UK History: EU, Commonwealth, and Immigration
From EEC to EU
- 1957: Treaty of Rome (6 countries)
- 1961: Application for membership (De Gaulle / Pompidou)
- 1/01/1973: Official entry (with Ireland and Denmark)
- 1975: Referendum on continued membership: YES.
- 1992: Maastricht Treaty: new forms of co-operation; Changed name to European Union
Monetary union.
- British supports Treaty but not Euro
The Enlarged EU
Since 2007: 27 EU Members
From Empire to Commonwealth
- 17th century: Imperial expansion
- Economic, Political, Social, and Ideological reasons
- 19th Century: Movement towards decolonization.
- 1931: Creation of the Commonwealth of Nations (Statute of Westminster):
- Britain and the former colonies are “autonomous communities within the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any respect of their external domestic affairs, [though united by a common allegiance to the Crown]* and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations”.
* abolished in 1949
- Decolonization in Africa and West Indies: 1950s and 1960s
The Commonwealth
- The Commonwealth is an association of 53 sovereign independent states which has evolved from the former British Empire. [Fiji was suspended from membership on 1 September 2009]
- It comprises nearly 1/3 of the world’s countries and 30% of the world’s population.
- The head of the Commonwealth is the British monarch.
- The Queen is also Head of State in 16 of the 53 member countries
Imperialism has always meant immigration. There was an African community in London in the 18th century.
- After WWII
- 1950s -60s: From former colonies.
- Concentration areas: Greater London, Greater Manchester, Liverpool, etc…
- 2001 census: 4.6 million (7.9 % of U.K. population)
- Origin of Immigrants
- European countries
- Commonwealth countries
- 1948: British Nationality Act effectively encouraged immigration
- Time of residence
- Settlers
- Sojourners
Causes for Migration
Push Forces: Slavery (formerly), economic (self vs. community or family betterment), political, religious reasons (refugees).
Pull Forces: Economic prospects
- “Replacement Population” during the 1950s economic boom; globalized finance in London after the 1986 Big Bang.
Conditions Upon Arrival
- Language (also a class factor)
- Isolation (cf. new rates of intermarriage)
- Men’s versus women’s experience of the public sphere
- Cultural and religious clashes; overt racism (Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood speech, 1968)
- Multiculturalism as a policy (a failure according to PM David Cameron, 5.2.2011).
- The melting pot in the U.S. — the ideal of bringing immigrants into a common civic and political culture, common spaces (e.g. the public school) and identity; old identities are vestigial, tolerated but not encouraged
- Canada and Australia — explicit pluralism; hyphenated identity, newcomers encouraged to preserve their language and culture; participation in political and civic life, shared laws, but national identity left to osmosis;
Control of Immigrant Numbers
- 1962: 1st Commonwealth Immigrants Act (8,500 /year) + further restrictions
Protection of Immigrants’ Rights
- 1965: Race Relations Act
- 1976: Commission for Racial Equality (CRE)
Largest Groups of Immigrants
South Asians (Indians and Pakistanis)
Largest non-white group
1947 Indian Independence
- Creation of the State of Pakistan (Muslim) and India (Hindu).
- 1971: Creation of Bangladesh (Muslim)
- Push forces: religious and economic reasons.
Other Groups
- West Indians
- From Jamaica and Trinidad (Barbados, Guyana and Tobago).
- Push forces: economic.
1951 hurricane in Jamaica.
1952: McCarran Walter Act.
- Pull forces:
Economic boom 1950s: London Transport Company.
- Officially, 10 percent of the people resident in the Republic of Ireland were born outside the State.