Turing Machines: Definitions and Designs

Defining a Turing Machine

A Turing Machine (TM) is a theoretical model that manipulates symbols on an infinite tape according to a set of rules. It can simulate any algorithm, making it fundamental to the theory of computation.

Block Diagram of a Turing Machine

|    Input Tape     |   <- Infinite tape with symbols
|   Control Unit    |   <- Reads and writes symbols, moves the tape
| Read/Write Head  |   <- Reads current symbol, writes, and moves left/right
| Transition Function|   <- Defines actions based on state and symbol

This block diagram represents the basic components and operation of a Turing Machine.

Working of a Turing Machine

  1. Start: The machine begins in an initial state with input on the tape.
  2. Read: The head reads the current symbol.
  3. Transition: Based on the current state and symbol, the machine:
    • Writes a new symbol.
    • Moves the head left or right.
    • Changes to a new state.
  4. Repeat: Steps 2-3 are repeated until it reaches an accept or reject state.

This process continues until the machine halts, completing the computation.

Designing a TM for Palindromes over {a, b}*

A palindrome reads the same forwards and backwards. The Turing Machine (TM) for palindromes will:

  1. Check the first and last symbols to ensure they match.
  2. Mark matched symbols and move inward.
  3. Accept if the entire string is checked and matches the palindrome property.

States Description

  • (q_0): Start state.
  • (q_1): Match ‘a’ at both ends.
  • (q_2): Match ‘b’ at both ends.
  • (q_3): Check for a single symbol or blank.
  • (q_{accept}): Accept state.
  • (q_{reject}): Reject state.

Transition Table

Current StateRead SymbolWrite SymbolMoveNext State

Sequence of IDs for Input String “ababa”

  1. (q_0, ababa) → (q_1, Xbaba) → (q_1, Xbaba)
  2. (q_1, XbYbX) → (q_3, XbYbX) → (q_0, XYbYbX)
  3. (q_1, XYbYX) → (q_3, XYbYX) → (q_{accept}, XYbYX)

The machine accepts the string “ababa” as it reads the same forwards and backwards.

Short Notes

a) Multitape Turing Machine

A Multitape Turing Machine has multiple tapes, each with its own read/write head. It operates like a standard Turing Machine but can read and write on multiple tapes simultaneously. This model can simulate any single-tape Turing Machine but can perform more efficiently for some tasks. Each tape can be used for different purposes, such as storing input, intermediate computations, or final output, making it useful for complex computations.

b) Nondeterministic Turing Machine

A Nondeterministic Turing Machine (NTM) is a theoretical model where the machine can make multiple choices at each step. Instead of following a single path of execution, it explores all possible transitions in parallel. An NTM accepts an input if at least one sequence of transitions leads to an accepting state. Although NTMs are more powerful conceptually, any NTM can be simulated by a deterministic Turing Machine, though possibly with an exponential increase in time.

Techniques for Turing Machine Construction

  1. State Diagram: Define states and transitions using a diagram to visualize how the machine processes input.
  2. Transition Table: Create a table that maps current states and input symbols to actions (write, move, and next state).
  3. Modular Design: Break down complex tasks into smaller subroutines that can be represented as separate Turing Machines.
  4. Tape Utilization: Use multiple sections of the tape for input, output, and intermediate computations.
  5. Multitape Simulation: Simulate multitape Turing Machines on a single tape by interleaving data from multiple tapes.

Applications of Turing Machines

  1. Theory of Computation: Turing Machines are foundational for studying computability, complexity, and algorithmic processes.
  2. Language Recognition: Used to define and recognize formal languages, such as context-free and context-sensitive languages.
  3. Algorithm Design: Helps in understanding the limits of what can be computed algorithmically.
  4. Computer Science Education: Provides a simple model for explaining fundamental concepts in computation and machine behavior.
  5. Artificial Intelligence: Helps in modeling decision-making processes and understanding the computational limits of AI systems.

Turing Machine for L={anbn|n>=1}

This Turing Machine (TM) will:

  1. Replace the first ‘a’ with ‘X’.
  2. Move to the right to find the corresponding ‘b’ and replace it with ‘Y’.
  3. Return to the leftmost ‘a’ and repeat until all symbols are matched.
  4. Accept if the input is in the form anbn and reject otherwise.

Moves for “aaaabbbb”

  1. Initial Tape: (aaaabbbb) – (q_0): Mark the first ‘a’ → (Xaaabbbb), move to (q_1).
  2. Finding ‘b’: (q_1): Skip over ‘a’s → (Xaaabbbb), replace first ‘b’ → (XaaYbbb), move to (q_2).
  3. Return to Left: (q_2): Move left to find next ‘a’ → (XaaYbbb), move to (q_0).
  4. Repeat Steps:
    • Mark second ‘a’ → (XXaYbbb), replace second ‘b’ → (XXaYYbb), move to (q_2).
    • Continue marking and replacing: (XXXYYbb) → (XXXXYYbb) → (XXXXYYYY), move to (q_{accept}).
  5. Final Tape: (XXXXYYYY), accepted.

Transition Table

Current StateRead SymbolWrite SymbolMoveNext State


  • (q_0): Start state.
  • (q_1): Find the first ‘b’ after marking ‘a’.
  • (q_2): Move back to the leftmost ‘a’ or ‘X’.
  • (q_{accept}): Accept state if all symbols are matched.
  • (q_{reject}): Reject state if any mismatch or incorrect format.

TM for Strings Ending with “000”


  • (q_0): Start state.
  • (q_1): Find the first ‘0’ at the end.
  • (q_2): Find the second ‘0’.
  • (q_3): Find the third ‘0’.
  • (q_{accept}): Accept state.
  • (q_{reject}): Reject state.

Sequence for “101000”

  1. (q_0): 101000
  2. (q_0 → q_1): 101000
  3. (q_1 → q_2): 101000
  4. (q_2 → q_3): 101000
  5. (q_3 → q_{accept}): Accepts the string.

The machine accepts the string “101000” because it ends with ‘000’.

Linear Bounded Automaton (LBA)

An LBA is a Turing Machine where the tape is limited to a length proportional to the input size. It operates within these space constraints while processing the input.


  1. Finite Control: Determines state transitions.
  2. Tape: Bounded tape for computation.
  3. Input: The machine processes input within the bounded tape.


  • The LBA works like a Turing Machine but uses only O(n) tape, where n is the input length.
  • It accepts or rejects based on the transitions defined by the finite control.

LBA Diagram

+------------+      Read/Write      +------------+
| State      | ------------------>| Tape       |
| Control    |                     | Head       |
+------------+      State Change   +------------+
    |                                         ^
    |                                         |
 Finite State Machine                Bounded Tape

An LBA is a Turing Machine with restricted tape space, useful for problems with space complexity constraints.

TM for L = {1n2n3n|n>=1}

This Turing Machine will:

  1. Mark the first ‘1’ as ‘X’.
  2. Mark the first ‘2’ as ‘Y’, then mark the first ‘3’ as ‘Z’.
  3. Repeat the process for all unmarked ‘1’s, ‘2’s, and ‘3’s.
  4. Accept if all symbols are marked; reject if mismatched symbols exist.

Partial Transition Table

StateRead SymbolWrite SymbolMoveNext State

Example: Input “111222333”

  1. Mark ‘1’ as ‘X’, ‘2’ as ‘Y’, and ‘3’ as ‘Z’.
  2. Final tape: (XXXYYYZZZ).
  3. TM accepts the string as the symbols are correctly processed.

TM for L={0n1n |n>=0}

The TM ensures an equal number of ‘0’s and ‘1’s, with all ‘0’s before all ‘1’s.


  1. Find and mark the first ‘0’ as ‘X’.
  2. Find and mark the first ‘1’ as ‘Y’.
  3. Repeat until all ‘0’s and ‘1’s are marked.
  4. Reject if ‘1’s appear before ‘0’s.
  5. Accept if all ‘0’s are matched with ‘1’s.

Transition Table

StateRead SymbolWrite SymbolMoveNext State

Example: Input “0011”

  1. (q_0): Read ‘0’, change to ‘X’, move to (q_1).
  2. (q_1): Read ‘1’, change to ‘Y’, move to (q_2).
  3. (q_2): Return to (q_0), read ‘Y’, and accept on blank.

Final Result: The string “0011” is accepted.

Additional Concepts

i. Church-Turing Thesis

A Church-Turing Machine (CTM) is a theoretical model of computation that integrates lambda calculus and Turing machines. The Church-Turing thesis suggests that any function computable by humans can also be computed by a Turing machine.


  1. Finite Control: A set of states.
  2. Tape: Infinite cells holding symbols.
  3. Head: Reads, writes, and moves on the tape.
  4. Transition Function: Rules that guide state transitions based on input.


+---------------------+      Read/Write      +--------------+
| Finite Control      |------------------>| Tape         |
+---------------------+                      +--------------+

ii. Multiple Turing Machines

Multiple Turing Machines refers to using several Turing machines in parallel or for different tasks. They can communicate or work independently on parts of a problem.


  1. Finite Controls: Each TM has its own control.
  2. Tapes: Each TM has a separate tape.
  3. Heads: Each TM has a head for reading/writing.
  4. Transition Functions: Each TM follows its own transition rules.


+---------------------+   +---------------------+   +---------------------+
| Finite Control      |   | Finite Control      |   | Finite Control      |
| (Machine 1)         |   | (Machine 2)         |   | (Machine n)         |
+---------------------+   +---------------------+   +---------------------+
        |                                           |                       |
     Tape 1                                  Tape 2                  Tape n


  • CTM represents computability combining Turing machines and lambda calculus.
  • Multiple Turing Machines involve parallel computation or separate tasks using multiple machines.