Travel Conversations and Mishaps
Preparation for a Trip to Puerto Rico
Alicia: Are you ready for your trip to Puerto Rico?
Rita: Yeah, kind of. But I still have a lot to do! I need to go shopping to get a new suitcase, and I still have to go online to find a cheap flight.
Alicia: Is it easy to find bargains on the internet?
Rita: Well, it’s not too hard. You just have to do some research.
Alicia: So, where are you going exactly?
Rita: Well, first I’m going to San Juan to see my relatives, and then we’re all going someplace to go snorkeling.
Alicia: That sounds exciting.
Rita: Yeah, it’s going to be fun.
Packing Advice
Mon: Jenny, maybe you should take some insect repellent… Oh, and a flashlight, and don’t forget to pack some spare batteries… Why don’t you take my jacket? It’s a good idea to have something warm… Now you need to take a hat. You could borrow your dad’s, but don’t lose it… Oh, and Jenny, do you want to pack some other shoes?
Jenny: I’m sorry, Mon. Did you say something? I can’t hear you with my headphones on.
Whose Belongings Are These?
John: There’s so much stuff in here! Are all these things really ours? I mean, whose bathing suit is this? Is it yours or your grandmother’s?
Sandra: Hey, it’s mine, and I like it.
John: And whose clothes are these?
Sandra: Oh, they’re my sister’s. She’s storing some things here while she’s away. The jewelry’s hers, too. Ugh, look at these awful earrings. She has such weird taste.
John: But those are yours. I bought them for you!
Sandra: Oh, you did? Sorry. I guess they’re not so bad.
Embarrassing Moments
Sean Davis: Actually, yes. I was going to work on the train Monday morning, and I was talking to this woman. I guess I wasn’t paying attention, and I missed my stop. I was half an hour late for a meeting with my new boss.
Roberto Moreno: Yeah, kind of. A couple of days ago, a friend and I were trying to look cool in front of some girls at the mall. We weren’t looking, and we walked right into a glass door. I was so embarrassed.
Julia Chen: Oh, definitely! A friend of mine accidentally deleted all my music files yesterday when she was using my computer. I tried for hours to find them, but nothing worked. I lost everything!
Winning a Trip to Mexico
Lucy: Hello?
Maria: Hi, Lucy. It’s Maria.
Lucy: Hey. How are you doing?
Maria: Great! Guess what? You remember that photo contest I entered?
Lucy: Yeah? Oh, just a minute. There’s someone at the door… So, you were saying?
Maria: Well, I won a trip to Mexico…
Lucy: No way! Oh, sorry. Hold on a second. I just need to switch phones… So, what were you saying?
Maria: Well, it’s a trip for two, and I was just calling to see if you want to come with me?
Lucy: Are you kidding? Of course!
Describing a Twin Sister
Alicia: What does your twin sister look like, Heather? Do you look alike? I mean, are you identical twins?
Heather: No, we look totally different. She takes after my dad.
Alicia: How tall is she?
Heather: Six three.
Alice: Huh? How tall is she?
Heather: Six foot three. I’m serious.
Alice: No kidding! So, does she have curly black hair like you?
Heather: No, she’s got straight blond hair and blue eyes. And she’s thinner than me, too. I mean, she’s really skinny.
Alice: She sounds like a model.
Heather: Actually, she is a model!