Types of Questions and Scales in Market Research

Structure and Types of Questions

According to the Degree of Freedom of Response

  • Open Questions: Allow respondents to express their opinions freely.
  • Semi-Closed Questions: Include an option for respondents to express themselves freely.
  • Closed Questions: Multiple choice questions where respondents choose from given answers.

According to the Degree of Premeditation of the Response

  • Spontaneous
  • Suggested

According to the Type/Degree of Information Obtained

  • Introductory Questions: Aim to establish rapport and create a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Filter Questions: Determine if respondents meet certain criteria or create a sequence of questions.
  • Control Questions: Check the accuracy of information obtained.

Measurement Scales

Nominal Scale

Numbers or letters assigned for identification or classification, without any particular order or distance between them. Example: Gender (Male=1, Female=2).

Ordinal Scale

Arranges objects or alternatives in an ordered relationship, but without establishing a measurement of distance between categories. Example: Attitudes, opinions, preferences.

Interval Scale

Has order and meaningful differences between values, but lacks a true zero point. Example: Attitudes, opinions, preferences, and differences between objects.

Ratio Scale

Measures attributes on specific numerical scores with equal distances between points and a true zero point. Example: Statistics, segmentation, image, and positioning studies.

Paired Comparison Scale

Respondents choose one of two objects based on defined criteria. Advantages: Easy for respondents, useful for comparing products or brands. Disadvantages: Tiring if comparisons are numerous, not realistic.

Ranking Scale

Respondents rearrange and rank multiple-choice options. Advantages: Ease of implementation, similar to consumer buying process. Disadvantages: Limited number of elements (5-6), complex interpretation if negative product image.

Constant Sum Scale

Respondents allocate a specific number of points or percentages to different attributes, detailing their importance.

Guttman Scale

Orders items or individuals based on a single attribute, presented in order of increasing complexity.

Continuous Rating Scale

Respondents place a mark on a line representing a criterion, indicating their rating.

Semantic Differential Scale

Respondents rate items on various attributes using a 7-point scale with bipolar terminal labels.

Stapel Scale

A simplified version of the semantic differential scale, where respondents rate attributes from -5 to +5, including zero.

Likert Scale

Measures agreement or disagreement with statements. Typically a 5, 7, or 9-point scale. Advantages: Ease of construction and completion. Disadvantages: Limited metric properties, potential for bias.

Thurstone Scale

Measures attitudes using agree-disagree statements of varying weights. Determines both the respondent’s feelings and the strength of those feelings. Allows multiple answers per question.

Types of Reports

Technical Report

Describes the process, progress, and results of the study at a technical or scientific level. Directed to the Market Research department. Uses technical terms without explanation.

Divulgative/Management Report

Aimed at decision-makers. Offers clear and simplified analysis, avoiding technical jargon. Uses graphs and diagrams for easy understanding.

Executive Summary Report

Brief, concise, and easy-to-understand. Includes study objectives, results, conclusions, and recommendations. Often 1-2 pages long.

Report Organization

  • Introduction and Background: Problem, objectives, initial conclusions.
  • Methodology: Design and procedures used for data collection and analysis.
  • Results: Findings clearly linked to research objectives.
  • Limitations: Sampling, technique inaccuracy, etc.
  • Conclusions: Main findings and their relation to objectives.

CRM – Customer Relationship Management

Manages all interactions with customers, including production, invoicing, marketing, and more. Aims to adapt to customer needs and build lasting relationships.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Management software for core business activities such as accounting, procurement, project management, and supply chain operations.

Market Intelligence Tools

Software that allows users to interact with and manage customer data, enabling analysis and control of customer-related functions.

Marketing Automation Solutions

  • Pardot: Identifies prospective customers with high conversion potential.
  • Marketo (Adobe): Manages inbound marketing methodologies, including PR campaigns, email marketing, and mobile campaigns.
  • HubSpot: AI-powered customer platform with software, integrations, and resources for marketing, sales, and customer service.