The Unstable World: Conflicts and Power Shifts in the Late 20th Century

The Unstable World

The End of the Bipolar World

The collapse of the communist bloc marked the end of the bipolar world that had characterized the Cold War period. George Bush Sr. announced a “new world order” based on cooperation. However, the United States’ unilateral actions, such as the Gulf War, raised questions about its role as a global policeman.

The Gulf War (1990-1991)

On August 2, 1990, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s troops invaded Kuwait, gaining control of 20% of the world’s oil reserves. Through the UN Security Council, George Bush Sr. assembled a coalition of 29 countries to respond.

The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

The U.S. aimed to establish a peace based on respect for national rights. Secret negotiations led to an agreement for mutual recognition and autonomy in occupied territories. However, attacks by Islamic radicals and Israeli military operations continued.

The Awakening of Identities

: The national movement was an important highlight in Europa.Cal k conflicts occurred in some of the region exrepublikes sovietikes Caucas.Va be the last war in Chechnya and later was proclaimed independence without k the Russians and the Islamic countries governed agredes.Alguns x oligarkies not democratiks found in the law lexaltacio Koran output. Latemptat the twin towers and the war lirak.
The new world order:

Lesfondramen communist bloc meant the end of the bipolar world k had characterized the period of the war began freda.George k Bush announced a new world order where the coperacio between peoples of the kingdom right suplantara law of the jungle. United States the policeman of the world??: United States without Lurs was powerful and had the military and economic power, k k symposium seemed a unipolar world under U.S. EUA.Estats was unable dinstaurar a democratic regime in the war Golf.Lunilateralisme U.S. to declare war on lirak l lacord without lONU was criticat.Un of the most significant events of recent decades is the strength k am lescenari appeared in international political Islamic fundamentalism.The Awakening lONU: take the period of the Cold War and U.S. Lurs, LONU was divided and paralyzed the right veto.Des 1991 until lactualitat lONU tried to occupy a central place in relations internacionals.Usant law in dingerencia dun affairs has been made many speeches dimposar am The goal, to maintain or restore pau.Tambe conducted mitjançan the blue helmets, inspections related Darmo am proliferation of Mass Destruction

Colonization DL’ÀFRICA IDL’ORIENT East: Egypt: Mon war before j was independent xo remained within the British sphere of influence. Jamahiriya: Mon Cologne italiana.Després conflict remained under control l dl’ONU. L1951 independence and monarchy. Tunisia: Habib Colony francesa.L nationalism embodied xl Borguiba Mon Socialist Party in 1956 when he ascended l l v country access to independence.Morocco: Cologne francesa.L s founded in 1943 Mon independence party, the Istiqlal. L 1952 insurrection broke out in Casablanca 1st Q 1st revolt occurred general.L 1954-1955 returned to Rabat Ibn Yusuf (MuhammadV future king). L 1956 s produces l independence Mon Marroc.Espanya v ls had to accept and leave their possessions except in Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla and territories d ls il Sahara.L 1969Sidi Ifni Sidi Ifni in Morocco occurs Sahara.Algèria l il 1975: The former French colony + am id generacions.La many many European settlers arrived late independent manner traumàtica.Abans d j d war had created several organizations nacionalistes.L 1945 there have v 1a repressed xl’exèrcit francès.L Sétif uprising of 1947, France awarded 1st kind of autonomous status between Europeans and indigenous QV fracàs.L same year was 1 ls nationalist leader Ahmed Ben Bella, Krim and Ben Beclkacem Khider organized l National Liberation Front (FLN) in 1954 v ql l start advocating armed struggle INDEPENDgingiva il social.L revolution ‘French Army 1st v start indiscriminada.Quan brutal repression and Charles de Gaulle v l can achieve, 1st v start looking political solution to conflicte.Paral time, ls extremist OAS (called pieds noirs) s vn x organize acts of terrorism in Algeria and France, while vn q form a provisional government Caire.L the 1960 revolt and continued growing after 1 referendum, French ls vn s favor independence Qn Mon territory was signed until 1962 (Armistice Evian). ls l settlers left the country en masse. PALESTINE D The next day the 2nd World War: After the 1st of world war, Palestine had been under the tutelage britànica.Durant Turkish domination, the Jewish immigration to Palestine had been favored important.Ls British new wave il 1917, in the so-called declaration of Balfour, had promised to the Jewish organizations to establish a Jewish home Palestina.Lentament ls 1a Jews arrived in Palestine and earned positions with No money and bought terres.Ls Palestinians were able to hold the competgingiva, many were ruined, ls land and sell vn vn emigrar.L ‘illegal land appropriation Mon systematic covert invasion, 1 vn motivate change in the Palestinian actutud DLS, ql vn s drop on the 1929 revolt against troops dritàniques ls and ls jueus.L ls British settlers in 1945 limited Jewish immigration xn is antagonize the comunitt am Arabic, because xo Mon 2nd World War, many Jews sought refuge created Palestina.L1945 s l q encompassed Arab League Egypt, Saudi Arabia , Iraq, Syria, Lebanon il vn q q were rejected ls ls Palestinians who had to pay reparations of 1s x Qn had committed crimes. Distribution of Palestine: 1945: British ls vn l transfer of commitment of the Palestinian question al’Assamblea General ls United Nations decided to partition QV Mon Palestinian territory into 3 parts: a Jewish state, an Arab state il l city of Jerusalem under control dl’ONU. jueus.Tant ls ls L plan favored the Palestinians, Arab states and GB l ls vn rejected xo ls USA and the USSR agreed vn vn and give the approval.1948: David Ben Guiron proclaimed state of Israel awarded xl’ONU ls areas. The next day ls Mon Arab League member countries penetrate v Palestina.L war lasted 1 year and when l signed the armistice of 1949 SV Wheels The state of Israel had extended l territori.Molts Palestinians fled vn x vn decided moles of others remain in the new state of Israel. v n is the Palestinian state proclaimed ever. 1956: Jews ls ls vn defeated armies vn occupied West Bank and Gaza Arabs il Sinai.La situact crisis and tension still stuck hard. CONFERENCE Bandung D: The first demonstration of strength v DLS descolonitzats countries of Bandung Conference was held in this city in Indonesia in April d been 1955.Aquests ls vn to hear their proposals. Organizer: 1st Minister dl’Índia, Nehru.Presidida by Indonesian President Sukarno.Country: initially, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma and 14 Asian countries participated Indonèsia.Vn; 8 Arab countries, 3 non-Arab Muslim countries and 4 African countries. / Q vn principles to get there: L-respect for sovereignty and national integritt .- Equality of races and nations. Top-of-not-agressió. The non-interference in internal affairs of other countries and coexistence pacífica. pronounced anti-S-l colonialisme. racism and economic cooperation to fight poverty worldwide x il subdesenvolupament.Hi were 3 children trends: ls pro-Western and communist countries ls ls n aligned xo ls who capitalize l vn vn conference sr ls Mon political supporters of non-alignment.