Tragic Love Story: Maria’s Death and Family Secrets
Chapter 14: Maria’s Demise
This chapter tells the story of Maria’s death. It reveals all the feelings that the girl had before her death. She felt sadness because she felt that everything around her was pointless. She could not find meaning in her life. She climbed several times onto the roof of the house to think about her life. She took a walk around the house, visiting from the garden to the birds that were there. She looked in the mirror to see how an invisible hand pulled the top sheet, which was to be her pajamas after this unexpected visit from her hand, out of her room. She went up the aisle when she heard a whisper that sounded very tired from the room. The light gave the album that she had so often seen during the day. Maria grabbed it and went to the library to view it. She reviewed all the photographs she had seen. Suddenly, a newspaper clipping fell to the ground. She looked at it and saw the picture with the same look of a woman perched on the side of a man on a horse. The sad look of that woman resembled her own. She quickly gathered the leaves and the album where it had been. After that, she approached the wisteria. She leaned over the dry well; someone must have thrown something shiny in it, as Ramon used to do. Everything he did not like, he threw away. Maria went down to the roof, and as she was jumping off, her foot slipped. Maria fell on top of the laurel and died.
Chapter 15: The Laurel
Jacinta and Julia, the maids, had gone to the plaza to buy. Meanwhile, Armanda was concerned about their expected delay. Suddenly, the boy came with the water. They had to prepare a meal, and while one filled the fruit, another peeled potatoes and cut tomatoes, Armanda was putting food in its place. All the maids—Silvia, Armanda, Jacinta, and Anna—were busy doing some work. Julia got tired of that place, when she once decided to go to the garden to see the laurels that Eladi had told her one day they would see together. And she decided to go alone. She began to see red spots, which meant something had happened. She decided to touch the laurel, a red liquid that she did not recognize. Suddenly, it was as if a sheet was held above the bay. Julia quickly shouted; the liquid was blood red. The cry surprised the maids, and all the girls ran to the third floor. They leaned over the balcony, and there they saw it: the body of Maria on top of the bay.
Chapter 10: Ramon and Maria
Ramon was with his friends, going to the beach. There, they all got into the water, and Maria and Marius Balsereny played outside, making two Ms in the sand. Ramon is jealous of Marius and has a dream where James died, full of pus, like Marius, leaving the pond and approaching Maria. Ramon suffocates in the water and almost drops the scythe. Everyone swims while he and Maria remain in the sand. He passes over both Ms, and Ramon, after deleting them, receives a letter at home saying that his father is sick and wants his children back home.
Chapter 11: Ramon’s Return Home
Once at home, his father tells Ramon that Maria is his blood sister and that he should not seek to open the door. He rises to the roof and goes back down, seeing the door open but without Maria. He vents his anger with the dolls, etc., and cuts his hand. He started with a figure, and then he goes home at night, and because he is unconscious, he hits himself with sticks. Finally, he regains his senses. He looks at Maria’s balcony; no one was home, and he goes to a friend’s study, Marina, who is at home with her daughter, who is named after her mother.
Chapter 12: Maria Listens at the Door
Maria wanted to talk to Ramon before his father did. When Ramon went to Maria’s room, she did not answer. He felt her ascend to the roof and go home for the night, hearing her sinister laughter before she left. He remembers their first kiss.
Chapter 13: Eladi Farriols and Notary Riera
Eladi Farriols enters the office of Notary Riera. Very nervous, he climbs the stairs holding a letter. He went to the office and rested on the balcony while waiting his turn. He begins to feel unwell. Meanwhile, Notary Riera attended a couple. When they finished, he read that the next client was Eladi Ferriol. At first, he did not recognize the name. When it was his turn, Eladi entered Notary Riera’s office, and his discomfort began to fade. Now, Notary Riera recognizes him. Eladi removes his gloves and starts talking. He gave him the letter that was written by the Notary’s sister (Marina), which the Notary quickly discovered. He wanted to talk to him about his son, Ramon. Ramon had fled their home after a strong conversation with his father. The Notary thought that if a drama was happening with his son, it was his fault. They also talked about Maria, the possible relationship that the siblings had. The Notary knew the story, but it was not about her but about Lady Godiva. That woman was singing naked, and he had also seen the belly that they both admired. The Notary is asked to put the artist’s granddaughter at home with his wife and their legitimate children. There were many more appropriate ways to solve the problem, but he paid the consequences. What Eladi really wanted was for the Notary to take his sister to Ramon, without making sense since, at that moment, Ramon was staying with a study companion of Marina (the son of the Notary’s sister, who was also named Marina).