Types of Propositions and Their Functions in Sentences

Coordinated Copulative Propositions

Coordinated copulative propositions combine their meanings.

Links: y (and), e (and), ni (nor).

Disjunctive Propositions

Disjunctive propositions are joined by expressing alternative actions that cannot be given at the same time.

Links: o (or), u (or).

Distributive Propositions

Distributive propositions present actions that occur alternately but are not excluded.

Links: ya … ya (now … now), bien … bien (either … or), uno … otro (one … another).

Adversative Propositions

One of the proposals indicates opposition or difficulty in fulfilling the other.

  • Partial: A proposition limiting the meaning of the other. Links: pero (but), sin embargo (nevertheless).
  • Total: A proposition excluding the meaning of the other. Links: sino (but rather), sino que (but).

Explanatory Propositions

In the second proposition, the meaning of the first is explained or clarified.

Links: es decir (i.e.), esto es (this is).

Subordinate Adjective Propositions

They amount to a subordinate adjective and perform the function of Complemento del Nombre (CN) on the main proposition.

Nexus: que (that), quien (who), el/la cual (which), los/las cuales (which), cuyo/cuya (whose), cuyos/cuyas (whose), donde (where), cuando (when), como (how).

  • Specified: Limit the meaning of the antecedent.
  • Explanatory: Unnecessary to add background explanation.

Subordinate Substantive Propositions

Equivalent to a noun, and in a compound sentence, they play the same functions as a noun in a simple sentence (subject, attribute, Complemento Directo (CD), Complemento de Régimen (CR), CN, Complemento del Adjetivo (CAdj)). Can be replaced by a noun or a neutral pronoun.

Nexus: que (that), si (if), and interrogative forms quién (who), cuándo (when), cómo (how).

Direct Interrogatives

Reproduce verbatim the words of the speaker to ask a question. They are written with question marks.

Indirect Interrogatives

Reproduce a question indirectly.

  • Total: Nexus: si (if).
  • Partial: The link is an interrogative pronoun or tonic adverb (quién (who), cuántos (how many)).

Adverbial Subordinate Propositions

They amount to an adverb, so they play in the compound sentence the same function as the adverb in a simple sentence: Complemento Circunstancial (CC).

Proper Adverbial Subordinate Propositions

Can be replaced by an adverb and play the role of CC of mode, time, or place.

  • Place: Answers dónde (where)? Nexus: donde (where), although it may be preceded by a preposition. Complemento Circunstancial de Lugar (CCL).
  • Mode: Answers cómo (how)? Nexus: como (as), según (as), como si (as if). Complemento Circunstancial de Modo (CCM).
  • Time: Answers cuándo (when)? Nexus: cuando (when), mientras (while), tan pronto como (as soon as). Complemento Circunstancial de Tiempo (CST).

Improper Adverbial Subordinate Propositions

Cannot be replaced by an adverb and complement the main proposition.

  • Causal: Answers por qué (why)? They indicate the reason or cause of what is expressed in the main proposition. Nexus: porque (because), ya que (since), puesto que (since).
  • Final: Answers para qué (what for)? They indicate the purpose, intent, or objective of what is expressed in the main proposition. Nexus: para que (so that), a fin de que (in order that).
  • Conditional: Express a necessary condition to fulfill the main proposition. Nexus: si (if), como (as).
  • Concessive: Express an obstacle or difficulty that does not prevent compliance with the statement in the main proposition. Nexus: aunque (although), así (even if), aun cuando (even when).
  • Comparative: Establish a comparison with an element of the main proposition. Nexus: tan … como (as … as), más … que (more … than), menos … que (less … than).
  • Consecutive: Express the consequence or effect of the statements in the main proposition. Nexus: por lo tanto (therefore), así que (so that), de modo que (so that).

Juxtaposed Propositions

Juxtaposition of two or more propositions that have no explicit connection. In this type of sentence, relations of coordination and subordination are established.