Trending News: Global Issues and Insights

Not Without My Dog!

Mary Policy: True. Marcus Rooms: Unsuitable/Inappropriate. Lively/Vivacious. Tendency/Trend. Discovering/Realizing. So them. To admit/Don’t like. Began/Between. Leaving/On.

The Travels of Marco Polo

The Travels, 1298: False. Much/Geographers. Description/Account. Terrible/Grim. Foreign/Alien. Common/Prevalent. Who was. Was governed/Ruled. With/Whose. He had only told half of what he had seen.

Compulsive Shopping

Men buying: False. Doctors themselves: True. Result/Extent. Increased/Rocketed. Tendencies/Trends. Looking for/Seeking. Be experienced/In. Admitting/For. Should/Than. Yesterday the salesman said to me, “Don’t pay at that moment.”

Smart Shoes

The expression television: False. Some health: True. Worries/Concerns. Ended/Expired. Mechanism/Device. Cause/Bring about. Easiest/From. Which/Of. Has increased/Watching. Tries/Spent.

Do You Sleep Enough?

A good adulthood: False. The youngsters sleepiness: False. Deal with/Tackle. Insomnia/Sleeplessness. Quantity/Amount. Crucial/Critical. Often/At. Who/Than. From/Their. Spent/An.

Can You Recycle Effectively?

The village any: True. It took today: False. Objective/Aim. Top/Lid. A very long time/Ages. Classify/Sort. Don’t recycle/Will have to abandon. Using/With. Is made/Which. Must be recycled by color.

Solomon’s Real Mine Discovered?

The mines Judah: True. The ancient Arabic: False. Dry/Arid. Centre/Heart. Commerce/Trading. Nearer/Closer. About/From. Becoming/A. Gave. Was written/Whose.

Political Polls: Accuracy and Trends

The more results: False. They vote: False. Significant/Meaningful. Correct/Accurate. Trend/Tendency. To emphasize/To stress. Have been used/To help. Larger/More accurate. It/Before. Who/Than.

Should Everest Be Closed to Climbers?

Warnings years: False. There starve: True. Supplying/Providing. Dangerous/Perilous. Decrease/Reduction. Mountain top/Summit. Visiting/To destroy. Found/Significantly. If/To save. Is being done.

The Truth About Bears: Behavior and Conservation

The wildlife maps: True. He abandoned animals: False. Animals/Creatures. Confidence/Trust. Distance/Detachment. Move/Wave. Believes/Eating. About/Shall study. Don’t need to dissect an animal to know a lot about it. The bear not to worry.

India’s Economic Revival: A Historical Perspective

Historically dust: True. By 1870 deprivation: True. Riches/Jewels. Powder/Wealth. Highest/Peak. Hunger/Famine. Which/Longest. From/Meaned. Long/Takes. Its/Defeating.

Music Therapy: Helping Children Communicate

But, after speak: False. The toddlers introverted: False. Goes through/Undergoes. Small children/Toddlers. Appropriate/Suitable. Investigators/Researchers. Which/Between. Are videotaped/To. So much/By. The mother said that her son had improved his communication with music therapy.

Trick or Treat! A Halloween Tradition

Halloween festival: False. Irish tradition: False. Goods/Sweets. Spectacular/Stunning. In fact/Actually. Escaping/Fleeing. If/From. So/A. Although/In. Two million people celebrate New York’s Village Halloween Parade in the streets.

Greening the Sahara: Ambitious Environmental Projects

Egypt’s worse: True. Crowded years: False. Huge/Vast. Probably/Likely. Since/Because. Instead/Rather than. As/From. Traveling/Most ancient. Was built/On. Which/To promote.

The International Year of the Potato: Food Security

Only consumed: False. Over year: False. Objective/Goal. Taste/Flavor. Plentiful/Abundant. Without doubt/Surely. Which/In. Stronger/More productive. Should be introduced/To solve. Politicians asked if the new food policy would be successful.

Self-Driving Google Cars: The Future of Transportation

With interventions: False. Because consumption: True. More difficult/Harder. In fact/Eventually. Decreasing/Reducing. Evidence/Proof. Bought/Has been complaining. Than/Are. Are/Driving. By/An.

What’s in a Name? Trends and Meanings

In Britain Words: False. Some films: True. Trend/Fashion. Select/Choose. In the same way/Equally. Like/Such as. The most important/For. If/Searching. Likes/Mispronounced. Baby’s/Whose.

Make Room for the Robots: Automation and the Future

The scientists music: False. His company in use: False. Raised/Lifted. Skills/Abilities. Tedious/Boring. Risky/Dangerous. Easier/Satisfied. Do/Best. As/Of. Written/Reading.

The Influenza Pandemic of 1918: A Historical Catastrophe

Known history: True. This children: False. Catastrophe/Disaster. Autumn/Fall. Ending/Winding down. Fatal/Deadly. Were killed/Than. Had had/Would have saved. It/After. That she wore her scarf and gloves in case it snowed.