System of the Restoration

The system was based on the alternation of two parties: the Conservatives and the Liberals. This alternation was controlled through electoral fraud, which became evident after the introduction of universal male suffrage in 1890.

2.1. Turnismo

The system relied on two large dynastic parties: the Conservatives, led by Canovas del Castillo, and the Liberals, led by Sagasta. They took turns in power. When one party faced problems and its position weakened, the King would dissolve the parliament and ask the opposition party to form a government. The elections were always won by the party that called them.

The Conservative party brought together moderates from the Isabeline era and some liberal members of the Union Liberal. The Liberal party included members of the former Progressive Party, some constitutionalists, and possibilists from Castelar’s time.

These parties had strong links with certain sectors of society. Political leaders maintained clientelist networks, rewarding their supporters when the party won elections. Maintaining the unity of the different factions within each party was crucial. Canovas and Sagasta were strong leaders, and the parties faced difficulties in maintaining strong leadership after their deaths.

The Conservative party was formed first. After Canovas’ death, the main leaders were Silvela, Maura (who tried to end clientelism), and Dato. The Liberal party consolidated and formed a government in 1881. After Sagasta’s death, the most important leader was Canalejas, who advocated for greater autonomy for Catalonia.

From 1876 to 1898, there were 10 elections. The Conservatives won 6 and the Liberals won 4.

Other Parties

  • Republicans: Federalists (Pi i Maragall), Possibilists (integrated into the Liberal party), and moderate Republicans (Alejandro Lerroux, a populist with anticlerical rhetoric who allied with the conservative right).
  • Carlists: Defeated militarily in 1876, they reorganized in the Basque Country and Navarre. From 1890 onwards, they experienced internal divisions.
  • Labor Movements: The 1881 law allowed the formation of workers’ associations. The Spanish Regional Federation of Workers (anarchist) was organized by Lorenzo. The UGT (1888) and the PSOE (1879) were founded by Pablo Iglesias.
  • Intellectuals: Unamuno, Pio Baroja, and others called for the democratization and modernization of the system.
  • Catalan and Basque Nationalists: They emerged during this period.

2.2. Encasillado

The Minister of the Interior was in charge of the encasillado, a list of candidates who should be elected in each district. The allocation of candidacies was a form of patronage. Many deputies were known as cuneros (they registered in districts where they did not actually reside).

Electoral Fraud

Electoral fraud included using the votes of deceased people, manipulating vote counts, and stuffing ballot boxes.

2.3. Caciquismo

Caciquismo and the Ministry of Governance were the two main pillars of electoral manipulation. Caciques were individuals or families who, due to their economic or social power, controlled a constituency (a region or a village). They acted as intermediaries between the political power and the people, wielding significant influence. They were often prominent figures (landowners, lawyers, doctors, priests) who could manipulate the population (by facilitating or hindering bureaucratic procedures, managing land ownership, influencing employment, etc.).

The introduction of universal male suffrage in 1890 made caciques even more necessary. In cities, it was more difficult to control the population, and therefore universal male suffrage was more genuine.

3. Constitution of 1876

The Constitution of 1876 was the longest-lasting constitution in Spanish history. It remained in force until 1923 and was briefly reinstated in 1930. It was established 18 months after the coup by Pavia and Martinez Campos and was a key element of the Restoration.


: character conservador.sintenta establish a socio-political system that Lord had to be strong, where the civil governors were given instructions to maintain public order. Strong at the institutional level. It means maintaining the ruling classes with lesperit of the Constitution of 1869 and freedoms but adding some elements of type progressista.Sobirania the king and the courts, shared sovereignty, not dun own liberal state. Does a middle between a liberal state and the rights of Lantic regime. Very mixed and ambiguous so that it can be interpreted in different ways. Express a broad class concenci between politics (government isabel). Diniciativa King right now and right veto.te executive power and acts in power legislatiu.el king can choose senators, the Senate president, dissolved parliament or closed parliamentary session (now latribucio dintervenir in succecio crown, the Regency and the minority has dedat.hi successor to right (large despanya), elected for life, and other suffrage sensatari.2 chambers, the senate and parliament. religious tolerance, cooked pork was defined as a Catholic confessional state. Lesglesia now many privileges

2.The political system of the rest. Lalternança based system of 2 parties, the liberal and conservative l.fusionista. It so happens in the government controlled system of election fraud from d1 q + is evident from law universal male suffrage in 1890. 2.1.El turnisme. Lexistencia d 2 is based on large dynastic parties, the l.conservador led x Canovas and fusionista x Sagasta. Were back in power. When one has problems and makes q shaken, the king dissolved the decree ls courts sat. and tells the party to form government doposició q. The elections are always won by the party convenes q. The game brings together former l.conservador moderate lèpoca Elizabethan and liberal members of the union. The fusionista entails Lantic Progressive Party members, some of the constitutional and feasible sexeni of Castelar. These games were notable gene with some level of society. Met several political leaders of their clienteles am q were rewarded when the party won the elections. It was important to maintain the unity of the diff. factions of the party. They were strong leaders and Canovas and Sagasta died when he was + diff. strong leadership. The conservative Liberal Party was built 1st. After the death of Canovas leaders main Silvela, Maura (tried to end the clientalisme m) and Dato. The game l.fusionista sacaba of 1881 to consolidate and form a government. Sagasta the death of the leader + tax. will Canalejas q am was discussed on the shore meadow x Commonwealth. From 1876 to 1898 there were 10 elections, the Conservatives won 6 and 4 x fusionistes. Other parties: Republicans within: federal (Pi i Maragall), feasible (in ACAV plfusionista), moderate Republican (Alejandro Lerroux, populist escrupuls am just had a speech anticlerical, he aliarse am right conservative +). And Carlists: defeated militarily in 1876, was reorganized in the Basque Country and Navarra. Since 1890 many divisions begin. There are labor movements: from 1881 saprova Canaleja q x dassociacions law allows the formation dassociacions workers. Sorganitza Federation of Workers of the Spanish regions by Lorenzo (anarchist). UGT (1888) and Pablo Iglesias, 1879 PSOE (Socialists). Intellectuals: Unamuno, Pio Baroja, etc.. CALL democratization of the system and modernize the country. Catalan and Basque nationalists 2.2. encasillado commissioned by the Minister of Interior. Lencasillado charge of payroll or members (List of Members of q should be chosen in elections). Lactea Members of the awards was a customer. Many deputies called cuneros Sels (sapuntaven and aldermen voted to where it belonged in reality). Electoral fraud was cheating on the electoral vote were dead, fake counts, placed votes … 2.3.caciqisme stapled together with Minister of governance institutions are two of the basic manipulation electoral.Cacics: individuals or families for its power economic or social controlled a constituency (as a region or a village). Intermediaries between political power and people. Exercising a power titanic.Eren important people (landlords, solicitors, doctors, mossens …) and thanks to AXO could manipulate the population (facilitating or complicating bureaucratic formalities, addressing estates, handling the job …). 1890: in laprovacio from the warlords of universal male suffrage isotopes are more necessaris.A cities is much more difficult the control of warlords, and therefore the universal male suffrage is more real